Showing posts with label Animation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animation. Show all posts

Wednesday 1 January 2020

Day 9089

A write up from my 2019 diary. Here's to 2020! and tomorrow I'll be 9090, maybe I should bring cake into work ;)


Get Sh*t Done. 

Motivation. Dedication. Discipline.

Koala in space. Mehndi planets and stars. Planet per goal.  Galaxy background that slowly shifts over the year (timelapse)

Sun bottom centre of the screen is the home main menu button and takes you to a more traditional diary. 5 rings coming out each with their own planet. Each planet can be clicked on to take you into its goals breakdown.

UI Prompts: 
Up to 5 planets with 52 growing stages and 12 key developments.
Goals - x 10 you got this year
Monthly - x 10 reason
Weekly - x 52 Small tip / good wish
Day - Happy, Sad, Bored, Sleepy, Excited, Star

Small space flower with the date top-right, small spin wheel to get accessories for your planets, both rocks and space things floating in the orbits of planets also.

Monthly and weekly push notifications to remind you about the app, if it's not been opened in 3 weeks one last notification to say turning them off for now.

Know it, apply it, turn simple things into a habit.

  1. Plan. Big steeps planned so you have the clarity to change. See the competition and know where you are going. Break down into 5 major steps, start at your goal and work your way backwards reverse engineer.
    30 MIN break the day into 30 min intervals and plan it out, use Sunday nights to plan the overall week and each day the night before.
    Discipline = freedom 
    Procrastination is a habit to keep you safe. This is all about creating habits, what is the vision behind the vision? Plan it out. What are you scared of?
    No clarity. No change.
  2. Productive environment. Create an inspiring place to work in. Plants, Sunlight, A clean mental environment. Tidy = more productive organisation.
    Reticular activator - clear mental space.
    Brain dump all the things your brain is nagging at you. 
  3. Get shit done buddy. Speak it. Share it. Stick to it. 40% more change (citation needed?)
    Don't say anything to naysayers, say to people who care about your success and will hold you accountable.
  4. Say NO! Literally taking time from the goals you want to do. Protect your energy. Each day 3 things that would happy to do. At least 3 things that are moving you forward in life.
    One life + One of you.
  5. Choose long term>Short term
    Wake up 1 hour earlier / stay up 1 hour alter/ give up 1-hour tv/sleep a day.
    365 hours (366 for 2020) buy giving up one of the above. basically getting a whole extra month each year. (That said sleep is very important, for health, memory). Remove yourself from addictive things. 
    Stay focussed. Let people know when you need to be distraction-free. Pomodoro 25/30min do the thing then stretch, breathe, repeat. Set a timer if needed.
  6. Heart hustle. If you're feeling a little uncomfortable push through. Show up for yourself. Determined, desired, intention.  Goal to wake up at 5am. Start by waking up 10 minutes earlier, then 15, then 20. Wake up a little earlier each day and inch towards that goal.
  7. Generate energy. Listen to yourself. Exercise, food, supplements. Things that help your brain get focussed, use tools for production and make sure to drink water. Figure out if you are naturally a morning or night person and work with your energy flow.
    If you can afford to get a cleaner /doing an online shop getting other to do admin, outsource and get help where you can don't need to do everything. Be efficient and effective.
  8. Celebrate not berate. Flip the switch on what you've done/ 3 things to do and get them done and actually do them! what have you done? Not what you haven't. Let the negative go. Have rewards, on a birthday / Celebration level.
  9. White space. Leave empty space in your plans for you to do whatever you want in. Some time for you to meditate/yoga etc, chill, watch tv. Plan week on Sunday and have fun on Sunday. Divine downloads your brain will help you get the answers.
  10. Be a badass. Visualise and affirm what you are about to do. Choose to be disciplined. You live one life this is not a dress rehearsal. 


Draw Cats With Eyes Closed 

Fun, Pun, Cat, Party 

Pastels and cute, you open the game to see a cat with buttons on its tummy that take you into the main game. 
Main sections: 
Menu / Gallery / Settings / Play 

The animation UI style is elastic and squishy
Cat stretching loading animation chasing a ball. When you interact with a folder in the gallery section little cat paws poke out, an ear twitches, a tail flicks out, small hints of squishy cats appear. When scored for your drawing (out of 5 stars) they briiing into existence, like flashy jelly.  Words describing your drawing pop up
Smushed cat face for the app store icon.

Different "Cat-egorys" 
Cat / Octopus / Girafe / Koala / Sloth / Mountain goat / Duck / Whale / Turtle / Rabbit
Random each time you unlock, change colour of the background for differnt animals. 

But for cat-related ones, puns to critique your drawing/rate it.
Clawful. Apawful. Catastrophe. Furmidible. Unfurtunate. Purrfect. Clawver. Purrty. Pawsome. Cattitude.

Click play -> pop up category -> 3,2,1 -> Timer 1:30 - 10sec timer (Player can change but default is 30sec) -> images share of players session -> Rate drawings (No names, thumbnail gallery) Rate out of 5 -> Reveal~ see who drew what and see all side by side, save pictures into folder if wanted.

The closing game screen blinks closed to black, cat's eyes open

Colours to draw with, player cap, Add free

Game Story notes from February with Colin:

Don't Trust Larry 

(marketing imgur DTL 35 second gif, game food transition to real food, less than a second intro and outro. Make the 3D food in real life. White duck icon comes out at the end)
- Ducks have an aggression meter
- Narrator "you take care of the ducks well being they'll look after your well being" all calm and nice
- Larry becomes more aggressive trying to eat bread, you have to try hard not to feed him
- Narrator "oh, I've given one duck a name, here is Germima, who's actually a duck. Not Larry, because Larry, is not a duck"
- Non-sequential random order lines to flesh out pre bush Larry and after bush Larry.

