Showing posts with label Mugshot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mugshot. Show all posts

Sunday 23 August 2020

Day 9324

Next Tuesday, all the blonde is coming off. I'm hoping if I cut it now by the time I'm 30 it will grow back to this length 🤞 Super short hair here I come! 

Good year? Bad year?

It's been a pretty hectic last couple of months. 
  • Middle of a pandemic.
  • Find out my father has cancer. 
  • My job contract ends and they legally can't renew it.
  • Start trying to find a job whilst working on Locomotion marketing in free time.
    (Dipping my toes in and learning about marketing was an amazing rabbit hole of a journey.)

    Two months later 
  • Locomotion comes out on switch! Sells 333 copies during launch week/pre-order <3
  • 40+ job applications later, three job offers along at the same time!  
  • Now working as QA with VR games! 
  • Dad had an operation,  cut out cancer, check-up says now it's all good!!!

  • For the new job I'm leaving the house at 5am and getting back at 8pm. 
  • Our lease was running out so we decided to move: closer to work and has a car parking space.
  • House falls through because I'm on a 0 hours contract and they don't accept a guarantor. 
  • Decided to renew where we are. 
  • Now working from home for the short term because of the pandemic. 
  • Next step is getting a car to help with that commute. 
  • Still have a few more Locomotion marketing posts to make. 
  • Then onto Isolated Incident and I suspect this time next year back onto Don't Trust Larry. 

    Currently typing from my new office. When we originally moved into this flat I envisioned it as each of the bedrooms being a study for my partner and I, then using the main room as a sort of studio. In the end, we had a bedroom and living room in the two bedrooms and used the main room as a large study/ VR space with a dining table tucked away.
    As we aren't moving we still decided to do a bit of a clear-out and change around.
    Long story short I'm excited to have my own space.  

This year really has been a rollercoaster news-wise, it definitely feels like a disaster movie is happening in slow motion each time I look at the news. But in reality, everything has been nothing more than a slight inconvenience for me personally, and I'm honestly so grateful for that. If anything being able to work from home has been a wonderful change of pace, and because I live with my partner and talk to most of my friends and family over the phone/online anyway it's been pretty much the same. 
Either way here's hoping 2020 settles down a bit over the next few months. 

Monday 29 January 2018

Day 8387

Previous note posts were created but then posted a couple of days later so my daily counter is a tad out. Figured I'd get it all running back on track with a general life update!

Good day? Bad day?
Pretty good! Almost completed signing up for animation mentor and the ducks are well underway! Packing is still happening but it's coming along. The major downside of today is feeling so completely and utterly socially drained, I went to games forum and it was an amazing few days of talking and learning but since I feel like that side of my brains stopped working. Tommorrow will be back to normal >:3  But for now today is a me day~

10/10 Awww yiss, I'm all physically good today >:3

Work vs Play
 - Work
1) Finished writing up notes
2) Packing continues!

 - Play
1) Playing post knight~ All of the phone games
2) Watching Underground, really good series

The thing of today:

Michael Doig

To do list:
1) Finish packing for the move
2) Finish concepts

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Day 8109

First pots of 2017! Let's kick it off with a selfie....
In reverse order for this year:

  •  Designed a phone case and have now set up a shop on redbubble Have also signed up to flash cc for £20 a month.
  • Also new phone! I ended up getting a One plus 3T as the S6 I got from CEX stopped connecting to my network, then the replacement I got from the same shop had a camera shake...When I tried to take it back I was told it was normal and wouldn't that all phones do this and she wouldn't replace it.
    Utter bs, took it to the nearest Samsung store and they said it's a hardware fault. Deary me, long story short nice people in a different CEX gave me a full refund and I'll never be buying from the Bishops Stortford store again.
  • Started learning to drive! Can change from first to second gear without having to look (most of the time) and can almost get it into reverse in one movement, keep getting it stuck though >.>.... Nice teacher as well so that's good, I trust him not to get us or anyone else killed more than I trust myself, hopefully that will change with time.
  • Have started learning languages! French, Polish and German (am pestering my Polish and German buddies with snap chats and getting feedback) I'm also picking up on the Japanese I learned a while back some really awesome apps out there. No good ones for sign language though, perhaps I'll watch some children's tv shows or something...
  • Had a clear out of all the clothes that don't fit me, I've gotten rather chubby. I've started the 30-day challenge, the plank can go fuck itself, quite frankly it's a hideous creation. Day 1 was 10 seconds and I thought that was bad.... I'm now on day 14 (26 days later....) and it's up to a minute T_T also went running with my partner... In 10 second bursts of hideousness that were kind of jogging and yeah...Sporadic movement is probably the best description :P
  • Haven't done the duck buildings....Haven't even finished the concepts for them :/ Soon.... I'm up to J. If non-existant people would like to see you can check them out here 
  • Stayed at gold in competitive on Overwatch for first 3 months, I've now uninstalled it. Still playing on my partners PC, and around his friends when we go there. Also, started playing the most adorable game called slime rancher! I've currently explored all the maps available and uninstalled that as well, I have been slightly more productive since deleting all the games, until the last 3 days where I've been playing a phone game called the trail, good fun time-consuming hibernation days.
  • Jumping back a bit to the start of the year Biranival 2017 was good fun :D We went to Vienna~ Costly but I got lots of lovely photos and actually got a photo album made. Koalas, butter, selfies and snuggles.  My partner also got me an awesome sauce Symmetra poster :D
  • TV show wise I've been powering through, generally I have them on in the background whilst working (great for the tedious parts) So I'm mostly up to date with the 100, walking dead, I'm also watching Outlander and bates motel. Also started Aot season 2 o3o pretty good so far. 

