Showing posts with label Tea party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tea party. Show all posts

Thursday 18 September 2014

Day 7158

15th Monday - Baking 
- Times 11 for Lilly, Tom, Angie, Lewis(1.30)
- Ice bucket challenge, Small for Lilly, Medium for Lewis, Large for Tom
- Quidditch will be coming round to bake as they don't have a certificate
- Lewis originally was going to collect camera but now Aneta will be coming round for 2 to photograph us all
- Angie sticker design and print finished
- Finish handing out to coffee shops
- Creating posters for freshers fair
- Starting pawn swords for Human chess
- Tom to have done risk assessment, sent to me in pdf and then once I okay to Jemma

17th/18th Wednesday/Thursday - Freshers fair 
- Box/Jar for theme suggestions
- Freshers fair main points, tea bagging and 50 shades of tea

19th Friday - International freshers fair baking 
- Times 11 for Angie, Lilly, Tom, Lewis(1ish)

20th Saturday - International fun day 
- Box/Jar for theme suggestions
- Email asking Nick about cream
- Combining Macmillan and international, if poster still has space using at human chess also

23rd Tuesday - Collect cake 

24th Wednesday - Big move in 11:00
-  Lilly and Angie setting up

24th Wednesday - Human chess
- Box/Jar for theme suggestions
- Choose 3 event themes from jar and post them on facebook for vote. Ends after 1 week.
- October 2 new positions. Media officer and health and safety/baking officer. Announced.
- Pawns - Mini shield either circle or diamond, and minecraft style short sword.
- King - Black game of thrones style chair/Black sword, White Zeus style chair/Thunderbolt
- Queen - Angie dapper black with tiara and hat, Jack white with dress and flowers
- Knights - White knights white wings and unicorn horses, Lances (plan to find smaller tubes), Black knights horse heads, black wings and lance
-  Bishops - Lightsabers + dressing gown (Need to find two light dressing gowns and 1 dark) #
- Rook - Box with slit for eyes
- When your piece is taken you get a cupcake
- By taking part you are in to win a grand prizes
- Combining Macmillan and international, if poster still has space using at human chess also
- To contact local newspaper about Human chess - Lilly

00th - Unknown  - Training 
- Training in September everyone should attend

1st Wednesday - Competition ends for Membership joining 

1st Wednesday - Activities council 

8th Wednesday - SSAFA 
- SSFA date changed to Wednesday 8th October - Either outside library, or in union
- Ask sports societies who are going away if they want to take part on this day

22nd Wednesday - Competition ends for Tea-shirt design 

29th - To be decided 
- Box/Jar for theme suggestions
- Choose 3 event themes from jar and post them on facebook for vote. Ends after 1 week.
- October 2 new positions. Media officer and health and safety/baking officer. Voted on.

30th - Student council 

00th Unknown - Budget review 
- October Rosie and Lewis do a budget review

26th Wednesday - To be decided 

04th Thursday - Union Annual members meeting
- Bring as many people as possible (free wine and foods)

00th Unknown -  Visit cambridge 

00th Unknown - Christmas quiz 
- Start opening about next year submission for committee, make humans aware
- "The weakest tea" Christmas quiz £5  mince pies and non alcoholic mulled wine

- As a society we will be doing Lost + Jailbreak  (we are going to edinborough to see koalas)

- Potentially spending A account money on storage facilities
- Training for president next level health and safety -A Account
- October Rosie and Lewis do a budget review

Things I didn't know where to put. 
- To add vegetarian and vegan options in events
- Angie to ask about green week and one world week
- Angie to help think of ways to keep the society greener
- Attend societies Executive meeting - Tom when is the next one after 24th?
- Everyone start thinking about hand over tips for next committee now so it's not a massive rush (will push more after christmas)
- Ask Ford to join or another course rep
- Targe donate £400 (£444((£450)))
- Mario organising VIP - clean beach
- Local community - Cake sell, cake stall at a fair
- Alex to join, Stephen pie, Gareth,Mario,Grant .
- May have to change day if it keeps clashing with activities council. First Wednesday of every month?