- "You can smell what the rock is smashing"
Rock Johnson
Rebel Rubble

Shop - Each time you go back to a shop the character gets more annoyed for different reasons
- Narrator translating the duck squawking noises "I don't know if you speak duck but they are not happy" "oh dear, no need for that language"

- Ammo slots for different weapons
- Drake Canaveral

A1 - Tower bridge boss
A2 - Tunnel boss
A3 - Train boss

Gun - Cycle through ammo left and right hand. After each area boss, there is a gun upgrade.

(A) Security guard zoo. Police on the streets. Scientist ducks (gun upgrade). Cowboy duck (level boss).
(B) Museum security. Ninja ducks (gun upgrade, makes bread bigger). Right-hand man (level boss).

- Suck larry into gun then feed him to make him big again?

Big and small bread Larry.
Normal uck size at duck pond smashes through gates then starts to shrink to "waist height"
Some food makes him grow some makes him shrink, takes less effort to maintain "normal size/waist height". Each food has it's own value +/- to time wheel depending on the food.

Size management: food, growth value + time value that stack on top of themselves.


Koala game

Level based or never ending?
I quite like the princess drop style with 10 "levels" in a row but very hard to reach level 10. (Although I did find it very frustrating as much as I did fun) 

Maybe fall from the tree, or gets eaten? Or the koala starves to death? In some way a sad death for the koala.  If there is water intake, koala slowly dehydrating from sun/need to collect water for the tea.

Top of the tree? Maybe a golden leaf at the top? Quest of the god's style. 

Spiders, Sun, Snakes, Snapping branches, Scoundrel koala...

Power up? 
+1 <3... Probably decide after obstacles and then added, the koala-fications 

Level playtime? 
<10seconds but with high replayability.

Fun features? 
HATS :D Different koala, different hat. 

70% free, can be played 100% for free and not super grindy with everything available but then the option to buy if feeling lazy.  

Pixel art. Center of the tree moves up the middle, branches move off to the left and right, main play area split into three sections [_!_!_] far-left and far-right has empty sky, the camera follows koala that can either jump inside same area or move left/right depending on branches climbed onto.  


Before the launch plan

 100 days before launch~ 
100 images, 100 statues, 100 RTS/tags 
10 gifs, 10 polls, 10 mentions 
1 video, 1 blog, 1 thank you 

200 days before launch 
20 YouTubers
10 bloggers / streamers 
1 website  


Sneaky Slime

Golden chicken (boss drop) 
Cake slices: one slice, half cake, one slice missing, the whole cake 



- A strong line of action: flow, direction, guiding the eye, shows a force 
- Mountain peaks, not all are super exaggerated one big mountain theme of the shot 
- Flip the S curve for dynamic 

Most humans look to the face and "feel" the language of the body 

Use pose to direct to face / important parts. Visual elements used for clean flow to point of interest in the shot. 

Don't force a silhouette - focus on the lines. Clean and flowy poses are key. Can use to flow through multiple points ( travel up a leg / to face, travel up a lifted arm / to something they are pointing at) 

Can use eye line to connect body parts for an added bonus. 
The link between characters use the entire scene, 

*head tilt* this action is human, can add persona and show weight and appeal, it also makes them more accessible.  
Rotate hips and shoulders independently not the head. 

If it's in the shot then use it, use shoulders and briefly show hands to imply gestures but save time.

Try and avoid showing only one eye on the screen (one-eyed Pete), instead have the nose forward with the eyes to the side, this way you can direct with both eyes. 

Think of a human as 3 weights on a line, where the weights lie can help show the personality of the character.  

To show an introvert imagine them inside of a bounding box and they don't move outside of that, lots of open space on the screen.  For an extrovert a lot of space really big bounding box, less empty space on the screen. 



- Mini anticipation to big anticipation will make it flowier (1 + 2 frames) 
- But anticipation into ease in will create popping, avoid! 
- S curve computer-generated in-betweens aren't great, make sure to add the frames in 

Start by blocking the poses/shapes with no timing just the images, then add drag and lip-sync get it all in there so you feel the movement. Then timing away. Wait to spline, the pc may not be your friend.


- Inktober gif
- Animation mentor games gif
- DTL 
- Cat with eyes closed 
- Sneaky slime 
- Koala tea  time 
- 100 vector ladies 
- 11-second club 
- Get shit done koala planner 
- Overwatch healers 
- Profile pic 
- Steff drawing 
- Tom card background 
- Locomotion marketing plan 
- Prize studio 3 commission if they ever get back to me 
- Demon cycle drawing (powerful book series?)
- Dragon dynasty 
- Timmy the reaper 

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Day 7920

Good day? Bad day?

It's been a while and I needed somewhere to collect my thoughts and make plans so I'm writing rather early in the morning. As such I predict today will be a good day, full of efficiency and productivity! (And a lucky one where I shall get the Junkrat Halloween skin.)

Health - 8/10 This past month has been like having repeat doses of freshers flu without the fun of freshers. I am sorry to all the people I will have unwittingly infected, but may your immune systems be the stronger for it, like mine hopefully is.  