And that's pretty much me these last 4 months o.o 

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Day 7926


I got the job! Induction day is Thursday and then I will be starting soon after I think! Early mornings here I come :D

4am - 8am every day save Monday and Tuesday, which are days Isaac has off so we can do more game things then :)
I can go see my parents Sunday day and come back Monday/Tuesday
And for going round my boyfriends dads on Saturday day (We'd normally go round Friday night - Saturday)

So it works :D And I shall become a bat that sleeps at 8pm

Interview was lovely, I had a very nice cup of tea made for me which made me less nervous and talking to  the interveiwer was a really nice thing, she is a wonderful women and I'm glad I'm going to get to work with her. Now to meet all the other wonderful humans :D

My boyfriends mum also got me a wonderful congrats gift, she was going to give it for christmas but was all excited so she gave it to me now! It is a koala lunch box with my name on it o3o I am being so very very spoilt right now.


For some reason my internet keeps cutting out :< Ethernet cables have not worked since moving here and the wifi was working somewhat but now it just cuts out. I can disconnect and reconnect and it will last around 1 minute(sometimes longer but generaly not that long) , then I get a yellow warning sign that says, nope, no internet for you o..o Luckily most of the work is offline, blender and unity both working just fine. So it's just working out how to use them....And I can steal my boyfriends computer for a quick overwatch game >.>.....I still have not got any of the skins I would like, but oh well~


The game is coming along swimmingly, still trying to work out Blender, uv unwrapping and texturing.... Have yet to move on to rigging and weight painting  let alone animation....Though my refernce folder has grown substancially, all of a sudden I'm noticing a fair amount of ducks everywhere.


Wednesday 19 October 2016

Day 7920

Good day? Bad day?

It's been a while and I needed somewhere to collect my thoughts and make plans so I'm writing rather early in the morning. As such I predict today will be a good day, full of efficiency and productivity! (And a lucky one where I shall get the Junkrat Halloween skin.)

Health - 8/10 This past month has been like having repeat doses of freshers flu without the fun of freshers. I am sorry to all the people I will have unwittingly infected, but may your immune systems be the stronger for it, like mine hopefully is.  

Work vs Play

 - Work
- Play 

Thing of today: 

From the frog, princess! But wait there is more: a whole album of 2D animation 

To do list

1) Rubber duck model 2) Fix normal duck model 3) Bread basket model 4) Slice of bread model 5) Send off 360 video 6) Inktober animation 7) Inktober drawing 8) - 9) - 10) -

Quick catch up

Completed BFX. - insert link here soon so you can watch it's wonderful ness- 
360 video for charity Create Acting as the producer, semi director, lighting, compositer, some VFX, and HRness.
Good things - I learned a lot // First time doing lighting and thought it went okay // met some wonderful people // got to make a 360 video // because of the careers fair at BFX festival got to meet both Random 42, and Double Negative! There were also a couple other companies who were lovely and there was a VR advertising agency nearby also which was awesome to see. // I had a lot of fun, mostly at the start // Nice reason to meet up with Porstmouth humans who were wonderful and really helped me out // Found out I can work for 24 hours in one go (energy drinks are not a good idea at this point)    
Bad things - Group work with constant bickering and trying to single one person out was tedious to deal with // I did not produce well, I should have been a lot stricter from the get go and not taken BS from people, following up on deadlines and checking people are actually doing what they said they would not just doing their own thing and not talking with me. // Ran out of time for rendering so was trying to complete at home without VRAY and a bad internet connection (when it connected at all) // When 360 renders go wrong they are not easy to fix and dealing with 4k is incredibly tedious // Found out I can work for 24 hours in one go (energy drinks are not a good idea at this point) 
Made some awesome business cards! - Aren't they pretty o3o

Using munchkin as a design guide and banana print to print, a very good company would recommend. 

Now making a duck game with Isaac - It's a game where you feed ducks

We are using Blender and Unity, one thing Blender definitely has on Maya is the lack of crashing, it's a little unusual to navigate however and I am still getting used to moving around and picking up on the hotkeys and general ways of working but there are lots of tutorials so this is good.  

Applied for part time job at Sainsburys - Wish me luck! 
Interview on Friday, I have heard good things about the company and the times are early, early morning, which gives me the rest of the day (that I'm awake) to work on game projects and can help fund a VR course I have seen and am hoping to do (though is £1500 so I'm unsure I can take part right now) this is assuming I get the job -fingers crossed-  If it does fall through.... I have no plans right now, I don't think animation companies will accept me just yet, but by this time next month I hope to have an incredibly strong reel.
I am doing inktober - Or was and now I'm doing some animations

Kinda O.o, My plan was to do an animated reveal of the drawings  however that was taking a lot longer than expected, new plan! Is just get 10 done by end of October! You can see above the ones I've started, the animation is pretty simple, and inside the blue is where the drawing will be. 
Ring a ring a roses - My roses are dying/dead but I have a new rose so all is good
They aren't 100% dead yet.... But realistically what's left of them won't survive much longer. When I came back from BFX I found two of the pots sitting in a couple inches of water, so being drowned after being left outside and then catching the black spot  which they were only just recovering from. And then for my part I over fed them which created a horrible ammonia smell when they got watered too much and in general isn't good for the plants as they will flurry for a short time but then won't take in the nutrients that they need (found out after googling the smell).... I'm finding this surprisingly more upsetting that I would expect, I think it's because I kept the oldest alive for three years and I wasn't the best with them but they didn't die, but when left with people I trusted with plants and throught my own neglect, they ended up dying, not intentionally, but still... I currently have them sitting in rice to try and dry it up, as of yet it has not worked but we shall see ^^ ah well, at least roses are my biggest concern right now, could be a lot worse.   
- Mini update -  I have a new rose! A second ago one was just gifted to me as they thought it would make me happy and it is a white rose which is the perfect colour o.o and it is in full bloom and I will love it and look after it and all is well in the world of Rosie. 
Overwatch - Good game, I can mostly only play support well but it's fun.