Day 7158

We made 1000 boxes, they are 2 A5 sheets folded together,  and they went by 1 on Wednesday. 15 hours of box folding and packing.... T_T On Thursday we had around 120 goody bags instead all contained sweets, tea, a 10% discount, bhf bag/leaflet and a little note about human chess o.o 

Made lots of cookie monsters and some extra cupcakes on Wednesday, they all went so Rachel and Phil my awesome flat mates helped make so more today for today. They pretty much all went, we did it if you sign up to out newsletter you got a cake, we got around 150 each day, the trick was free tea then when they come over to get water we say "So are you interested in joining" if not is cool but if so then show them the newsletter o.o

We also did some photos which Aneta was amazing at and took and they are awesomes and everyone helped out a lot o.o Isaac especially.... I would have been much more stressed if he hadn't helped out o.o 

Monday 25 August 2014

Day 7135

British tea party

Drinks - Covered

Hot chocolate
Mini marshmallows
Squirty cream


Scones 10 for 50p x 10 = £5
Clotted cream
Strawberry jam = £0.29
Biscuits - Shortbread, ginger, cookies
Cupcakes  x 5 = £1.20
One big cake


Bread  - 2 for £1, so 4 loaves of bread = £2
Butter - Covered

Salmon + Cucumber + Cream cheese x 2 = £2.50 = £0.49 = £0.88

Bacon + Tomato + Brie = £0.75 = £0.86 = £1.00

Chicken + Mayo + Sweet corn = £3.00
covered = £0.35

Cheese + Chutney = £1.50 = £0.98


Sunday 24 August 2014

Day 7134

My hair is long enough to do the braid in my fringe without lots of flicky bits o3o 

Look at this snazzy box for tea o3o and only £3. Volunteering is such a good idea :3 

TADAAAA o.o I did brick today o.o Kate was super impressed so she asked Tyler to take photos, so now I have photos :3... XD was doing it from 10 - 4ish aha.  

Also today some things happened, firsly I was walking to work and there was this man who was a bit grumpy and I smiled at him and he smiled back :3 so that made me happy. He had a very nice smile ^.^

A bit weirder was some guy asked me if I knew any dating sites O.o or had any friends that needed a boyfriend o.o ... Yeah.

And thanks to Imgur just found this dude. So gonna see if I can shade like them and see how it goes :3 but yeah o.o Is all good ^-^

Saturday 23 August 2014

Day 7133

UP Tea Party Society Do you enjoy tea and cakes? New to Portsmouth? Or just want to meet some new people? Come to the Tea Party Society, where anyone can join to have a tea break and socialize wit new friends. Once a month, UPTPS holds a theme event with unlimited tea, coffee, hot chocolate (with little marshmellows) along with cakes, biscuits and savory for just £2 per event. You can also bring your own cakes where you don't have to pay £2 entry, but if you are thinking about making the cake yourself you need to do a health and hygiene test which is free to do. Join our Facebook group and you can vote for the next theme, which is where the money goes to, so each event will be bigger and better than the last. We also meet up with other societies so you get to meet different people and get a better experience together. On April we had merged with the Gaming and Lego Societies and for the future we have plans to visit Sponsored cafes that do interesting teas, a trip to Cambridge, plus non-tea related activities (Pub, Bowling, Cinema). We will also be having a 'design a Tea-Shirt' competition by creating a logo for the society. The Atmosphere is always lively and it is fun to hang out, listen to music,make new friends, talk to people and try a different variety of teas and lots of cakes and snacks. If you are interested and want to take part, do join us. Annual membership is just £3. Find our facebook group 'University of Portsmouth Tea Party Society' and follow us on Twitter '@UP_TeaParty'. Keep your eyes out for the next party event. We look forward to meeting you. UPTPS-Spreading the love of tea. It's Koala Tea. ^ Lily's version 

University of Portsmouth Tea Party Society - Of the cake and tea variety not the political.
Do you enjoy tea and cake? New to Portsmouth? Or just want to meet some new people? Come to the Tea Party Society, where anyone can join to have a tea break and socialize with new and old friends.

Once a month,at the Eldon cafe on a Wednesday afternoon, UPTPS holds a themed event with unlimited tea, coffee, hot chocolate (with little marshmallows) along with cakes, biscuits and savory foods for just £2 per event. Join our Facebook group and you can vote for the next theme, which is where the money goes, so each event will be bigger and better than the last.  You can also bring your own cakes meaning you don't have to pay the £2 entry. Though If you are thinking about making the cake yourself, make sure you do a health and hygiene test which is free and easy to do, just chat to us and we'll set you up. 

We also meet up with other societies so you get to meet different people and get a better experience together. We've already merged with the Gaming, Lego, Sci fi and Tedx. For the future we have plans to not only continue joining other societies but to visit Sponsored cafes that do interesting teas, a trip to meet with Cambridge tea party society, plus some non-tea related activities as well! (Pub, Bowling, Cinema). We're also super excited to announce that Tea party society are holding a “Design a Tea-shirt” Contest! We've got TONS of amazing events and ideas for the coming year and we're giving you a chance for one of your designs to be a part of it!
The Atmosphere is always lively and it is fun to hang out, listen to music,make new friends, talk to people and try a different variety of teas and lots of cakes and snacks. If you are interested and want to take part, do join us. Annual membership is just £3. Find our facebook group 'University of Portsmouth Tea Party Society' and follow us on Twitter '@UP_TeaParty'. Keep your eyes out for the next party event. We look forward to meeting you.
UPTPS-Spreading the love of tea. It's Koala Tea. ^ My... Adapted? Version. Galleon letter time!