Work vs Play

 - Work
- Play 

Thing of today: 

From the frog, princess! But wait there is more: a whole album of 2D animation 

To do list

1) Rubber duck model 2) Fix normal duck model 3) Bread basket model 4) Slice of bread model 5) Send off 360 video 6) Inktober animation 7) Inktober drawing 8) - 9) - 10) -

Quick catch up

Completed BFX. - insert link here soon so you can watch it's wonderful ness- 
360 video for charity Create Acting as the producer, semi director, lighting, compositer, some VFX, and HRness.
Good things - I learned a lot // First time doing lighting and thought it went okay // met some wonderful people // got to make a 360 video // because of the careers fair at BFX festival got to meet both Random 42, and Double Negative! There were also a couple other companies who were lovely and there was a VR advertising agency nearby also which was awesome to see. // I had a lot of fun, mostly at the start // Nice reason to meet up with Porstmouth humans who were wonderful and really helped me out // Found out I can work for 24 hours in one go (energy drinks are not a good idea at this point)    
Bad things - Group work with constant bickering and trying to single one person out was tedious to deal with // I did not produce well, I should have been a lot stricter from the get go and not taken BS from people, following up on deadlines and checking people are actually doing what they said they would not just doing their own thing and not talking with me. // Ran out of time for rendering so was trying to complete at home without VRAY and a bad internet connection (when it connected at all) // When 360 renders go wrong they are not easy to fix and dealing with 4k is incredibly tedious // Found out I can work for 24 hours in one go (energy drinks are not a good idea at this point) 
Made some awesome business cards! - Aren't they pretty o3o

Using munchkin as a design guide and banana print to print, a very good company would recommend. 

Now making a duck game with Isaac - It's a game where you feed ducks

We are using Blender and Unity, one thing Blender definitely has on Maya is the lack of crashing, it's a little unusual to navigate however and I am still getting used to moving around and picking up on the hotkeys and general ways of working but there are lots of tutorials so this is good.  

Applied for part time job at Sainsburys - Wish me luck! 
Interview on Friday, I have heard good things about the company and the times are early, early morning, which gives me the rest of the day (that I'm awake) to work on game projects and can help fund a VR course I have seen and am hoping to do (though is £1500 so I'm unsure I can take part right now) this is assuming I get the job -fingers crossed-  If it does fall through.... I have no plans right now, I don't think animation companies will accept me just yet, but by this time next month I hope to have an incredibly strong reel.
I am doing inktober - Or was and now I'm doing some animations

Kinda O.o, My plan was to do an animated reveal of the drawings  however that was taking a lot longer than expected, new plan! Is just get 10 done by end of October! You can see above the ones I've started, the animation is pretty simple, and inside the blue is where the drawing will be. 
Ring a ring a roses - My roses are dying/dead but I have a new rose so all is good
They aren't 100% dead yet.... But realistically what's left of them won't survive much longer. When I came back from BFX I found two of the pots sitting in a couple inches of water, so being drowned after being left outside and then catching the black spot  which they were only just recovering from. And then for my part I over fed them which created a horrible ammonia smell when they got watered too much and in general isn't good for the plants as they will flurry for a short time but then won't take in the nutrients that they need (found out after googling the smell).... I'm finding this surprisingly more upsetting that I would expect, I think it's because I kept the oldest alive for three years and I wasn't the best with them but they didn't die, but when left with people I trusted with plants and throught my own neglect, they ended up dying, not intentionally, but still... I currently have them sitting in rice to try and dry it up, as of yet it has not worked but we shall see ^^ ah well, at least roses are my biggest concern right now, could be a lot worse.   
- Mini update -  I have a new rose! A second ago one was just gifted to me as they thought it would make me happy and it is a white rose which is the perfect colour o.o and it is in full bloom and I will love it and look after it and all is well in the world of Rosie. 
Overwatch - Good game, I can mostly only play support well but it's fun.

Just as a note to self more than anything, I've gone from really liking to playing Symettera and Mercy, to Mei and Lucio, but also Genji, Junkrat and Zenyatta I really enjoy, Ana and D.Va are characters I'm trying to get the hang of also, Ana for her tea emotes and because it would be good to play at least one tank to an okay standard o.o  A good game, I'm not amazing at it but it's 


Monday 11 April 2016

Day 7729

New list/plan
So my sleeping pattering is currently  5am - 1pm. I have found that whilst I can easily motivate myself to push through the tiredness and sleep a little later each day, waking up and just dealing with it has so far failed. I'm such a lazy human.

But yes, portfolio plans! - Will work on this until it is done then work on major/ other parts :)

CV - Pictures to add and variants to make. The pictures will be going inside the red boxes.

Business card - To test and print (There is an inside and a pocket that it goes in)

Inside front

Inside back

Pocket front

Pocket back (When slides over the koala it shows him dancing *3*)

Website - To do o...o YAY - Will probably use tumbler

Portfolio - Has been bought :) Now just to get the work done and print it!

It's so green o3o And I have a green pen and usbs. It shall stand out I hope, and I won't be able to loose it easily. 

Inside shall have 5 A3 projects, plan is to have the middle pages on acetate, so in example with TtR you would be able to see the front and back of the characters, against the background or just the backgrounds. It's going to be Landscape and at the bottom of each will be a color border (Different color per project) and within the color it will say what the project is and have icons of the programs used to make it.

8 Days to get this all finished and then another 1 1/2 for printing shenanigans.  I wonder if I will finish Dexter in that time?