Just as a note to self more than anything, I've gone from really liking to playing Symettera and Mercy, to Mei and Lucio, but also Genji, Junkrat and Zenyatta I really enjoy, Ana and D.Va are characters I'm trying to get the hang of also, Ana for her tea emotes and because it would be good to play at least one tank to an okay standard o.o  A good game, I'm not amazing at it but it's 


Sunday 3 July 2016

Day 7812

So what's happened... I'm at home again, Brexit, brother disowned me, my team got into BFX competition, graduated from university with a 2:1, my role players are still up on the moon, starting a games company with my partner, have also downloaded Grammarly, made an Imgur friend, started habit RPG again.


Well, as much as I like house Tetris and having a clear out, I have to say that after now moving for the 4th time it's gotten a little tedious.  The hardest part is fitting a houses worth of bits and bobs from my Portsmouth home into one room, needless to say, much has been sent to the charity shops. I am thinking about becoming somewhat of a minimalist, over the next two years I shall probably be moving twice (to my partners' parents for one year and then to our own place after, and then in the next 5 years possibly moving to Canada?) which means I have two years to sort through what I actually use and want, and what is just taking up space.


Now I was rather torn which way to vote in that I was rather apathetic. I think both political stances were hideous in the fear mongering and misconstruing of information, utterly disgusting that they are not being held accountable and that we as a nation have chosen these people to 'lead' us, but I honestly felt that it really wouldn't make that much of a difference either way. In the end, I voted in as it seemed the safest option and whilst I think the EU and the UK are both flawed the EU was the lesser of two evils and I trust them somewhat more than our government.

The fallout afterwards has been rather dramatic. Game of Thrones may indeed have finished but the drama from British politics the first week was rather entertaining - in the, I can't stop watching the horror show sort of way.

Brother dearest,

I signed the petition for the second referendum where 70% of the population would need to vote with a 60% majority. Feeling that 2% is too small a majority for such a large decision and that signing was a valid way of expressing this. My brother commented on the post say "The vote has been cast! Were out!! And good riddens to it!"   I then corrected riddens in a pm, I realise now I should have mentioned we're as well. Below is the wonderful conversation that took place.

Myself - riddance o.o
Him - Who gives a fuck!! Typical brainwashed student you turned out to be sis... Generations would be so proud of spineless little geeks that want to roll over and give up the country like yourself. . You think parts of Portsmouth were full of scum.. You wait till you meet the imported ones! Tataa!
Myself - Wow talking to your sis like that so cool  😊 geek wise didn't realise that being intelligent was a negative. And if you think immigration is going to change wake up 😂
Him - Tell you what little twat sis... About time you jogged on with your mum and fuckwit dad... I am awake to the world we live in..and I know immigration isn't going to stop like that.. You're the one about to get a rude awakening to the real world.. Have fun! Oh and get a job and sort your own fucking PlayStation out you two faced little shit.. Have a nice life
I would also like to add that if anyone else talked to me in such a way I would gladly cut them out off my life without a second thought, and whilst at the time I was upset and angry, after realising he had blocked both my mother and myself (with no word to her) I am no longer sad. In fact, I can now safely say I was more upset breaking up with my ex-boyfriend of a year, than considering not having any contact with this man who I called brother for 21. So as it stands I simply do not care, but as he is family if for whatever reason he apologises (which I honestly doubt he will) and wants to rebuild a bridge then I shall consider it, and if he ever does need my help (which again I doubt he ever will) then I shall at first try to do what I can. It's not that he means or meant nothing to me, of course, I will feel sad time to time, for the relationship that could have been, but I will not waste my emotions over such a person, my life does not revolve or even involve him and past this post I shall not mention him. 


Perhaps I should have written about my brother last as it's put me in a rather pissed off mood XD. Either way! I didn't get into the Framestore application BUT for BFX WE GOT IN! 
"WE ARE IN!!!!! Team spectrum is going to Bournemouth
:D Thank you guys for making this a success so far, hope it continues <3 !!!!!"

I put together the pitch video >.>....So many flaws I've noticed after. Firstly the animatic I put together is really confusing and just showing the storyboard with a voice over explaining would have been potentially a lot clearer. 4 of our audios are in Mono, not stereo D:, the audio for the voices is often not loud enough, and the white background boxes sometimes don't move with the video on top... Also, the pause for Scott should have been shorter....

I have emailed a couple of companies for help on 360 and M7 virtual replied! They were very helpful over the phone, though it was rather strange O.o Everything seemed to be going okay and the phone call just cut, I tried calling back but it was constantly engaged and they've since not replied to my email o.O But he tell me about which is a whole pdf on making 360 video! Super exciting ^.^

The BFX humans themselves have been super helpful and have really good ideas and are so professional! Which is really refreshing after Portsmouth and gives me hope for the industry. 

We arrive on the 10th and will be there for 7 weeks  I think miscommunication is going to be my biggest annoyance over the summer but it's going to be a lot of fun! And time-consuming XD

University of Portsmouth 

I have officially graduated with a 2:1. I now have approximately £40,000 of debt, and if I get a job at £25,000 a year I can pay it off in 23 years, as they only take 9% of what you earn over £21,000 though this is subject to change depending on if the debts are sold on. Yay. 