Thursday 14 August 2014

Day 7123

Sponsorship Letter Draft - Tea party society 
Dear Mr./ Miss./ Mrs. ___Enter name of owner/manager__ If not found then the company itself

Portsmouth Tea Party Society - of the cake and tea variety not the political.
Once a month we meet in Eldon cafe on a Wednesday afternoon.
Where we host a variety of events alongside different varieties of tea and cake! ( Hot chocolate and coffee are also provided)  Each event we hold has a different theme that is voted for on our facebook group by the members.

We are a newly founded but motivated group with just under 100 people in our facebook group and a regular attendance of 30 people who are mostly second and third year students. This being prior to freshers fair which is happening in early September where we hope to get even more members. I am therefore writing to you with regards to an exciting opportunity to be a part of our society through sponsorship.

We are looking to raise funds for better more durable equipment, packaging to help stop breakages, decorations for each event, consumables, prizes and to spend on further promotion. As such we would be grateful for donations to help us realise our goal of being a fully kitted out society.

In return we have a variety of ways in which we can promote you in our society

- Loyalty cards for our members. On each card will be 6 icons of a cup of tea, if they visit your cafe we ask that you tick of the card for us. Once the member has completed the card they can bring it to us and start a new one. Each month we will put all the cards into a pot and one member will win an assortment of goodies.   
- We can promote your logo on our facebook, twitter, at the bottom of our posters for each event, at the bottom of our society newsletter, and on the back of our menus for special events such as freshers fair.
- We can put a link to your website in the description of our Promotional YouTube video and your logo at the end of the actual video itself. (Still to be made)  
- We can try out things for you at our events.
- We can put your details on our facebook group with a link directly to your website, alongside our recommendations.- We can visit your shop as a society social.
- And you could attend any of the tea parties hosted at the university for free.

If you would like to be part of this exciting opportunity please get in touch with me via our email address :

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely
Roseanna Warr, President of UPTPS

Friday 4 July 2014

Day 7082

My face... Nothing new really

Just came across this blog when I was looking for the chess tea party ideas and it's got some cute things on, like the above pictures. And it's still active so o.o There you go.

Saturday 7 June 2014

Day 7055

Wow o.o okay so o.o someone commented on the blog o.o.... That was.... o.o.... There's humans out there!

Quick update...
  • Computers broken so have taken it to the repair people. 
  • Work is going pretty well, though my legs are covered in bruises... I'm not even sure how I got them
  • Animation is on hold, once work settles down I'll start it up again
  • Who new... You can add a tag to all your posts..... There is no undo button.... T_T
  • "like this status" is up to 60 people... o.o I hope they aren't expecting anything soon
  • I cycled on the road! And didn't get run over and it wasn't scary! And I'm alive...So that's good o.o 
  • I lied... It's not quick
  • I've met more of my flat mates :D o.o they all like tea o.o all of them o.o

Hold a contest – Offer to automatically enter your customers into a contest when they make a purchase. You could also offer your product as the price for one being held by other small businesses. Either way, make sure that the contest revolves around you and your product.

  • Design the T-shirt - send out to all CT get all artsy people involved!
  • Collect 6 drink stamps and be in for the chance of a termly prize

Give something away for free – Hand out samples of your product, promotional products branded with your logo, or other gifts at a key location. This lets people experience what you have to offer first-hand at a key location.

  • Tea. We shall give people free tea..... The nicer tea..... Perhaps not loose leaf o.o....

Frequent shopper cards – Offer customers a discount or free product after they’ve made a specific number of purchases.

  • For all tea shops, when students visit they can have a stamp printed on
Give discounts to targeted groups – This could be a specific club or association, or simply a group of people who have attended a specific event.

  • I don't have any ideas..... To Facebook o.o

Offer a group or referral discount – These are the sort of discounts that get people talking. Encourage customers to share a deal with others, and they’ll do the promotional work for you.

  • o.o Again to Facebook....

