Monday 23 December 2013

Day 6889

Tea party society, to possibly make in second year.

Am playing with the idea at least.

So, I'm thinking bi weekly meet ups with different themes o.o Not sure how much joining should be? £9.99? 12.22? £17.50 ?.... Think o.o For non members if they wanted to come it should be £5 and you get a cake and unlimited tea/coffee/hot chocolate?  Perhaps o.o not sure about the logistics... .

All different types of teas and hot chocolates o.o

£5 seems to much :/.... OR £5 but then half price if you fit the theme :o? Or perhaps different prices depending on different events o.o I think some will cost more than others o.o

First time free.
£11.11   £11 For the year - members can eat free ( miner problem of this wroking out to 70p)
Extra something depending on the week - Member Discounts

£10 Joining fee per year
 £5 for non members on the door, £2.50 for members

Money from members goes into two bank accounts

A) - at least £3  from each member this is the core account
B) - The rest goes in here, consumables can be bought with this money but not A
Goal : 30 Members

Times 4-6 pm, Wednesdays. Large Room Near anime o.o

Around 30 weeks in a uni year o.o So..... 15 themes?

Ideas im not to sure on but will just put here for further thought - Wallis and gromit // Maid/butler cafe // Casino // Valentines // Singles // British // halloween // disney // vampire/ninja/zombie // Super hero // Library // baby photos // nativity //

Could give out little fliers with the date, theme, discount on - that are set in a style of an old style menu <3 and mini cup cakes :3

It would be called o.o The Koala-tea society o.o and it would have a mascot of a koala in a cup of tea o.o

£300 - £20 per session


Theme: Alice in wonderland mad hatter
Discount: all where a different hat ( If you wear a hat you get a £1 discount?//extra cake )
Setting: cute tea sets, random chairs, playing cards, eat me drink me card things, white roses painted red in the center(food dye),
Activity: Card games, Croquet
Food:  clock cookies, sugar mice, sandwiches ( stacked on upside down mugs with plates) Jam tarts


Theme: Space
Discount: Secret hand sign
Setting: Fairy lights around the table, star maps on the ceiling, star balloons/planet balloons(or christmas baubles) , all cups/plates/etc silvery and glittery, marbles in jars,
Activity: Stargazing
Food: Rocket fruit skewers - fondu, star cupcakes, Marshmallows ( to be roasted on a fire ) Star shaped sugar cubes, milky way/mars/galaxy chocolate


Theme: Chess
Discount: Wear only black and white
Setting: All black and white
Activity: Large chess/chess games available// Human chess
Food: Black and white food?


Theme: Doodle.
Discount: Drawing of your fave cake
Setting: Paper tablecloths, Jars of crayons and pens,
Activity: Create your own mug
Food: Cookies in shapes, with sugar paper drawings of the actual item on top of it. "drawn food" >.>, Cupcakes with different colour icing on an artist pallet with a paintbrush in the middle.


Theme: Japan
Discount: Say your favorite food in Japanese
Setting: Chopsticks, cute napkins with origami sheets on the tables, fans, cherry blossom vases, Maybe a mini godzilla somewhere, pillows and maybe mats if can find some cheap where everyone sits on the floor, the grudge in the ceiling >.>
Activity:  Martial art society // Sumo wrestling?
Food: Green tea, mochi, koala sweets >.> onigiri basically get some japanese food in aha. Sushi sweets some foods like this


Theme: Treasure hunt
Discount: Be a pirate (Eye patch, pirate hat, hook)
Setting: Palm trees, red X, treasure chest center pieces filled with yellow flowers/monopoly money, black balloons with skull and cross bones on and red balloons, pirate flags, a parrot,  curtains on a pole to look like a ship, Parrot pinata
Activity: Guests are given a sealed treasure map and have to find the treasure o.o
Food: Rum and raisin ice cream, gold chocolate coins, sandwiches with flags, boat sandwiches with cocktail sticks and cheese sails


Theme: Where wally?
Discount: Photo of yourself/ someones face
Setting: Lots of pictures of celebrities everywhere!
Activity: Find Wally
Food: Things with "?" on.


Theme: Circus
Discount: Bring a mask
Setting: Red and white streamers from the sky,  pots of bubbles on the table, lots of different coloured balloons,
Activity : Invite circus to it and they could teach people / do a performance o.o
Food: Popcorn in little popcorn bags, cotton candy, hot dogs, jar of peanuts next to a toy elephant, big lolipops


Theme: Beach
Discount: Leis
Setting: Little fans in a jar of sand, pretty shells, ocean music, sweets served in newspaper wrapped things , tags tied on with rope
Activity: Volley ball/Table pong/limbo
Food: Giant lollipops, rock, watermelon, chips and dips


Theme: Super hero
Discount: Super hero o.o.... Best one wins a kryptonite cookie
Setting: Lots of action signs (pow,crash etc) chairs could have little capes, comic strips on walls
Activity: Super hero quiz
Food: finger foods


Theme: Ancient Greece
Discount: Wear a toga
Setting: White and gold tableware, Chalk board written in greek style, China pots black stencils on them,
Activity: olympics
- paperplane throwing and making o.o
- discus paper plates
- Javelin straws
- shot put ( foil ball )
Do not like idea#
Activity: Backgammon and chess, What god am I? - Gods on the pack of people and they aren't allowed to ask who they are out right but ask questions instead,
Food: sweet salad, greek yogurt( in cocktail glasses ),Berries, honey, honey comb sweets, Greek coffee tasters?


Theme : Animal
Discount : Where an animal outfit ( onesies)
Setting: Plush animals picnic in the corner , animals stuck to the bottom of cups, as the drink is drunk the animal is revealed , origami animal napkins,
Activity : Face painting/pinata
Food: Food with animals on, Koala/Panda choc treats, Pom bears, etc.


Theme : Heaven / Hell (october)
Discount : Angel (white) / Devil (red) dress up
Setting: White/gold vs Black/red theme
Activity: Pumpkin carving ( teams of 3 )
Food: Spicy sweets for hell, plain biscuits, Marshmallows for heaven White chocolate fondue,


Theme: Murder mystery/cludo
Discount: Magnifying glass
Setting: Tables are sectioned into different colours for different rooms in the house, tape on the floor to section it all off o.o different areas have different foods, foot prints,

  • Hallway
  • Kitchen - kitchen utensils, cooking equipment, playdo, Plastic knife/card knife in a red liquid >.>  - half prepared fruit  ( raw ingredients) 
  • Study - Pens and paper, lamp, finger prints on the paper, rope - mints,// brain food - bananas, blueberries, strawberries, nuts 
  • Ballroom - Masks, Music playing thing, outline in tape leadpipe - sweet canapes on silver trays 
  • Library - have old style books on the table,cut out book with gun inside     -  No food or drink in the library sign 
  • Lounge - magazines, tv controller, games console, pillows, magazine on tips and tricks poison - Crisps, muffins, mini donuts 
  • Conservatory
  • Dining Room - knife and fork, place mats, candle stick. -  Cake + slices 
  • Billard Room
Activity: Have Drama students dress up and walk round and can answer questions o.o
Food: ( See each room )


Theme: Video Games
Discount: bring some form of ticket
Activity: Bring in a Wii or something
Food: Looked on here for a fair few of the ideas. More ideas from here A-Z of sweets :3

I need to take a basic hygiene exam with the union

JUST ASKED A FRIEND O.O he said yes o.o  Now I have another person giving me ideas :3

president/secretary/treasurer/social sec/open position

President : Rosey Apples
Vice president: Tom Thumb drops

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