I wonder what I have to show for it.
I met my wonderful partner <3 lots of interesting people and some very good friends, I've had the opportunity to take part in societies and social groups I otherwise would not have met and even start my own society. Host a morning radio show with a friend, and go on to hosting my own roleplay group which has somewhat boosted both my interpersonal skills and also storytelling. I am now more confident in writing complaint letters (sadly, because of how the course was run in my second year). I have also had access to some very sophisticated equipment, resources such as digital tutors and their library that has quite a few good books, they had bookable lessons to learn programs one to one though mostly only for half an hour, life drawing lessons every Wednesday, and in the final year I finally sussed out which tutors give good feedback for me and which to avoid, so I have learnt a lot from them. And I even had a chance to partake in a game jam which even a novice like myself had a lot of fun on.
Teaching wise?
The first year I had 6 units: 4 I felt were good and introduced us well to animation I felt like I was actively learning when taking these and receiving useful feedback.
1 which was a slightly more advanced version of media studies and I think should be replaced with the theory we learn in the second year that is actively relevant. And then there is Narrative and Visual research that I give a half mark each, as similar to the media studies think these should have incorporated what was "Taught" in the second year and something more advanced and at a higher level of academic practice. 

For the second and the third year? 
Out of the 10 units that make up the years, I feel I was actively taught in 3 of them.
Cartoon, this unit didn't teach cartoon per se like we were expecting because of a new tutor on the course but instead was somewhere between cartoon and 2D advanced principles in 2nd year.
Production contexts which taught animation history and some animation theories which really should have been taught in the first year, also from the second year. 
And advanced visual effects in the third year were I was being taught how to use Houdini and Nuke and also the theory and practices around the effects we were learning. Very good unit, sadly the practicals were only for an hour which really wasn't enough time it should have been 2.

The rest of the units were either at what I consider an A level standard of thinking or had the attitude of "Here this is the brief get on with it and we will give you feedback" which wasn't what I came to university for I came to work smartly not trial and error which I can do at home and until later in the third year was not very helpful in general. Quite a few tutors really don't give helpful feedback, and I mainly put this down to them in part not listening and myself in part giving poor explanations.

I feel these last two years have largely been a waste of time. With inefficient teaching practices and a below university level that ultimately hasn't taught me skills for the workplace and I could have learnt more not wasting my time with the course but instead teaching myself at home. So I shall see how the next year goes, and if my motivation holds up to me learning without the pressure of deadlines.

In my opinion, the University of Portsmouth BA animation course has some very nice tutors, lots of professional resources and really does give you a lot of opportunities for self-study which I feel should take between 50-60% of your time on the course. But in regards to being actively taught, be they using programs or a higher level of thinking or directly relevant theories, Portsmouth is lacking. As from what I have experienced, the course is largely a waste of time and if you want to actually learn anything 90% will come from self-study. And the 10% you are taught is not worth £9000 a year. 

Saturday 21 May 2016

Day 7769

And I'm pretty much done with university. 

So, now it's just working on the BFX entry, waiting to hear or not hear from Framestore, game jam, and moving home. Also hoping to run a couple of sessions for chapter 2 of the dragon dynasty campaign.

I keep getting this really weird cold feeling,  I started getting it around April the 25th, and thought it was maybe because of stress? Though I am still feeling it. It's as if I've eaten a mint, and then drunk some water. Very weird. Another weird thing is when I had impending deadlines I had a normal sleeping pattern! And now they are over it's returned to being awake at random hours, I think I need to use my brain more in the day to actually be tired, but it does mean I can catch up on all the anime I've missed.

I think I'll be graduating university with a 2:1, the only way I won't be is if I fail and have to retake the last two units I've yet to get feedback on. Either way I'm considering myself done so I have bought no mans sky!!!!! I say I bought it... My mum and dad did as a congrats gift <3 <3 <3 o.o It is coming out in less than a month <3 And I will name everything koala!

My plan for the summer is to not make a to do list like I do normally but try learning and focussing on one thing each day/week, mostly to do with VR, traditional art, driving, games, coding etc. Will vary from day to day I guess. A really cool group I've found is daily spitpaint on Facebook, which is really fun. They have 4 briefs and you draw one for 30 mins, once the timer goes of that's it you stop. I'm using koalas as the main focus, it's so hard to do anything good in 30 minutes! There are lots of crazy good artists on there as well though which is pretty fun.

VR game wise I think we are going to try and get one out for Christmas, a second over the next 1-2 years and then a third after that maybe another 2-3 years, slowly learning more and more. So many ideas! Right now we have the three p's :D Poi, Puppets and Puzzles. Just trying to get them to work :L Isaac is doing a super awesome job, I think he is really enjoying messing around in unity and figuring out how to stop things going wrong.

Monday 11 April 2016

Day 7729

New list/plan
So my sleeping pattering is currently  5am - 1pm. I have found that whilst I can easily motivate myself to push through the tiredness and sleep a little later each day, waking up and just dealing with it has so far failed. I'm such a lazy human.

But yes, portfolio plans! - Will work on this until it is done then work on major/ other parts :)

CV - Pictures to add and variants to make. The pictures will be going inside the red boxes.

Business card - To test and print (There is an inside and a pocket that it goes in)

Inside front

Inside back

Pocket front

Pocket back (When slides over the koala it shows him dancing *3*)

Website - To do o...o YAY - Will probably use tumbler

Portfolio - Has been bought :) Now just to get the work done and print it!

It's so green o3o And I have a green pen and usbs. It shall stand out I hope, and I won't be able to loose it easily. 