Free trial – Offer a free trial of your product so that potential buyers can become more acquainted with it.
  • After freshers fair the first event will be "free" but recommended donation for going to charity

Business card coupon – Print the back of your business card so that it doubles as a coupon. This will encourage people you meet to purchase from you as well.
  • Step one, make business cards.... Use them at freshers....
Signs, banners and posters – Keep paper materials that promote sales, offers and promotions close at hand, and use them when opportunities present themselves. Place them in public places or get permission to display them in private businesses where people gather.

  • Posters everywhere! Ask the tea shops that want to work with us....
E-mail blasts- Create an eye-catching e-mail newsletter that piques people’s curiosity and encourages them to subscribe.

  • Use mailchimp or something and then send a monthly newsletter

Sidewalk chalk – Write a creative marketing message in places where people are likely to see it. Sidewalk chalk is especially popular on college campuses.

  • I like this plan o.o.....
Newspaper or magazine ad – Take out ad space in a periodical to appeal to a specialized audience.
Create a website - Even brick-and-mortar businesses can benefit from a professional website with a memorable URL.
  • That beautiful student newspaper should be put to use....

Viral video – A funny or impressive Youtube video can rapidly attract a huge audience.
  • Okay we get a koala... Some tea o.o..... And make a koala-tea video >3>''
Video testimonials – Ask appreciative customers to tell their story on camera and incorporate these testimonials into your TV or Youtube campaign.

  • Or you know just a brief hi this is what we do come drink tea o.o
Jingle - Compose a catchy tune that’s sure to get stuck in people’s heads. Include it in your radio, TV, or Youtube advertising.
  • This can be done.....
Social networking – Maintain a presence on Facebook, Twitter, or other internet social networks. Only join the ones that you’ll have time to keep up with periodically.
  • Got this....
T-shirts – Create custom t-shirt with your company logo printed on them. Give them to your staff to wear, and they’ll passively promote your company everywhere they go.
  • Come September this will happen.....
Give back to the community- Volunteering or donating ensures that hundreds if not thousands of people will hear about your business. You can volunteer as part of a non-profit organization or offer your product or service to an event or fundraiser.
  • This would be fun...Donating will be happening any way but maybe holding a tea party for a retirement home? 
Attend trade shows – Trade shows and other events are a great place to meet potential prospects. After you receive a business card from someone, write any important details about them on the back as a reminder and reference point. Then follow up with that person later with a personalized message.

  • We could have a tea party stall O.O that would be so cool :3
Flash mob- This is a fun promotional stunt that people love. Organize volunteers to do a dance or other activity in a popular area at a specific time. Consider having someone videotape it and then upload it to Youtube.
  • Angies idea of having a brief tea party on a round about......Could do them all over Portsmouth XD
Go green – Make your products or services eco-friendly. Advertise your environmentally safe practices, and people will respect you more for it.
  • o.o Trying to do this anyway but advertising it will be good as well I guess o.o 

- See more at:

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Sunday 16 March 2014

Day 6972

Okay so... Tea party has had a bit of a hiccup :< 

So I started with a phone call and then mailed Denise
Hello again :) 
Okay so, the plan. Once a month on a Wednesday afternoon from 5pm-8pm ( though 7pm works as well if you need it to be earlier ) I would like to hold tea party meet ups in the Eldon cafe.
Each meet up shall have a different theme, these are this years ideas.
- Alice in wonderland - March 26th
- Gaming - April 23rd
- Space ( Though this will be held off campus ) - May 21st
- Human chess - Sept 24th
- Halloween - Oct 29th
- Murder mystery - Dec 24th

We will be able to provide our own kettles and coffee machines which would ideally be set up kinda near the entrance opposite the cafe though I'm unsure about plug socket availability and am open to suggestions or if this is isn't allowed another way to make the tea :) ( and other drinks for people who don't like tea....)
Food wise it will vary from theme to theme but as a rule there will be a mix of home made and bought food. Anyone making home made food will be supervised by or have taken the food exam at the union. We are planning on booking the computer for a day and getting everyone to do it in the next week or so. Bought food will probably be bought from a wholesalers/Local shops. Am also interested in contacting local cafes and seeing if they would want to sponsor us with food though I doubt this will happen before September if at all.
General set ups for each one would be, table cloths, a tier of sandwiches, scones, cakes, in a center piece
Apologies for contacting you so late I wasn't sure who to ask until recently....Sorry about this.
Thank you for your time if you need to know anything else feel free to email me or call me on - insert my number here ;) -
Thank you~

The response

Dear Rosie

Having spoken to my line manager we are unable to support this event and offer the Café as a venue
You would also need to seek permission from the Head of Catering should you wish to bring any food items in that have not been provided or made on site.
Many thanks

:< But why???? So I asked o.o

Can I ask as to the reason why you are unable to please? 
Thank you
Alternatively would I be able to contact your manager directly please? 

