Showing posts with label World domination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World domination. Show all posts

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Day 7087

If I ruled the world...

  • I would get rid of money.
  • Every human would have a certain amount of things given to them as standard, the very basics to live, it may not be entirely comfortable but you would be able to live healthily. This would include electricity, food, heating, water, a basic clothing allowance, medicine,  etc.
  • Each person would have there own ID card that would store the token style allowances. Childrens cards would still have some things they could get but would until the age 13 be under their parents/carers usage for most things. 
  • When working you could earn extra tokens, this would essentially be your pay.  Even if not in a professional career so to speak, by volunteering or helping in the community you would also earn these tokens. 
  • If you were doing a job that lots of other people were doing your token unlocking would be lower than one of someone who was doing a job that only a few people were doing. 
  • A bit like a game, the more you worked/progressed/difficulty of what you did the more exp you would unlock, which could be spent on tokens that would have either varied worth.

  • I would create age zones.
  • Young children through to 18 year olds would not be able to travel freely. They could apply for permits to move in adult areas and would then be able to move in the 18+ zones for an amount of time. 
  • They could also move through zones accompanied by a guardian
  • Each zone would be fitted to the age group in design and the products available. 
  • You would not be allowed to have a child unless you had 6 adults who were financially stable/ drug/offence free of 2 years/ and mentally capable of bringing up a child (this would be deduced by going on a course of how to raise children once passed you would be deemed capable) 
  • I say 6 adults, instead of  2 parents, 4 grandparents because some single people may also want children on their parents may be dead or whatever.
  • You would also have to save up a certain amount to have a child - adopted children would be the same amount.
  • 1 or 2 of the adults would have custody of the child and would be the main parental figures.
  • For pets you would need 2 adults per pet.
  • You would have to save up a certain amount for a pet - useful/adopted animals would be cheaper

  • Everyone would have a home
  • All things the home was made of and all items made in this world would be able to be either reused or recycled. Things that's only purpose was to be thrown away would be severely decreased if not eradicated entirely. 
  • Homes would have solar panels and where possible natural power would be generated 

  • Competitions
  • For many things from gardens, to creative skills, to working, to helping others, to best bowler there would be weekly/monthly/yearly competitions to increase goodwill/good work, token prizes would be allocated to the winners based on what they had won. 
  • You  could win 4 weeklys a year, if you won a weekly you could be entered into a monthly you could be entered int 2 monthlys a year, if you won a monthly you could be entered into a yearly, but you could only be entered for one yearly. Giving others a chance.
  • Meat tokens would be harder to obtain and not be in the basic package
  • Farming would be encouraged in massive garden plots where people lived
  • Each area would have a small farm in the garden plot. Chickens, a cow, some pigs? 
  • Animals that were being killed/used for humans would have a standard of care similar to humans but obviously tailored to the creatures. 
  • Exported and imported food would also be harder to obtain
  • As a youth you would go through 2 years from the age 16 - 18 and try 24 different jobs. These may be completely unrelated to what you want to go into when you are old but would teach basic life skills and hopefully help younger people understand what it's like to work in different walks of life. 
  • i.e Cleaning, customer service, working on a farm, looking after children, bin/recycling work, construction worker, working in a different country, etc.
  • When working you would the same week as we have now 5 days working then saturday sunday off but you can work at different points etc. However you would also get a day off let's say Wednesday in this example, on this day you would get a higher version of the basic tokens and this day would be to explore hobbies and work on things that they wanted to.