1) Jelsa - Blue
- Storyboard and character sketches
- A// Final environment - Nuke and Houdini
- A// Environment with character and effects - Nuke, Maya, Houdini
- VFX breakdown - Houdini

2) Space 360 - Green
- Concept art - Photoshop
- A// Stars and planets - Blender
- A// Stars and other planets - Blender
- VFX breakdown - Blender

3) DD game - Red
- Environment and game sketches, showing reference and close ups
- A// Female Max + Grovlov  - Photoshop
- A// Male Max + Grovlov - Photoshop
- Environment modeling and texturing - Blender and Photoshop

4) TtR - Orange
- Storyboard and character sketches - Flash
- A// Timmy and scythe expression and poses - Flash
- A// Lylah expressions and poses - Flash
- Backgrounds - Flash and blender

5) Paper people - Purple
- Concept art
- Storyboard so far


Friday 1 April 2016

Day 7719

Storyboard time. - 100 images? This will take a while before it's done I think. A lot of new ideas :) All to be updated when I roll a two ^.^ 

"So this is, paper people" 

- Fade in from black
- Sealed book slowly rotating left, a purple world on the cover turning at a slightly slower rotation.  
- In time with paper people, the words  "Paper people" 2D swivel on x axis on the cover 

- Loose paper flutters across book, covering title (when moved past title, it has gone), with particle drop off, floating from left to right and as exiting the book returning to white and distancing to look like stars.  (only purple paper when in front of the book) 

-----------------------To update in near but distant future----------------------

I like people. - Humans, personalities, actual individuals. 

I’d like some paper people. - Manufactured replications, easily destroyed, or stained  

They’d be purple paper people. Maybe pop-up purple paper people. - purple lack of race, rare, expensive, hardest colour for the eye to discriminate against. 

Proper pop-up purple paper people. - 3D/adverts - more than just an image on the sheet but an actual personality 

“How do you prop up pop-up purple paper people?” - His interaction with the audience, the doubt of his city ever being able to work, or be sustainable, questioning the quality and means. 

I hear you cry. Well I … - powerful but inarticulate,  a collection of animalistic noises spreading doubt over

I’d probably prop up proper pop-up purple paper people
With a proper pop-up purple people paperclip, 
But I’d pre-prepare appropriate adhesives as alternatives,
A cheeky pack of Blu Tack just in case the paper slipped. - - holding everything together - jury rig. purple still a part of the society he's creating - posh with a top hat and mustache . Conforming to the ideals of the paper world .  Even the correct items for everything to be okay make sure that there is a back up for when things go wrong 

Because I could build a pop-up metropolis. - busy country city, civilization, 

But I wouldn’t wanna deal with all the paper people politics.
Paper politicians with their paper-thin policies,
Broken promises without appropriate apologies. - our politicians will say one thing then do another, and at the end of the day you will be worse off. They fail and do not acknowledge ( China explode?) - creating a common enemy between audience and him 

There’d be a little paper me. And a little paper you. - this is the real world but on paper including you inside of his ideal and inviting the audience with him. 

And we could watch paper TV and it would all be pay-per-view. - (mono money coming out of eyes) you will pay for everything o.o 
We’d see the poppy paper rappers rap about their paper package - over sexualisation 
Or watch paper people carriers get stuck in paper traffic on the A4. Paper. - Drudgery of life.... 
There’d be a paper princess Kate but we’d all stare at paper Pippa,

And then we’d all live in fear of killer Jack the Paper-Ripper,
Because the paper propaganda propagates the people’s prejudices,
Papers printing pictures of the photogenic terrorists. - control over the humans, you won't be thinking if you're scared, social media dependancy, comments on how in the past and now also building terrorists into icons and giving them the publicity (shooting in america batman) 

A little paper me. And a little paper you.

And in a pop-up population people’s problems pop up too.
There’d be a pompous paper parliament who remained out of touch,
And who ignored the people’s protests about all the paper cuts, - constant chipping away piece by piece, nhs, education, taxes in general.... 
Then the peaceful paper protests would get blown to paper pieces, - everything gets pushed out of proportion, and ultimately destroyed, their original intent removed and the destruction the real message taken from events 
By the confetti cannons manned by pre-emptive police. - The cycle of humans in power, greed, and lack of thinking 

And yes there’d still be paper money, so there’d still be paper greed, - consumerism
And the paper piggy bankers pocketing more than they need,
Purchasing the potpourri to pepper their paper properties,
Others live in poverty and ain’t acknowledged properly.
A proper poor economy where so many are proper poor, - unequal society, money and commodity being a large part of the perceived value of a person and their power and the aspiration being pushed onto people

But while their needs are ignored the money goes to big wars.
Origami armies unfold plans for paper planes
And we remain imprisoned in our own paper chains,
But the greater shame is that it always seems to stay the same, - Greed, always wanting more, repeating history, society wraps up around you and makes you think you can't do anything, when you are in control you just let them surround you, it;s also the chains, its a social thing not just one human and the group impact makes the difference 

What changes is who’s in power choosing how to lay the blame,
They’re naming names, forgetting these are names of people,
Because in the end it all comes down to people. - take down of current dictator bring up the next pin wheel, dehumanising and creating statistics  

I like people.
‘Cause even when the situation’s dire,
It is only ever people who are able to inspire,
And on paper, it’s hard to see how we all cope. - emotions? detached society of the inter webs 
But in the bottom of Pandora’s box there’s still hope, - The last thing to come out of Pandora's Box was Hope, and it flew out into the world, even thought the evil spirits had already escaped.
sickness, death, turmoil, strife, jealousy, hatred, famine
And I still hope ’cause I believe in people.
People like my grandparents.
Who every single day since I was born, have taken time out of their morning to pray for me.
That’s 7892 days straight of someone checking I’m okay, and that’s amazing.
People like my aunt who puts on plays with prisoners.
People who are capable of genuine forgiveness.
Importance of family in life and in society, parent figures acting as role models and who important that is to us all.

People like the persecuted Palestinians.
People who go out of their way to make your life better, and expect nothing in return.
You see, people have potential to be powerful.
highlighting the importance of our influence as individuals

Just because the people in power tend to pretend to be victims
We don’t need to succumb to that system.
And a paper population is no different.
drawing comparisons between the metaphor, to make a political and social critique.