>.> Was nots happy you can see the shortness <.<..... Kinda mean >.> :<

And she replied
Yes of course his name is Nick Leach

That x at the end makes her seem super nice <.<........ V.V felt kinda bad.........

SO it continues with Mr Leach o.o and I said this

Following up on the response from Denise about using Eldon cafe I would like to ask you directly as to why we are unable to use the cafe space, once a month, on a Wednesday evening, between the hours of 5-7/8 for the Tea party society.
Additionally, I would also like to ask permission for bringing in food and drink that will be neither provided by nor made on site. It will be shop bought or made by students who have taken the health and safety cooking test at the union.

Many thanks

To which he said

Hi Rosie
Although your idea sounds very interesting it is not some thing I wish to agree to happening in catering coffee shops. We have a duty of care to both Students and Staff to provided a save and legal operated catering service. To operate any event in a catering area which may be perceived as being catering and were we have no control over the food and drink that is being offered is against all our policy's and procedures.
On your point of a Union safety cooking test, this is unknown to me.

o.o Is such a valid reason :< But the space is so awesomes o.o So talking to Tom and Isaac o.o we came up with dund udn duuuuuuuuuuuun

Hello again~
Although I understand that you and your staff have a duty of care to both students and staff, I do believe there can be a mutually satisfying solution.
The Union health and safety cooking test is mandatory, if you want to bring food into the university such as, for a cake sale etc. Either the cook has to have taken this test or be supervised by someone that has.... As of Monday I will ask Jemma and hopefully be able to reply with some more detailed information.  If the Union safety cooking test is not to a high enough standard, is there a course that I and committee members can attend to ensure that the expected standards are met? Or are there any particular certificates that we could obtain to satisfy the duty of care required?
If these options aren't available, would having an overseer at the start of each meeting, to look at the food and drink provided and make sure its all up to standard, be a possibility?
On another note could I please have a copy of your Policies forwarded to me or directions for how to find them? As I can currently only find the sustainable food policies online.
I would also like to know, what are the perimeters of the catering area in Eldon?
Ideally the tea party society would like to use the table and chair area once a month in Eldon because of the piano, easy access, and the outside right on the doorstep, and also the capacity to hold so many people. Additionally I would like to make it clear that the catering area itself is not necessary to the running of this society.  
Thank you for your time
Rosie :)   

Yup o.o I added the smiley face to try and make it a little nicer >.>.... Feel like I'm just badgering them <.<.... ALSO just to point out that I CAN write without emotes .o.o.... If I really want to... But look how serious it is o.o......

SO o.o hopefully its all going to work out okay >.>...... We shall see o.o or we shall find another place :<

Final update....I sent another email explaining what I knew about the test

Good afternoon~

After talking to Jemma I have found out that it is called "Food Hygeine: the basics"

The link below will take you to the providers of the tests FAQ section, where it does say "you can be sure your staff are adequately trained in the very latest in safe food and drink preparation." 
The test itself starts by going through a presentation and then there will be questions at the end. The test covers 6 chapters1) Know your enemy2) A clean kitchen needs you3) You need a clean kitchen4) Storage5) Chilling, freezing and cooking6) To protect and serve 
I hope this helps explain things and look forward to your reply Rosie ^.^

To which he replied..... Pretty quickly to

 Dear Rosie 

I have already explained my reasons and that is my final word. Your enclosed information does not hold any legal standings as its not endorsed by the Institute of Public Heath and Hygiene. It would not stand up in a court of law as food hygiene training should the University be sued by someone who feel ill following the consumption of food provided on site.

I have already explained my reasons and that is my final word. Your enclosed information does not hold any legal standings as its not endorsed by the Institute of Public Heath and Hygiene. It would not stand up in a court of law as food hygiene training should the University be sued by someone who feel ill following the consumption of food provided on site.

..... So that's where it's stood for the past few days.....

-1/07/14 Update-
We can use eldon cafe!!!! :D Lewis chatted to him on the phone, we started emailing again, met in person, and arranged everything :D
He's actually a genuinely nice guy o.o He explained that as soon as we started selling it instead of giving it away, it becomes a sort of contract, like if you were to buy something from the shops, you would have certain expectations. And because we ourselves weren't sueable it would go to the university. 
No cream, no nuts, no alcohol . Clean up when we are done. Pat test the urn. 
Also he's the one that set up the slow food society o3o how cool is that? Yes non existent people, it is very. 

Sunday 2 March 2014

Day 6958

Another group wants to collaborate :D!!!!!! 

