Monday 11 April 2016

Day 7729

New list/plan
So my sleeping pattering is currently  5am - 1pm. I have found that whilst I can easily motivate myself to push through the tiredness and sleep a little later each day, waking up and just dealing with it has so far failed. I'm such a lazy human.

But yes, portfolio plans! - Will work on this until it is done then work on major/ other parts :)

CV - Pictures to add and variants to make. The pictures will be going inside the red boxes.

Business card - To test and print (There is an inside and a pocket that it goes in)

Inside front

Inside back

Pocket front

Pocket back (When slides over the koala it shows him dancing *3*)

Website - To do o...o YAY - Will probably use tumbler

Portfolio - Has been bought :) Now just to get the work done and print it!

It's so green o3o And I have a green pen and usbs. It shall stand out I hope, and I won't be able to loose it easily. 

Inside shall have 5 A3 projects, plan is to have the middle pages on acetate, so in example with TtR you would be able to see the front and back of the characters, against the background or just the backgrounds. It's going to be Landscape and at the bottom of each will be a color border (Different color per project) and within the color it will say what the project is and have icons of the programs used to make it.

8 Days to get this all finished and then another 1 1/2 for printing shenanigans.  I wonder if I will finish Dexter in that time?

1) Jelsa - Blue
- Storyboard and character sketches
- A// Final environment - Nuke and Houdini
- A// Environment with character and effects - Nuke, Maya, Houdini
- VFX breakdown - Houdini

2) Space 360 - Green
- Concept art - Photoshop
- A// Stars and planets - Blender
- A// Stars and other planets - Blender
- VFX breakdown - Blender

3) DD game - Red
- Environment and game sketches, showing reference and close ups
- A// Female Max + Grovlov  - Photoshop
- A// Male Max + Grovlov - Photoshop
- Environment modeling and texturing - Blender and Photoshop

4) TtR - Orange
- Storyboard and character sketches - Flash
- A// Timmy and scythe expression and poses - Flash
- A// Lylah expressions and poses - Flash
- Backgrounds - Flash and blender

5) Paper people - Purple
- Concept art
- Storyboard so far


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