There’s a little paper me. And a little paper you.
And in a pop-up population people’s problems pop up too,
But even if the whole world fell apart then we’d still make it through.

Because we’re people.
Emphasis and conclusion on everything that he has said on human nature and how it is an important aspect of our lives and how it influences our interactions with each other.

Political artists 

Thursday 5 November 2015

Day 7571

Trying to get connotations o.o 

I like people. - Humans, personalities, actual individuals. 

I’d like some paper people. - Manufactured replications, easily destroyed, or stained  

They’d be purple paper people. Maybe pop-up purple paper people. - purple lack of race, rare, expensive, hardest colour for the eye to discriminate against. 

Proper pop-up purple paper people. - 3D/adverts - more than just an image on the sheet but an actual personality 

“How do you prop up pop-up purple paper people?” - His interaction with the audience, the doubt of his city ever being able to work, or be sustainable, questioning the quality and means. 

I hear you cry. Well I … - powerful but inarticulate,  a collection of animalistic noises spreading doubt over

I’d probably prop up proper pop-up purple paper people
With a proper pop-up purple people paperclip, 
But I’d pre-prepare appropriate adhesives as alternatives,
A cheeky pack of Blu Tack just in case the paper slipped. - - holding everything together - jury rig. purple still a part of the society he's creating - posh with a top hat and mustache . Conforming to the ideals of the paper world .  Even the correct items for everything to be okay make sure that there is a back up for when things go wrong 

Because I could build a pop-up metropolis. - busy country city, civilization, 

But I wouldn’t wanna deal with all the paper people politics.
Paper politicians with their paper-thin policies,
Broken promises without appropriate apologies. - our politicians will say one thing then do another, and at the end of the day you will be worse off. They fail and do not acknowledge ( China explode?) - creating a common enemy between audience and him 

There’d be a little paper me. And a little paper you. - this is the real world but on paper including you inside of his ideal and inviting the audience with him. 

And we could watch paper TV and it would all be pay-per-view. - (mono money coming out of eyes) you will pay for everything o.o 
We’d see the poppy paper rappers rap about their paper package - over sexualisation 
Or watch paper people carriers get stuck in paper traffic on the A4. Paper. - Drudgery of life.... 
There’d be a paper princess Kate but we’d all stare at paper Pippa,

And then we’d all live in fear of killer Jack the Paper-Ripper,
Because the paper propaganda propagates the people’s prejudices,
Papers printing pictures of the photogenic terrorists. - control over the humans, you won't be thinking if you're scared, social media dependancy, comments on how in the past and now also building terrorists into icons and giving them the publicity (shooting in america batman) 

A little paper me. And a little paper you.

And in a pop-up population people’s problems pop up too.
There’d be a pompous paper parliament who remained out of touch,
And who ignored the people’s protests about all the paper cuts, - constant chipping away piece by piece, nhs, education, taxes in general.... 
Then the peaceful paper protests would get blown to paper pieces, - everything gets pushed out of proportion, and ultimately destroyed, their original intent removed and the destruction the real message taken from events 
By the confetti cannons manned by pre-emptive police. - The cycle of humans in power, greed, and lack of thinking 

And yes there’d still be paper money, so there’d still be paper greed, - consumerism
And the paper piggy bankers pocketing more than they need,
Purchasing the potpourri to pepper their paper properties,
Others live in poverty and ain’t acknowledged properly.
A proper poor economy where so many are proper poor, - unequal society, money and commodity being a large part of the perceived value of a person and their power and the aspiration being pushed onto people

But while their needs are ignored the money goes to big wars.
Origami armies unfold plans for paper planes
And we remain imprisoned in our own paper chains,
But the greater shame is that it always seems to stay the same, - Greed, always wanting more, repeating history, society wraps up around you and makes you think you can't do anything, when you are in control you just let them surround you, it;s also the chains, its a social thing not just one human and the group impact makes the difference 

What changes is who’s in power choosing how to lay the blame,
They’re naming names, forgetting these are names of people,
Because in the end it all comes down to people. - take down of current dictator bring up the next pin wheel, dehumanising and creating statistics  

I like people.
‘Cause even when the situation’s dire,
It is only ever people who are able to inspire,
And on paper, it’s hard to see how we all cope. - emotions? detached society of the inter webs 
But in the bottom of Pandora’s box there’s still hope, - The last thing to come out of Pandora's Box was Hope, and it flew out into the world, even thought the evil spirits had already escaped.
sickness, death, turmoil, strife, jealousy, hatred, famine
And I still hope ’cause I believe in people.
People like my grandparents.
Who every single day since I was born, have taken time out of their morning to pray for me.
That’s 7892 days straight of someone checking I’m okay, and that’s amazing.
People like my aunt who puts on plays with prisoners.
People who are capable of genuine forgiveness.
Importance of family in life and in society, parent figures acting as role models and who important that is to us all.

People like the persecuted Palestinians.
People who go out of their way to make your life better, and expect nothing in return.
You see, people have potential to be powerful.
highlighting the importance of our influence as individuals

Just because the people in power tend to pretend to be victims
We don’t need to succumb to that system.
And a paper population is no different.
drawing comparisons between the metaphor, to make a political and social critique.

There’s a little paper me. And a little paper you.
And in a pop-up population people’s problems pop up too,
But even if the whole world fell apart then we’d still make it through.
Because we’re people.
Emphasis and conclusion on everything that he has said on human nature and how it is an important aspect of our lives and how it influences our interactions with each other.