So lego and gaming
and now slow food :D

Hi Roseanna, 
I'm Leanne, president of Slow Food on Campus. I was at the Activities Council when you got ratified, and love the idea. I know how difficult it is to start a group (I was one of the founding members of SFOC and it's not as easy as it seems haha!). Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to do a joint tea party event with Slow Food on Campus, it works well for us and we can probably raise interest in your society too which I know helps when you're just starting up :)
Let me know,

To which I replieeeeeeeeeeeed

Hi Leanne nice to meet you :D
I've just been stalking your facebook pages to find out a bit more about what you guys do - it looks awesome o3o Though the cake part of the tea party stuff may clash a little with what you're trying to promote. Health wise.... >.>''
But yes, in short I would love to. Are there any sort of themes that you feel would work in your interest?

Perhaps a cake making thing followed by a variety of tea tastings....
Or a challenge on a market day and groups have to find different foods and buy them and then come back and have a fruit fondue o3o
Or we go somewhere and pick fruit and make jam and eat it with scones o3o
Or perhaps a farmers market style tea party, with different cheese and meats and fruits and you can try them and it says where they came from, how much they are, where to get them from etc.....
Or a comparison between shop bought cakes and homemade ones....Shop scones.. Home made ones....
Or a cupcake icing event
o.o...............I'm just rambling now with half made ideas....

What sort of thing do you have in mind? Like, what could you offer us and what do you think we could offer you?
I look forward to hearing back from you and I apologise if this is email was a little confusing, but I've found this idea very exciting :)
Thank you

So much excitement o3o  .... Gosh I hope I haven't scared her away...

Hi Rosie,
Love the fact that you're sp excited by the idea. We are about healthy food but also the plain fact of making something from scratch. Pick your favourite of your ideas and we'll work something nice out. 
Itll probably be in April as ti.e is running short. U think we can get you members and its gives our current members something different to do so they get the most out of the society. Its also nice timing with the new committee we should have by then:) 
Let me know,

Friday 28 February 2014

Day 6956

>.> totally not 2pm and I'm still in PJs <.<.....>.>''' Haha... <.<;;;;; ha.

Things to ask for

Okay so o.o In light of the tea party society now under way I'm asking you guys if you have any spare/unwanted/ want to donate to good cause things? The more things mix and match the better as Alice and wonderland is the first theme so o.o It works really well if you only hand like >.> one cup you didn't want.....

Tea cups
Tea pots
Tea strainers

Coffee machine
Cake forks/teaspoons
Table cloths
Material ( bed sheets )

Unwanted tea /coffee >.>.....
Vases would also be good o.o

And o.o even if you don't have any would you be able to ask parents or family or friends or yes <.<......

Saturday 4 January 2014

Day 6901

Photo of today
Why can't my hair be like that naturally :o but more tidy... but still very flicky <3 
I'll need to brush this out soon....  Dear near future me "good luck!"

Alice and wonderland will be the first tea party I think.

On the 13th of march I will be o.o 6969
Now I just need... to get the stuff... and a venu o.o

Plans to have
  • Cards hanging from the ceiling 
  • Eat me drink me signs
  • Roses painted red
  • This way that way sign
  • Rosie's very merry unbirthday invites 
  • Pocket watches on the table - other clocks as well stopped at "tea time"
  • Clock plates
  • differnt colour tablecloths
  • lanterns hanging from the ceiling 
  • Upside down cups with plates in between to put food on 
  • some blue bubbles/ in a pipe 
  • Sugar mouse inside a teapot/toy mouse
  • cute napkins 
  • card cushions 
  • umbrella mushrooms 

    • Take me - jar of sweets // upside down jars with a cupcake inside
    • Tea // coffee // hot chocolate // iced tea
    • Sugar cubes 
    • macaroon tower
    • rainbow cake
    • Jam heart tarts
    • Salmon and cucumber // Cheddar pickle // Ham brie and apple // BLT 

    • Pin the tail on the cheshire cat/smile 
    • Flamingo croquet 
    • jabberwocky pinata this has....pretty much everything XD why couldn't i have found it sooner :L

    Tuesday 24 December 2013

    Day 6890

    Tea  19.49 = 1610bags,cos_6.11,cos_6.11.2/100096
    (Min purchase of 2)

    Tea random flavours 19.49 =bags,cos_11.11,cos_11.11.3/142737

    Coffee - No idea they all look aweful o..o

    Hot chocolate 20.00 = 6 x 270,cos_6.3,cos_6.3.5/158138

    ( Hot chocolate stirring sticks cheaper to make )

    Milk 4.49 = 6L,cos_11.11,cos_11.11.3/80900
    ( min purchase of 4.....)

