Friday 11 March 2016

Day 7698

I have the curls!!!!! - And blue lashes and nails :D 

Done by my wonderful boyfriend (the curls that is)  - sorry for my manic look XD 

SO! All of the things :D  2 days till I am 7000! Mostly competitions and such but here we go!!!! Now I can have a little head space back ^.^

Competition 1 : Escape Studios - Virtual Reality Work Shadowing Experience - 10/03/16 - Entered and Closed

Squeeeee!!!! Okay so this I entered yesterday, you had a choice between writing 400 words or making a 3 minute video on "How could VR be used to tackle the biggest problems the world is facing?" And at first I was ridiculusly stuck on how to answer this, so I googled and looked at how other platforms are and thought how could I show global warming? Obvious answer show the future and how messed up the planet it, and I was thinking of including something along these lines:

(Can't find original image I saw but essentially this, a boat that's sinking waters coming in on one end and people are trying to get rid of it and then people on the dry part of the boat are in denial about the boat sinking) 

So the plan I was going to go for was to show the world ending and then place the user in the boat and make them choose which side they were going to go to. So how could it be used? By showing people the effects, and then after talking to some friends and with only 15 hours until the deadline it changed into educating humans! And that's what I went with for the entry. Now to wait and seeeeeee. Only 13 people entered, one was a double entry, and 3 didn't have their entry on their profile, which was a requirement of the competition and out of the other entrants I think 3 are pretty awesome and if they won it would be understandable. So I reckon I have a 1/4 chance... But this would be soooo coool O.O I may add a link to the entry I made in the near future :)

Taking place 9th-13th of May. 

Competition 2 : BFX - 02/06/16

Okay! BFX Every year Bournemouth University hold an animation competition for UK students. This year is CREATE and Refuge, now I'm going to be honest the scripts are pretty open, so there are a lot of different ways we can work on this. Ultimatly there will be 8 teams (4 for each charity) and you work on it over summer from 11th July - 26th August. There is normally around 30 entries to this which means ours just has to be more powerful than others, or we as people need to show more potential.  It's kinda hard coming up for ideas around these campaigns as they are very serious and we are trying to make things that will actually move people, and raise awareness and keep them watching - which I guess is the same for all video!

But yeah, you get to work with industry people if you get chosen and you make what you pitch and it looks insanely fun o3o I'm still not 100% sure what I want to do when I leave university but this would be an awesome start in the right direction, a lot of people also get jobs through this, so that is pretty awesome they also have a festival at the end and a man came to talk to us about it (I forgot his name D: ) and it seems like not only a really great opportunity to learn and have fun!   

Taking place 11th July - 26th August. 

Competition 3 :  - 14/05/16

You submit your best work and loads of people get to see it even if you don't win, but if you do then you can win licences for programs and a Wacom and a cintiq companion 2 and an awesome graphics card and stuff! So could submit final year projects? There are 9 categories and VFX & Animation is one of them! They also have Virtual Reality which I think my boyfriend is going to submit his audio piece into! It's such a fun idea! I posted in the group for animation about it and a friend of mine said I was being too nice and was just adding to the competition XD I guess that's true, but I mean, it's not that large of an industry so if humans I like win then that's cool :) And if I win that's even better. Thinking about doing either Paper people for this? OR doing Timmy the reaper :) I am undecided at present but definitely something exciting! 

Competition 4-6: Art station! - 23/05/16

  • 1 Entry per person per competition
  • Must show Works in Progress and in general interact with humans on their site. Yay for human contact! 
  • Composition and lighting are key judging criteria 
  • Must be High Res (3,000px wide minimum)
  • Showing........ "THE JOURNEY" 
  • Again, even if you don't win lots of people get to see your stuff! 
So they have 6 categories but I'm go for the 2D ones, they are:


Characters Tristan and Maya, and one has died or is wounded and they are trying to heal them, Grovlov is looming down with all the small spiders crawling down the pillars, he has a few arrows poking out of his face but is otherwise unharmed, the people are hidden against the fallen pillar the torch has fallen and caught some of the webs that are starting to go up in flames and casting a red glow to the otherwise dusty lit room. Chapter 8  you will also be able to see some of the story they went through to get to chapter 8 in the characters.  

2D ENVIRONMENT ART CHALLENGE "The scene will be the canvas on which the epic story unfolds drawing the viewer in. Successful entries will combine strong composition and lighting to deliver a compelling narrative."

Thinking of showing the world and then the void, so you see the city of wings in the forground, the mechanical city and glass train running below, the lava, oasis, mountain and then the void, with tendrils of river/mountains/forests all leading to the void and ultimatly showing the end goal.


Tristan and Maya being thrown from the top of the City of wings, and Maya is riding one of the fire birds, whilst Tristan is hanging precariously from it's claws, and they are heading to the Glass train, which has the sky pirates already on top ready to attack. So you get to see the birds, the train and the gliders!  

These be my plans :D  

Competition 7 - Lyrics video - 17/03/16 

Now this I probably won't enter.... But if I was going to it would be to show off all the things I've learned with VFX? So basically a 4 minute showreel of awesome effects! With the words on top.... Mix of AE and Houdini? Could be pretty awesome. Just a maybe ^.^   

Dissentergration/ Melting/ Music driven animation/ Fracturing/ Smoke particles/ Lava 

And if I don't enter at least I'll have listened to it enough to really like it :L I find it has a kinda.... Get working tone to it, but in a relaxing way.  

Internship! - Framestore have a VR Intern!!!!!!!  08/05/16

 Framestore internships are up! It closes May 8th and their are 9 different positions! It runs from 4th July-26th August which is the same times as the bfx festival. My plan at the moment is to enter both and go with BFX if we get in. I think if BFX was a solo thing then I'd go with the internship definitely, but as it's a team process I wouldn't want to let other humans down. Candidates
  • Excellent 2D skills and traditional art knowledge - Yes? Or at least pretty good, I've come a long way since last year so by the end of this year it will be even better! Knowledge history and technique wise.... Not so much. But that is what the internet and books are for! 
  • Strong knowledge of Photoshop and digital painting techniques - I can use Photoshop! And most programs I can adapt to pretty quickly :D 
  • Understanding of anatomy, design, colour theory, perspective, lighting and composition - Two core parts of first and second year, might need to freshen up on the theory so it's in the front of my mind and I can actually talk about it but it's something I think I have an understanding of. 
  • Work well in and communicate ideas within a team environment - Soooo communication is probably a big downside to me as a human :< If other people are having a conversation/debate after listening it's easy to pick up on what both people are saying and any miscommunication. When it comes to me? I think I'm okay at the listening side of things just not the talking and getting ideas across.... Not what anyone in this industry wants from an employee, but hey I was ill for 4 years it's to be expected my social skills are a little slow. I shall just have to work on it XD 
  • Be a self-motivated individual with a strong work ethic and a real passion for film and concept art - Yes :D I love these things <3 So much I don't want to specialize...Save VR, that I would love to work in! What area of VR? Well I don't really know~ But I'm sure it'll all be clear when I need money for bills and such.

    I have also just found a company called Headstrong-Games!?! They are making a game called Seeker o3o and and they have some really pretty other games <.< Then there is Hello games with their super awesome No mans sky to come out soon!!! >.>..... So many awesome places o3o 

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