Political artists Luis Quiles 

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Day 7499

Jelsa rigs

Elsa rig - Mery Project!download/c1n0f
By José Manuel García Alvarez & Antonio Méndez Lora

Jack rig - Stylized Female Rig 1.3.1
By Nick Dupree

Working with motion capture
By Nicholas Zeman

Monday 20 July 2015

Day 7463

Animation feedback year 2


Very clear and strong evidence of your production tasks and organisation of the group, as well as delegated tasks and feedback. A stronger focus on changes and updates to individual schedules over the year would have beneficial. Texturing work is of a good quality, and exploring other software to resolve seam issues shows independent learning. Other similar softwares that you might want to look into include Mari and ZBrush. The end result of the project is lit and rendered to a good standard, complementing the animated narrative.
The filmed acting reference has helped, but ensure that you yourself act out the performances too, this ensures that you have more reference and motion studies to use, and it also allows you to more easily step inside the mindset of the character and it’s performance. Some inconsistencies in the animation across the project, you need to work closely as a team to ensure that all scenes meet a similar standard to ensure a cohesive end project,
Initial concept of the project using animation to interact with filmed footage was very strong.
Some initial indication of the breakdown of roles and scheduling for the project, but you haven’t really elaborated on any adjustments or changes that were necessary over the production that would have altered the organisation of the animation production.
The filming of this project should have been completed first after scouting out possible locations. By retro-fitting the animations to the footage later there is disconnect between to two elements, with slipping occurring and the animation not conforming to the perspective of the footage. Ultimately the illusion of both elements existing in the same space is broken.
To assist with this all footage should have been filmed on a tripod to allow for smooth and stable camera moves, helping with the camera tracking.
Some advanced subjects explored including matte cleanup painting for backgrounds, camera and object tracking. The backgrounds should be created as a separate element and composited later using After Effects or Nuke, make sure the patches are camera tracked to avoid slipping. Additional research needs to be done in terms of Visual Effects and exploring what is needed on set to make the inclusion of VFX as easy as possible.


Your work in this project is of high standards . The rotroscoping is well done and It has a strong style .it fits very well with the backgrounds. You have a lot of talent and have a great potential to make something very good next year .
I am also really impress with the self -directed After Effects studies .
Well done
The story works well .
You could improve it by changing the framing in some shots . You go from a Long shot to a Extreme Close up of the male character and this cut does not work .
It will work better if you go from a Longs shot to Middle shots to a Close ups . Cutting from one to the other otherwise the cuts are too abrupt . There are very rare occasion where filmmakers go from a LS to a Extreme Close Up and this rare exceptions have to do with the a particular point in the narrative which in your film is not the case.
Also in terms of composition you will benefit by using the rule of thirds .
Check this url to understand better these rules
You could work more a bit more on the colour pallet and tone of the film and add depth by adding lighting in your backgrounds by having highlighting some areas .
Otherwise the story works well

3D (Not the tiger) 

The walk reads quite well. The intent is there in the performance. The posing is a little unbalanced at times. The feet posing also a little awkward. You’ve captured some personality in this walk which is good....obviously.
Sleeping animation reads quite well. There’s some nice little ear twitches and head shakes. However some movements feel isolated, e.g. when he rolls back a little, this movement is not really echoed in his legs. Use reference – if you act this out you’ll notice how every little movement will cause other movements throughout your body. Would like to have seen him wake-up too.
Lip-sync reads okay. Unfortunately the video loses the audio sync. The mouth appears to be well posed and timed. I would allow the mouth to stay open after some phrases as it takes in breath.
Also I feel the head movement could be more expressive to the dialogue.
Boy animation is quite nicely paced. Some movements are too rigid, needing some settle movement, rather than move-then-static. Like with your sleep animation, some movements feel isolated, rather than the whole body working together.
Overall, some good moments of animation. Always use reference to help your understand how the body moves – act it out before animating.

Visual research 

TB1: Where are the drawings you produced in the workshops? Upload them for final submission.
Project – fabulous and exciting visual research for ‘Owl and Pussycat’. Great character designs – many of them could be taken further in to Production. Explore backgrounds in the same way and finalise a storyboard – also a mood board which reveals which style you will use. You are very talented – make sure you attend regularly in order to receive as much feedback as possible – especially L6. I especially like the food colouring owl! Toilet roll invention – great – would like to see this in action. Well done ☺
TB2: Good exploration of a wide variety of media and materials. The Owl designs are particularly strong and appealing. Excellent research – I’m pleased to see you exploring the 12 principles and composition to consider the audience. It is not clear which is your chosen technique and process for a finalised animation however you have produced some wonderful work during this unit and I hope this approach continues in L6 for all your pre-production work. I suggest you continue with this project before L6 in order to have another finalised animation for your show-reel next year.


I think your sense of kinetics is fair, and your ideas are good, but your drawing is shaky. And you'll need drawing even to work on a tablet.You need to be able to visualise your ideas with more clarity before you start a scene, and spend more time planning your animation instead of diving straight in. same for all media.Making story sketches is key. All animators do that before animation, including Pixar animators; I know because I've seen their drawings!Drawing regularly will help with whichever type of animation you do because it develops your sense of visual awareness, improves staging and composition and strengthens your character poses.

Essays (written up by me from the paper version. )

I found this to be an enormously frustrating piece of work. As you present a beautifully ordered, well researched and considered set of ideas and contexts deploying very useful sources set into an incredibly creative and intriguing primary example. I love, love, loved the way you worked with the brief here entirely and would have maybe like you to have expanded the research more into areas of how advertising imagery operates, image making, star signification etc. (After all, who is Audrey Hepburn? Why is she important here? What cultural connotations does she bear?)

