Showing posts with label Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Review. Show all posts

Sunday 16 July 2017

Day 8190

Final fantasy 12 HD remaster review, a trip down memory lane~

So! FF12 Remaster is out on PS4, it came out July 11th, so a couple days ago now, and I've been playing it whilst things are rendering on my computer/after work.

Here's what I think!


  • The voice audio is shit. Doesn't matter if it's coming out of my speakers or headphones or what volume, Penelo's voice keeps peaking, all of the S's and K's and Ch's... Just...The transience and sibilance of their voices is horrible to listen to. 
  • Gameplay resolution is fine, save for all of the cutscenes. I'll have a black band across the bottom of my screen, not a great thing to open to. 
  • Lip syncing? They. Did. Not. Try. One of those things that's funny to watch but you really have to question who saw it and thought "yep, that's good let's ship it!" 
  • Clipping? Nope they didn't try there either, in gameplay I don't really care to be honest, and I can understand cloth clipping, but when people's feet are swinging through the floor, of a stationary character, in a cut scene, that shows a certain level of laziness. 
  • New music? Sounds really nice
  • Vaans 6pack... Is not amazing, but it's definitely not going to give you nightmares like the original ff12, unfortunately, some of the guys near the Lhusu mines seem to have missed out on that cosmetic upgrade. Or take a sneak peak over at Basch...  
  • Generally, a lot of the clothing textures are very pixelated in a non-stylised way. So whilst yes it looks better than if you go back and look at the ps2 version it's a shame they didn't fix this for the ps4. 

  • New overlay map. This is actually really cool, I use the map a lot and the way it's done I can ignore it when I'm playing but still have it up. So this is a great improvement. 
  • When creating a new save, it automatically goes to "no" in do you want to save? Utterly annoying, if I've clicked on a stone, clicked yes I want to save the game, then surely having it set to yes makes the most sense?
Just saying:
  • Why are the teleport stones in with loot?! It annoyed me in the original game and it's annoying now XD Wish there was a way I could move it into "items" Oh well, at least it's always at the top. 
  • Why is Fran biting an arrow in her victory pose XD?
Currently still very early game, finally unlocked gambits again and Basch, Balthier and Fran <3 have joined the party.

Updates to come as I play~