Inside shall have 5 A3 projects, plan is to have the middle pages on acetate, so in example with TtR you would be able to see the front and back of the characters, against the background or just the backgrounds. It's going to be Landscape and at the bottom of each will be a color border (Different color per project) and within the color it will say what the project is and have icons of the programs used to make it.

8 Days to get this all finished and then another 1 1/2 for printing shenanigans.  I wonder if I will finish Dexter in that time?

1) Jelsa - Blue
- Storyboard and character sketches
- A// Final environment - Nuke and Houdini
- A// Environment with character and effects - Nuke, Maya, Houdini
- VFX breakdown - Houdini

2) Space 360 - Green
- Concept art - Photoshop
- A// Stars and planets - Blender
- A// Stars and other planets - Blender
- VFX breakdown - Blender

3) DD game - Red
- Environment and game sketches, showing reference and close ups
- A// Female Max + Grovlov  - Photoshop
- A// Male Max + Grovlov - Photoshop
- Environment modeling and texturing - Blender and Photoshop

4) TtR - Orange
- Storyboard and character sketches - Flash
- A// Timmy and scythe expression and poses - Flash
- A// Lylah expressions and poses - Flash
- Backgrounds - Flash and blender

5) Paper people - Purple
- Concept art
- Storyboard so far


Friday 11 March 2016

Day 7698

I have the curls!!!!! - And blue lashes and nails :D 

Done by my wonderful boyfriend (the curls that is)  - sorry for my manic look XD 

SO! All of the things :D  2 days till I am 7000! Mostly competitions and such but here we go!!!! Now I can have a little head space back ^.^

Competition 1 : Escape Studios - Virtual Reality Work Shadowing Experience - 10/03/16 - Entered and Closed

Squeeeee!!!! Okay so this I entered yesterday, you had a choice between writing 400 words or making a 3 minute video on "How could VR be used to tackle the biggest problems the world is facing?" And at first I was ridiculusly stuck on how to answer this, so I googled and looked at how other platforms are and thought how could I show global warming? Obvious answer show the future and how messed up the planet it, and I was thinking of including something along these lines:

(Can't find original image I saw but essentially this, a boat that's sinking waters coming in on one end and people are trying to get rid of it and then people on the dry part of the boat are in denial about the boat sinking) 

So the plan I was going to go for was to show the world ending and then place the user in the boat and make them choose which side they were going to go to. So how could it be used? By showing people the effects, and then after talking to some friends and with only 15 hours until the deadline it changed into educating humans! And that's what I went with for the entry. Now to wait and seeeeeee. Only 13 people entered, one was a double entry, and 3 didn't have their entry on their profile, which was a requirement of the competition and out of the other entrants I think 3 are pretty awesome and if they won it would be understandable. So I reckon I have a 1/4 chance... But this would be soooo coool O.O I may add a link to the entry I made in the near future :)

Taking place 9th-13th of May. 

Competition 2 : BFX - 02/06/16

Okay! BFX Every year Bournemouth University hold an animation competition for UK students. This year is CREATE and Refuge, now I'm going to be honest the scripts are pretty open, so there are a lot of different ways we can work on this. Ultimatly there will be 8 teams (4 for each charity) and you work on it over summer from 11th July - 26th August. There is normally around 30 entries to this which means ours just has to be more powerful than others, or we as people need to show more potential.  It's kinda hard coming up for ideas around these campaigns as they are very serious and we are trying to make things that will actually move people, and raise awareness and keep them watching - which I guess is the same for all video!

But yeah, you get to work with industry people if you get chosen and you make what you pitch and it looks insanely fun o3o I'm still not 100% sure what I want to do when I leave university but this would be an awesome start in the right direction, a lot of people also get jobs through this, so that is pretty awesome they also have a festival at the end and a man came to talk to us about it (I forgot his name D: ) and it seems like not only a really great opportunity to learn and have fun!   

Taking place 11th July - 26th August. 

Competition 3 :  - 14/05/16

You submit your best work and loads of people get to see it even if you don't win, but if you do then you can win licences for programs and a Wacom and a cintiq companion 2 and an awesome graphics card and stuff! So could submit final year projects? There are 9 categories and VFX & Animation is one of them! They also have Virtual Reality which I think my boyfriend is going to submit his audio piece into! It's such a fun idea! I posted in the group for animation about it and a friend of mine said I was being too nice and was just adding to the competition XD I guess that's true, but I mean, it's not that large of an industry so if humans I like win then that's cool :) And if I win that's even better. Thinking about doing either Paper people for this? OR doing Timmy the reaper :) I am undecided at present but definitely something exciting! 

Competition 4-6: Art station! - 23/05/16

  • 1 Entry per person per competition
  • Must show Works in Progress and in general interact with humans on their site. Yay for human contact! 
  • Composition and lighting are key judging criteria 
  • Must be High Res (3,000px wide minimum)
  • Showing........ "THE JOURNEY" 
  • Again, even if you don't win lots of people get to see your stuff! 
So they have 6 categories but I'm go for the 2D ones, they are:


Characters Tristan and Maya, and one has died or is wounded and they are trying to heal them, Grovlov is looming down with all the small spiders crawling down the pillars, he has a few arrows poking out of his face but is otherwise unharmed, the people are hidden against the fallen pillar the torch has fallen and caught some of the webs that are starting to go up in flames and casting a red glow to the otherwise dusty lit room. Chapter 8  you will also be able to see some of the story they went through to get to chapter 8 in the characters.  

2D ENVIRONMENT ART CHALLENGE "The scene will be the canvas on which the epic story unfolds drawing the viewer in. Successful entries will combine strong composition and lighting to deliver a compelling narrative."