My main qualm is that the question asks you to address Well's chapter but that you actually go nowhere near it other than an incredibly brief, skimmed and inconclusive set of opening statements that doesn't really take the ideas on with any clarity or indeed use them as the necessary intellectual drive for this narrative. You're basically not fully answering the question here as intensely as you need to - that, for me seeing the work and care that has gone into this, is so frustrating, as mining those very ideas, extrapolating and extending from them explicitly would have lent this a cast iron academic foundation and would have maybe lessoned the slightly fragmented narrative and this process also would have given the (excellent, but still slightly under-worked) primary analysis more meat. The ambition here is so very welcome, though, and I think by large you present here a pretty solid conception of academic practice overall, you just need to ensure you are really considering what the brief is fully asking of you. This really wasn't far off a first piece class of work at all. What was here was a joy to read and it reveals creative, thoughtful endeavour. The citation pattern still needs work, mind, but what was here was very promising and was a good start. Keep checking those slides on Moodle that were posted in support of this essay and around managing secondary and primary research and also on the Harvard APA referencing (Citations are missing or incomplete throughout)

  1. Act it out - Something I'm finding a little worrying has come up, as more often than not I do act things out, so clearly I'm not seeing what I need to or rather, I'm not coming to the understanding needed from the actions to convey in the work.... Practice I guess? Perhaps drama/anatomy research... 
  2. Group quality check - Perhaps have people working on things throughout the scenes or do a mini test at the beginning to see who is good at what to start with and play to the strengths. Or if continuing with person per scene making sure to split it at camera cuts. 
  3. Technique research - Prior in depth planning needed when trying out a new technique, not just trying it out based on current limited knowledge. 
  4. Composition - I guess for now having a mental check-list until it starts to become second nature... More planning as well would probably help and getting tutors to review. 
  5. Colour pallet, tone, - Don't just judge from the cintiqs, and more research
  6. Isolation - My 3D kinda just sucks in general.... I think more practice will probably help with this and perhaps some lessons on digital tutors..See above for act it out... 
  7. Not clear -  Present in a more coherent and planned out way that doesn't make sense only to me. 
  8. Drawing - Draw more!
  9. Planning -  And plan more! 
  10. Essays - Make sure answering the question and make it flow more.... and stuffs. 

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Day 7352

(Something like Eden of the East I guess)

Set on a desk, with a piece of paper/book in front of you that animates and comes to life in the 360 world
Paper people by Harry Baker

I like people.
words appear as paper goes up, person pops up inside the hole. 
Big book pages open,
I’d like some paper people.
Paper people onto the page - word people made out of paper (100%free)
They’d be purple paper people. Maybe pop-up purple paper people.
Paper people onto the page, scribble purple, then 3D pop up - fast forwarded real time slow camera unwind (showing the real life work behind it)
Proper pop-up purple paper people.
“How do you prop up pop-up purple paper people?”
Paper people Speech bubble “How do you prop up pop-up purple paper people?”
I hear you cry. Well I …
I’d probably prop up proper pop-up purple paper people
With a proper pop-up purple people paperclip,
Enter purple paper clip centre screen.....
But I’d pre-prepare appropriate adhesives as alternatives,
A cheeky pack of Blu Tack just in case the paper slipped.
- have someone who was walking slip and fall off screen
Because I could build a pop-up metropolis.
GoT style buildings start to grow out of the paper behind the paper people- see it grow from sitting down person
But I wouldn’t wanna deal with all the paper people politics.
Parliament house - People in different coloured ties all offering a hand to help the person up
Paper politicians with their paper-thin policies,
Change camera angle - Camera view swap to show the thinness of the paper
Broken promises without appropriate apologies.
Flatter it down~ - character holds hand and they disappear turn from being cut out stand up to a hole in the paper and the person falls in o.o

There’d be a little paper me. And a little paper you.
Human pop up, pull up another human - two people falling in blackness
And we could watch paper TV and it would all be pay-per-view.
- land on sofa and have a TV - clicks the button

We’d see the poppy paper rappers rap about their paper package
Sweet wrapper, rapping about the sweets they contained 
Or watch paper people carriers get stuck in paper traffic on the A4. Paper.
Zoom out show A4, spin it as it spins it transitions into next scene
There’d be a paper princess Kate but we’d all stare at paper Pippa,
And then we’d all live in fear of killer Jack the Paper-Ripper,
Paper gets ripped
Because the paper propaganda propagates the people’s prejudices,
Papers printing pictures of the photogenic terrorists.
- newspapers being piled up one after the other
A little paper me. And a little paper you.
- they take a newspaper and start walking
And in a pop-up population people’s problems pop up too.
people walking in time with words whilst it rained  starts raining so they put the newspaper over their heads
There’d be a pompous paper parliament who remained out of touch,
Parliament city starts floating above the rest of the metropolis 
And who ignored the people’s protests about all the paper cuts,
Cut seperates parliament and people, different parts of the city get sliced in half and crumple away (Hospitals, houses, Education, 
Then the peaceful paper protests would get blown to paper pieces,
Explode and crush 
By the confetti cannons manned by pre-emptive police.
The explosions fall everywhere, bright bursts of colour streaked with shreds of purple
And yes there’d still be paper money, so there’d still be paper greed,
Confetti turns into money falling slow motion 
And the paper piggy bankers pocketing more than they need,
Pig bankers in suits eating from troff 
Purchasing the potpourri to pepper their paper properties,
Others live in poverty and ain’t acknowledged properly.
The two sides grow with the "rich" growing more up, the cut deepening and the poor growing wider
A proper poor economy where so many are proper poor,
Humans crushed in the dark shadow created by others 
But while their needs are ignored the money goes to big wars.
Page turns 
Origami armies unfold plans for paper planes
From paper paper planes start to rise folding themselves and tearing away from the book 
And we remain imprisoned in our own paper chains,
Person in a paper chain of other huamns reaching out, making a bend in a straight line 
But the greater shame is that it always seems to stay the same,
Line rebounds and person is cut back into the straight line paper chain
What changes is who’s in power choosing how to lay the blame,
The paper planes crash into a statue of  a person that rotates into a dfferent person 
They’re naming names, forgetting these are names of people,
slowly getting closer and closer to their face exploding a bit each time
Because in the end it all comes down to people.
Camera moves down to the paper chain 