    Sugar (cubes) 2.59 = 500g

    Oh god o.o Why so much expense O.O?


    Tea spoons
    Cake forks

    O.O I don't know.

    Table cloths
    Picnic rugs
    Mat for the floor... Or find a non carpet room :/



    Monday 23 December 2013

    Day 6889

    Tea party society, to possibly make in second year.

    Am playing with the idea at least.

    So, I'm thinking bi weekly meet ups with different themes o.o Not sure how much joining should be? £9.99? 12.22? £17.50 ?.... Think o.o For non members if they wanted to come it should be £5 and you get a cake and unlimited tea/coffee/hot chocolate?  Perhaps o.o not sure about the logistics... .

    All different types of teas and hot chocolates o.o

    £5 seems to much :/.... OR £5 but then half price if you fit the theme :o? Or perhaps different prices depending on different events o.o I think some will cost more than others o.o

    First time free.
    £11.11   £11 For the year - members can eat free ( miner problem of this wroking out to 70p)
    Extra something depending on the week - Member Discounts

    £10 Joining fee per year
     £5 for non members on the door, £2.50 for members

    Money from members goes into two bank accounts

    A) - at least £3  from each member this is the core account
    B) - The rest goes in here, consumables can be bought with this money but not A
    Goal : 30 Members

    Times 4-6 pm, Wednesdays. Large Room Near anime o.o

    Around 30 weeks in a uni year o.o So..... 15 themes?

    Ideas im not to sure on but will just put here for further thought - Wallis and gromit // Maid/butler cafe // Casino // Valentines // Singles // British // halloween // disney // vampire/ninja/zombie // Super hero // Library // baby photos // nativity //

    Could give out little fliers with the date, theme, discount on - that are set in a style of an old style menu <3 and mini cup cakes :3

    It would be called o.o The Koala-tea society o.o and it would have a mascot of a koala in a cup of tea o.o

    £300 - £20 per session


    Theme: Alice in wonderland mad hatter
    Discount: all where a different hat ( If you wear a hat you get a £1 discount?//extra cake )
    Setting: cute tea sets, random chairs, playing cards, eat me drink me card things, white roses painted red in the center(food dye),
    Activity: Card games, Croquet
    Food:  clock cookies, sugar mice, sandwiches ( stacked on upside down mugs with plates) Jam tarts


    Theme: Space
    Discount: Secret hand sign
    Setting: Fairy lights around the table, star maps on the ceiling, star balloons/planet balloons(or christmas baubles) , all cups/plates/etc silvery and glittery, marbles in jars,
    Activity: Stargazing
    Food: Rocket fruit skewers - fondu, star cupcakes, Marshmallows ( to be roasted on a fire ) Star shaped sugar cubes, milky way/mars/galaxy chocolate


    Theme: Chess
    Discount: Wear only black and white
    Setting: All black and white
    Activity: Large chess/chess games available// Human chess
    Food: Black and white food?


    Theme: Doodle.
    Discount: Drawing of your fave cake
    Setting: Paper tablecloths, Jars of crayons and pens,
    Activity: Create your own mug
    Food: Cookies in shapes, with sugar paper drawings of the actual item on top of it. "drawn food" >.>, Cupcakes with different colour icing on an artist pallet with a paintbrush in the middle.


    Theme: Japan
    Discount: Say your favorite food in Japanese
    Setting: Chopsticks, cute napkins with origami sheets on the tables, fans, cherry blossom vases, Maybe a mini godzilla somewhere, pillows and maybe mats if can find some cheap where everyone sits on the floor, the grudge in the ceiling >.>
    Activity:  Martial art society // Sumo wrestling?
    Food: Green tea, mochi, koala sweets >.> onigiri basically get some japanese food in aha. Sushi sweets some foods like this


    Theme: Treasure hunt
    Discount: Be a pirate (Eye patch, pirate hat, hook)
    Setting: Palm trees, red X, treasure chest center pieces filled with yellow flowers/monopoly money, black balloons with skull and cross bones on and red balloons, pirate flags, a parrot,  curtains on a pole to look like a ship, Parrot pinata
    Activity: Guests are given a sealed treasure map and have to find the treasure o.o
    Food: Rum and raisin ice cream, gold chocolate coins, sandwiches with flags, boat sandwiches with cocktail sticks and cheese sails


    Theme: Where wally?
    Discount: Photo of yourself/ someones face
    Setting: Lots of pictures of celebrities everywhere!
    Activity: Find Wally
    Food: Things with "?" on.