Thinking of showing the world and then the void, so you see the city of wings in the forground, the mechanical city and glass train running below, the lava, oasis, mountain and then the void, with tendrils of river/mountains/forests all leading to the void and ultimatly showing the end goal.


Tristan and Maya being thrown from the top of the City of wings, and Maya is riding one of the fire birds, whilst Tristan is hanging precariously from it's claws, and they are heading to the Glass train, which has the sky pirates already on top ready to attack. So you get to see the birds, the train and the gliders!  

These be my plans :D  

Competition 7 - Lyrics video - 17/03/16 

Now this I probably won't enter.... But if I was going to it would be to show off all the things I've learned with VFX? So basically a 4 minute showreel of awesome effects! With the words on top.... Mix of AE and Houdini? Could be pretty awesome. Just a maybe ^.^   

Dissentergration/ Melting/ Music driven animation/ Fracturing/ Smoke particles/ Lava 

And if I don't enter at least I'll have listened to it enough to really like it :L I find it has a kinda.... Get working tone to it, but in a relaxing way.  

Internship! - Framestore have a VR Intern!!!!!!!  08/05/16

 Framestore internships are up! It closes May 8th and their are 9 different positions! It runs from 4th July-26th August which is the same times as the bfx festival. My plan at the moment is to enter both and go with BFX if we get in. I think if BFX was a solo thing then I'd go with the internship definitely, but as it's a team process I wouldn't want to let other humans down. Candidates
  • Excellent 2D skills and traditional art knowledge - Yes? Or at least pretty good, I've come a long way since last year so by the end of this year it will be even better! Knowledge history and technique wise.... Not so much. But that is what the internet and books are for! 
  • Strong knowledge of Photoshop and digital painting techniques - I can use Photoshop! And most programs I can adapt to pretty quickly :D 
  • Understanding of anatomy, design, colour theory, perspective, lighting and composition - Two core parts of first and second year, might need to freshen up on the theory so it's in the front of my mind and I can actually talk about it but it's something I think I have an understanding of. 
  • Work well in and communicate ideas within a team environment - Soooo communication is probably a big downside to me as a human :< If other people are having a conversation/debate after listening it's easy to pick up on what both people are saying and any miscommunication. When it comes to me? I think I'm okay at the listening side of things just not the talking and getting ideas across.... Not what anyone in this industry wants from an employee, but hey I was ill for 4 years it's to be expected my social skills are a little slow. I shall just have to work on it XD 
  • Be a self-motivated individual with a strong work ethic and a real passion for film and concept art - Yes :D I love these things <3 So much I don't want to specialize...Save VR, that I would love to work in! What area of VR? Well I don't really know~ But I'm sure it'll all be clear when I need money for bills and such.

    I have also just found a company called Headstrong-Games!?! They are making a game called Seeker o3o and and they have some really pretty other games <.< Then there is Hello games with their super awesome No mans sky to come out soon!!! >.>..... So many awesome places o3o 

Monday 29 February 2016

Day 7688

(Have moved my computer back into my room so I can focus on work more) 

Long time no post!

It's kinda hard to post when there are a lot of good things happening that out weigh the bad, so that's probably why this year has been obsolete so far. Quick update on what I can remember from the past two months.

Oculus - Or lack there of. 

Early January, boyfriend and I decided to go 50/50 on a second hand oculus from eBay, but when it arrived the scratches were a lot worse than shown in the image, there was also hair stuck in the glue from the foam, and one of the wires were frayed (annoying and misleading, but up to this point cosmetic) and then after my boyfriend actually tried it out, felt something was wrong with it and after removing the headset again found that the foam had been glued back down incorrectly.

Long story short we wanted a refund, the guy said there was nothing wrong with the product and we had buyers remorse, we went to eBay and they ruled in our favor, the guy hadn't had his address up to date or eBay messed up either way when returning the oculus it was sent to the wrong address, it is still at the depot, because the guy had no more money, and no oculus he threatened to take my partner to small claims court, my partners dad (very intelligent man) became involved in dealing with this guy, the man apparently got his money back, Isaac had already had a refund pretty early on and the oculus is still at the depot.

Migraines - Yay I still have them.... Though not as much, I guess...

So in January, and I think one in early February(may have been late Jan) I had a total of 3 migraines.... After previously having celebrated having only 4 the entirety of last year. Isn't that wonderful........ So that happened.

Biranival 2016 - Birthday/Anniversary/Valentines (KOALAS!!!!!) 

Birthday - I'm 21 now :D Had cake at all about tea, drank lots of tea, relaxed, watched anime, and tried to finish my partners anniversary present.... 

Anniversary - Gave him the drawing (still not finished....// though have now replaced it with a Jake scarf, and I have Ladies scarf :3) AND we flew up to EDINBURGH!!!!!! (His super awesome gift to me was to go to the zoo and see the koalas :D) I thanked him with a bath bomb o3o and it was dark blue and had lots of glitter so it looked like stars and was super lovely <3

Valentines - Went to the zoo, saw some awesome koalas, we went in the morning which was when they were most active :D and then when we came back at the end of they day they had not moved >.<, we saw deadpool pretty good film 4/10 for my personal rating and then 6.8/10 for recommending,  I'd have given it a 9 after just watching it but less than a month later it's no longer as impressive, not sure why, perhaps just not my genre of film, and my memories a little bad...... BUT I GOT TO SEE A KOALA!!!! 4 of them in fact o3o!!!!!

Role play - Finales, had to stop playing as I need to work! 