I like people.
One person steps away from the chain and as they do everything around them starts to crumple and break
‘Cause even when the situation’s dire,
Person falling into darkness with the world crumpling up around them
It is only ever people who are able to inspire,
Person draws a door onto the page and climbs in through starts to at least
And on paper, it’s hard to see how we all cope.
Everything crumples and Everything turns to darkness
But in the bottom of Pandora’s box there’s still hope,
Person jumps into the book binding and it's all dark their eyes the only thing glowing
And I still hope ’cause I believe in people.
 Veins from hand light up face .Hands come out and support the person
People like my grandparents.
Hands come out and support the person on the shoulders one on either side 
Who every single day since I was born, have taken time out of their morning to pray for me.
That’s 7892 days straight of someone checking I’m okay, and that’s amazing.
Show him growing up (evolution stage) as pages turn, ending on page 7892
People like my aunt who puts on plays with prisoners.
Hands come out and support the person Back
People who are capable of genuine forgiveness.
Hands come out and support the person butt
People like the persecuted Palestinians
Hands come out and support the person. leggs
People who go out of their way to make your life better, and expect nothing in return.
Hands come out and support the person somewhere 
You see, people have potential to be powerful.
Breaks free back into the main book and popping up 
Just because the people in power tend to pretend to be victims
People in ties in box's 'miming' 
We don’t need to succumb to that system.
Erase the colours on the tie 
And a paper population is no different.
Person walks away 
There’s a little paper me. And a little paper you.
Person walks then close up as they hold someones hand 
And in a pop-up population people’s problems pop up too,
Pages start to rise up over them and you just see their fingers hands held up together entwined get covered
But even if the whole world fell apart then we’d still make it through.
Pages of the book fall away taken off layer by layer
Because we’re people.
Two people left floating to the ground. 

Plan is to storyboard out the key frames from each sentence first then work on the in betweens after. 
  1. I like people.
  2. I like some paper people.
  3. They’d be purple paper people.
  4. Maybe pop up purple paper people.
  5. Proper pop up purple paper people.
  6. ‘How do you prop up pop up purple paper people?’
  7. I hear you cry. Well I…
  8. I’d probably prop up proper pop up purple paper people
  9. with a proper pop up purple people paperclip,
  10. but I’d pre-prepare appropriate adhesives as alternatives,
  11. a cheeky pack of blu tack just in case the paper slipped.
  12. I could build a pop up metropolis.
  13. but i wouldn’t wanna deal with all the paper people politics.
  14. paper politicians with their paper-thin policies,
  15. broken promises without appropriate apologies.
  16. there’d be a little paper me, and a little paper you,
  17. and we’d watch paper TV and it would all be paper view.
  18. we’d watch the poppy paper rappers rap about their paper package
  19. or watch paper people carriers get stuck in paper traffic on the A4.
  20. There’d be a paper princess Kate but we’d all stare at paper Pippa,
  21. and then we’d all live in fear of killer Jack the paper ripper.
  22. cause the paper propaganda propagates the peoples prejudices,
  23. papers printing pictures of the photogenic terrorists.
  24. There’d be a little paper me, and a little paper you,
  25. but in a pop up population people’s problems pop up too.
  26. there’d be a pompous paper parliament who remained out of touch,
  27. and who ignored the peoples protests about all the paper cuts,
  28. then the peaceful paper protests would get blown to paper pieces,
  29. by the confetti cannons manned by pre-emptive police.
  30. and there’s still be paper money, so there’d still be paper greed,
  31. and the paper piggy bankers pocketing more than they need.
  32. purchasing the potpourri to pepper their paper properties,
  33. while others live in poverty and ain’t acknowledged properly,
  34. a proper poor economy where so many are proper poor,
  35. but while their needs are ignored the money goes to big wars,
  36. funding origami armies building paper planes
  37. while we remain imprisoned by our own paper chains,
  38. and the greater shame, is that we always seem to stay the same,
  39. what changes is who’s in power choosing how to lay the blame,
  40. they’re naming names, forgetting these are names of people,
  41. cause in the end it all comes down to people.
  42. I like people. cause even when the situation’s dire,
  43. it is only ever people who are able to inspire,
  44. and on paper – it’s hard to see how we all cope,
  45. but in the bottom of pandora’s box there’s still hope,
  46. and i still hope cause i believe in people.
  47. People like my Grandparents. who every single day since i was born have taken time out of their morning to pray for me.
  48. that’s 7433 days straight of someone checking i’m okay and that’s amazing.
  49. people like my aunt who puts on plays for prisoners.
  50. people who are capable of genuine forgiveness.
  51. people who go out of their way to make your life better and expect nothing in return.
  52. people have potential to be powerful.
  53. and just because the people in power tend to pretend to be different, we don’t all need to succumb to the system.
  54. a paper population is no different.
  55. there’s be a little paper me and a little paper you,
  56. and we could watch paper TV and it would all be paper view,
  57. and in a pop up population peoples problems pop up too
  58. but even if the whole world fell apart then we’d still make it through
  59. because we’re people.