    Theme: Circus
    Discount: Bring a mask
    Setting: Red and white streamers from the sky,  pots of bubbles on the table, lots of different coloured balloons,
    Activity : Invite circus to it and they could teach people / do a performance o.o
    Food: Popcorn in little popcorn bags, cotton candy, hot dogs, jar of peanuts next to a toy elephant, big lolipops


    Theme: Beach
    Discount: Leis
    Setting: Little fans in a jar of sand, pretty shells, ocean music, sweets served in newspaper wrapped things , tags tied on with rope
    Activity: Volley ball/Table pong/limbo
    Food: Giant lollipops, rock, watermelon, chips and dips


    Theme: Super hero
    Discount: Super hero o.o.... Best one wins a kryptonite cookie
    Setting: Lots of action signs (pow,crash etc) chairs could have little capes, comic strips on walls
    Activity: Super hero quiz
    Food: finger foods


    Theme: Ancient Greece
    Discount: Wear a toga
    Setting: White and gold tableware, Chalk board written in greek style, China pots black stencils on them,
    Activity: olympics
    - paperplane throwing and making o.o
    - discus paper plates
    - Javelin straws
    - shot put ( foil ball )
    Do not like idea#
    Activity: Backgammon and chess, What god am I? - Gods on the pack of people and they aren't allowed to ask who they are out right but ask questions instead,
    Food: sweet salad, greek yogurt( in cocktail glasses ),Berries, honey, honey comb sweets, Greek coffee tasters?


    Theme : Animal
    Discount : Where an animal outfit ( onesies)
    Setting: Plush animals picnic in the corner , animals stuck to the bottom of cups, as the drink is drunk the animal is revealed , origami animal napkins,
    Activity : Face painting/pinata
    Food: Food with animals on, Koala/Panda choc treats, Pom bears, etc.


    Theme : Heaven / Hell (october)
    Discount : Angel (white) / Devil (red) dress up
    Setting: White/gold vs Black/red theme
    Activity: Pumpkin carving ( teams of 3 )
    Food: Spicy sweets for hell, plain biscuits, Marshmallows for heaven White chocolate fondue,


    Theme: Murder mystery/cludo
    Discount: Magnifying glass
    Setting: Tables are sectioned into different colours for different rooms in the house, tape on the floor to section it all off o.o different areas have different foods, foot prints,

    • Hallway
    • Kitchen - kitchen utensils, cooking equipment, playdo, Plastic knife/card knife in a red liquid >.>  - half prepared fruit  ( raw ingredients) 
    • Study - Pens and paper, lamp, finger prints on the paper, rope - mints,// brain food - bananas, blueberries, strawberries, nuts 
    • Ballroom - Masks, Music playing thing, outline in tape leadpipe - sweet canapes on silver trays 
    • Library - have old style books on the table,cut out book with gun inside     -  No food or drink in the library sign 
    • Lounge - magazines, tv controller, games console, pillows, magazine on tips and tricks poison - Crisps, muffins, mini donuts 
    • Conservatory
    • Dining Room - knife and fork, place mats, candle stick. -  Cake + slices 
    • Billard Room
    Activity: Have Drama students dress up and walk round and can answer questions o.o
    Food: ( See each room )


    Theme: Video Games
    Discount: bring some form of ticket
    Activity: Bring in a Wii or something
    Food: Looked on here for a fair few of the ideas. More ideas from here A-Z of sweets :3

    I need to take a basic hygiene exam with the union

    JUST ASKED A FRIEND O.O he said yes o.o  Now I have another person giving me ideas :3

    president/secretary/treasurer/social sec/open position

    President : Rosey Apples
    Vice president: Tom Thumb drops

    Sunday 3 November 2013

    Day 6839

    Expo planning 

    - test water, find local places to try out

    - Guest book :3
    - cash box
    - business cards
    - sweets
    - table cloths o.o
    -price labels
    - stock list

    - pens
    - pillows
    - bags
    - a5 random one off drawings
    - a4
    - post card
    - stickers/badges
    - drawing portraits
    - comic
    - posters o.o
    - Desk calendar ( any left I can give them as presents :3 )

     - Timmy, DD, OCs,

    Human chess planning 

    36 tiles

    - Crown
    - Cape
    - gloves
    - costume jewelry
    - big sword
    - white rose/red rose

    ( pawns that make it to the other side - queen mask )

    -  Chair/throne
    - Crown
    - darth vader mask
    - fake mustache
    - chalice necklace
    - ball + scepter

    - box/lego painted
    - flag

    - Lightsaber
    - pointy hat
    - scarf of colour

    - horse heads
    - swords
    - shield?
    - metal shoes

    - white bandana
    - small sword
    - rose
    - shield

    hmmm o.o