Dragon Dynasty - (this happened yesterday) The game I was GMing, like 12 sessions later everyone finished chapter 1, they finally worked together as a party and the last session was a lot of fun :)

They kinda half destroyed/saved the main city they were in, as they released this poisonous exploding plant that kinda just says fuck you to anything, then explodes and poisons everything (even itself) into the city. So as the water city started crumbling the plant was like EXPLODE!!!! They left the city to see it mostly crumbled, and an almost tree like structure there, with a poisonous gas filling the area. Players don't know this  but the only people to survive are the two gardening factions who were trying to deal with the plants and were suited up, everyone else is slowly dying and being eaten by the plants.

They then went up to the moon gods base, as they tried to save him, as an assassin started killing the moon god (ruler of the city) they've now got the god in a coma like vegetable state. Which is where the session ended with their ship being sucked up into the moon.

Underwater - I was playing as navigator, with a total of 4 koala fish collected over the sessions, no one else died, we essentially went to heaven, killed the god, the god absorbed into the captain and then the verni of this game put the metal god into a glass jar, and now we are setting the people the god controlled free (for potential future games) which is pretty good :) 


On a side note game wise ARK is pretty good with cheats, as you can force tame creatures :D and have all of the pets!!! May try playing online at some point in the future but not sure o.o possibly over summer. Though do not play it with the Oculus..... T_T It is horrible!

Finaly fantasty 14 was also pretty good for the trial period, again may get a subscription and play over summer, not sure... It's a little like Gw2, but I was more involved with the story in GW.... Also you can't swim in 14, which is kinda annoying...

No mans sky comes out in like 3 months!!!!!!! :D Squeee

Future - Current plans (Subject to change) 

Finish University with TtR planned out, Paper people planned out, Jelsa done, WTB done, Dragon dynasty planned out (game and comic), and SSK planned out. So essentially all of the prepro for these projects.

Then over summer focus mostly on TtR/Paper people finding voice actors, getting better at 3D animation and also playing games and learning to drive, and running chapter 2 of my roleplay game whilst in Portsmouth. And making an interactive coloring music video

September - November looking for an animation job/internship/placement etc. Hopefully as a runner, or getting to work at a small company. Also working on the comics and the game.

November-January: if I have not found an animation job by January I will start looking for a part time job, possibly cleaning? As that was kinda fun and I have the most experience in it.  And working on the Game for real, will also open up a patreon for the comics, and release one page a week alternating from week to week as to which comic, not expecting to make anything from that per say but it could help with getting a savings account going/buying things that suddenly go wrong and need fixing. 
September-October: The game should be "finished" - Also have a space at an expo table, selling comic and game posters and raising awareness a little. 
November- January: be out for testing/refining.

Then in around 3 years from now to go back to university and do a masters in VR, looking at misdirection in relation to reality/magicians and the techniques in VR?

So to make that possible I'd probably need around £700 a month?  Rent being <£350, food being <£100, Bills being <£50. Unsure about council tax though..... That could lead to a fair amount. Either way.  £6.70 is minimum wage for someone over 21, which means I'd need a part time Job that's around 105+ hours a month. Now in a month there are 730 hours, making it 700 and half the time I dedicate to sleeping for simplicity sake so  350 awake/working, if I then spent 150 hours working at a part time job (£1140 a month, which would leave a fair amount for savings), that leaves me with 200 hours a month to work on the comics and the game, and depending on how much I sleep also gives me time for housework/games/socializing (probably in that order) - Travel costs, if running a car? or getting coach? or if cycling it should be okay.

So.... That's the plan. Time to start with getting all the work done!  

Friday 18 December 2015

Day 7614

And the hair be shorter, courtesy of my wonderful grandparents and the lovely people at Rush Camberley <3 


2 weeks to do all of the things!!! 

- Twine game
- Dissertation 
- You are what you eat 
- Greg Holden
- Grovlov/characters/scene drawings 

Lots to do!!! :D It shall be goood :3 wish me luck ^3^

Friday 23 October 2015

Day 7558

I do not feel well. I think I screwed myself over with lack of sleep.... Or eating properly... And I am a wuss o.o TT_TT

Even work, Odds Play (No more than two of either in a row)

  1. Create worlds 
    Compare levels or environments from two different 3rd-person games
    Answer questions and take screen shots 
  2. Create worlds 
    Character turnaround
    Character sketches
    Character clothes 
  3. Course employment 
    Website FX animation 
  4. Course employment 
    Business card 
  5. Major Project
    You are what you eat animatic
  6. Major Project
    Paper people storyboard/animatic 
  7. VFX
    3Ds Max digital tutors (45 hours)
  8. VFXNuke digital tutors (32 hours) 
  9. Written 
    YouTube videos 
  10. Written 
    Narrative games books/Essays (Peter Howell)  

  1. WTBTriangles everywhere! 
  2. Dragon dynasty Chapter plan 
  3. SeekerChapter plan 
  4. Disney faces
  5. Game City of Wings design 
  6. Game City's against myths 
  7. Jelsa 
    Model Elsa, Model Jack
  8. Inktober 
  9. TtR
    Character design 
  10. TtR 

Odds (10)

Everyone genned there characters yesterday :) Which was nice. And I absolutely failed to cook last night as well... 

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Day 7535

The waves are still in o3o 

The amount of chocolate I've been eating I am going to have so many spots... 

  1. Create worlds  - Disturbance - Water ripples 
    Compare levels or environments from two different 3rd-person games
    Answer questions and take screen shots 
  2. Course employment 
    Gather all work so far onto hardrive for use next week.
    Effects tutorials
    Website, CV, Business cards
  3. Major Project
    Paul - 3 images represent lighting - visually dramatise story ideas
    Paul - Storyboard with strong narrative thoughtsStoryboard you are what you eat
  4. VFX
    3Ds Max digital tutors (45 hours)
    Nuke digital tutors (32 hours) 
  5. WTB
    Triangles everywhere! 
  6. Dragon dynasty 
    Chapter plan 
  7. Seeker
    Chapter plan 
  8. Disney faces
  9. Game City's against myths 
  10. Jelsa 
    Model Elsa
    Model Jack

(5) Two useful things learnt, hold ctrl while scrubbing to hear audio, and when making a mask the up down key to change the amount of points in the mask. And when the error for needing two frames comes up to do a Ram preview, it's because I've run out of space and need to purge... Or it's a great place to stop :) 
(9) Several more places done :3 

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Day 7534

~Squeeeee!!!! Just found out that the uni gives us access to this awesome model set that I can totally use for Jelsa <3

Also used 3Ds max and it seems pretty good :3 we populated a little city street and added idle areas and made them interact and stuff, which is pretty damn cool. Wondering if I can use something like that in the background of paper people? It's a pretty cool lecture set up with one lesson tutorial and then one lesson theory a week. So, so far so good!

I feel kinda fully functioning at the moment, the room is clean, the dishes are done, the washing is.... Well that's built up a bit but yeah. And I'm doing the work in my free time :3 Though now I have the cintiq I am coming back home more instead of being at uni... So that's probably not so good as there won't be things I can pick up from other people quite so much.

Ah I just ordered a 32gb usb o.o I should probably get a part time job... Then I could upgrade my computer faster <.<...... We shall see~

List :> always the lists >.>... This is a mundane blog, what's more mundane than lists? Well I suppose it depends on the content of the list and considereing the fast paced, bites of information culture we are moving into I guess lists aren't really that mundane..... O.o Maybe?

Ah o.o I have stolen too much of Lecturers time twice today.... I shall be careful not to next week I think.
  1. Create worlds  - Disturbance - Water ripples 
    Compare levels or environments from two different 3rd-person gamesAnswer questions and take screen shots 
  2. Course employment 
    Gather all work so far onto hardrive for use next week. Website, and CV also.
    Look into business cards and other websites as reference 
  3. Major Project
    Paul - 3 images represent lighting - visually dramatise story ideas
    Paul - Storyboard with strong narrative thoughts
    Watch storyboard video
    Storyboard you are what you eat
  4. VFX
    3Ds Max digital tutors (45 hours)
    Nuke digital tutors (32 hours) 
  5. Written  (11) 
    Choose question
    Reading list of relevant content 
  6. WTB
    Triangles everywhere! 
  7. Dragon dynasty 
    Chapter plan 
  8. Seeker
    Chapter plan 
  9. Disney faces
  10. Game City's against myths 
  11. Jelsa 
    Model Elsa
    Model Jack
(5) List made and YouTube playlist. How narrative will change with the rise of VR and the effect on the consumer.
(8) Some chapter plan 

(3) Two drawing done

Monday 28 September 2015

Day 7533

Fringe is back, as you can see....
So at first with uni it seemed I would have a 9am everyday save Thursdays,  it seems I have a two week timetable and this is not actually the case. Needlless to say that 9am is not when I will be up, but I think up at 10 and then work at 11, at least whilst the work allows it is a good plan~ If I fall terribly behind in the next month this could be the reason~ 

Tadaaaa my beautiful cinitq <3 
I'm with windows 7 and a multi wallpaper duel screen set up isn't available. And for some reason the image always starts on the right screen and continues onto the left no matter the set up I put them in on the computer... So wood it has become. That colour difference though.... The room now have potentially 3 high pitch buzzing noises. Isaacs speakers, the cintiq screen, and Terri's charger only when they are in standby does it really become noticeable though.

Good day? Bad day?
Awww looking back at older posts I see that images have been removed of my face :< I'm sure I have them backed up somewhere though~ Today is going to be a good day~ A day of tea drinking and mass exodus of work that should be looked at :>  Rewatched attack on titan with Isaac last night, it was interesting to notice some of the things I missed before, very clever.
Health - 7..... I'm okay, but seem to have caught the cold that's been going round... Yay for freshers and all of the humans and their bugs or I have a blood disease and will die in the near future, in which case love to all the humans, you guys are specail! <3  

Work vs Play 
- Work
- Play 

Thing of today: Yet to be found XD 

To do list: Basically the same as yesterdays post 
  1. Create worlds  - Disturbance - Water ripples 
    Compare levels or environments from two different 3rd-person gamesAnswer questions and take screen shots 
  2. Course employment 
    Gather all work so far onto hardrive for use next week. Website, and CV also.
    Look into business cards and other websites as reference 
  3. Major Project
    Paul - 3 images represent lighting - visually dramatise story ideas
    Watch storyboard video
    Storyboard you are what you eat
  4. VFX
    3Ds Max digital tutors (45 hours)
    Nuke digital tutors (32 hours) 
  5. Written 
    Choose question
    Reading list of relevant content 
  6. WTB
    Triangles everywhere! 
  7. Dragon dynasty 
    Chapter plan 
  8. Seeker
    Chapter plan 
  9. Grandma drawing 11.  
  10. Disney faces
  11. Game City's against myths 
  12. Jelsa 
    Model Elsa
    Model Jack 

(4) Nuke - So it needs quick time and an email set up with the license and has taken 30 minutes to download. But I can at least watch the tutorials.... Ah man, that feeling of things going wrong and having no idea why~ But also the knowledge it's probably a very quick thing if you have any more experience... 
(2) cv looked at and effects for website 
(4) Started digital tutors overview of the interface lessons and actually downloaded it.... 
(8) two more chapters done
(9) done :> 
(1) Looked at ori and found resources, need to write up notes and extract words from forum