Showing posts with label VR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label VR. Show all posts

Monday 29 January 2018

Day 8385

Games forum 2018 VR Notes

AR - How to unlock AR's Business potential
Will Freeman @spadgy_OTA- game journalist. Phil Charnock @Phil_Charnock- Draw and code. Russel Harding@russhar - Conspexit. Travis Ryan@travisxuryan - Dumpling Design.

- More humans use AR in Snapchat daily than use Twitter
- More humans viewed the super bowl Snapchat add than watched the game live.
- 5 years 2 billion regular AR users
- Pragmatic to work on mobile VR which has the audience but future proofing for glasses/headsets is a good idea. Just takes Apple or Google to make the leap
- Snapchat and Pokémon has helped create an investment buzz for selling products
- How to get people using the technology without forcing, they out a tower in the middle of the level and then people naturally leaned and learned for themselves
- Key things to consider for AR is Camera, battery power, fun.

AR  101 - Oliver Clarke, Modern dream (Awesome talk o3o)

- We have created a range of inter-subjective ideas to interpret our world. Road signs for example
- Exciting is digitising our reality, e.g photo > digital currency> AR digital reality
- Intersubjectivity - unique ability to share something created and believe it is real e.g money we believe it is real for the purpose of accountancy.
- AR has so many possibilities,  picking up on light we can't see, facilitating productivity, potential for experiences new ranges of emotions to name just a few
- AR/VR can be used for Science! Visualise the microscopic and macroscopic. In medicine, it can be very difficult to train surgeons introducing the VR cadaver~ More outside of just marketing and entertainment
-Andrew Lacey VR/AR world 2016 chart, predicts that in 2022  is when everything really starts to take off
- What's great about AR is you can do things now,  we are in an experimental stage before exponential growth in 2021 mobile, AR especially, the rules have not been written yet
- Solving clunky problems will be when it takes over (e.g holding your phone to look at a map)
- Stats a wonderful chart that I didn't take the name of... Premium VR 1.3x increase. Mobile VR 4x increase in 2021
- Untethered is the most compelling, powerful features are great but ultimately performance is key
- If it runs well on a smartphone now then it will work wonderfully with the tech to come
- 100-150 max keep draw calls, batch as much as possible, atlas textures. (what they currently use)
- To keep in mind: Scale is an issue in AR, often things are gigantic when assets are taken in first. (Physics don't scale very well, especially in unity that works on real-world scales)
- - books used for the talk
- Things of the future/now~ High fidelity texture, haptic feedback, real-time collaboration, machine learning, blockchain

Design and Art in VR games  (50% great talk >.>)
Anna Hollinrake@AnnaHollinrake - Dream reality interactive. Russ Earwaker @climaxstudios- Climax

- Scale and movement are key to great art
- Tiny animated characters feel great, simple interactions (just picking it up) feel cool
- Negatives to consider: Motion sickness - restricted audience - still developing - space, wires, heat and weight
- Don't scare off new players bridge accessibility gap, keep the excitement with clear ideas
- No standardised controller (though really there is more than controller buttons to work with....)
- Gestures for tutorials/actions should be natural to real life movements
- Give players time to get their VR legs
- Make speed constant and avoid turning too quickly, the acceleration is the sickening factor
- Scale camera and move in closer for more toy-like view
- Restrictions to keep mobile VR running nicely: Low poly, no alpha, no particles, few bones(blend shapes instead)
- Include artistic rhythm
- Silhouette interesting from all angles, pull out edges, remove chunks, add kinks don't have overly thin else you'll have flickering, sweeping curves, no chamfering, every loop and vert say something
- Atlasing - one 4k texture per environment
- Keep in mind headsets get hot - use light baking and be careful with bright colours and things that will overheat
- Second UV texture of paper over the top of all to tie it together

Surviving and thriving in the VR market 
Vincent Brunet-Dupont @trebuchetvr- Trebuchet. Tanya Laird @TanyaLaird- Digital Jam. Fernando Montalvo @ferm3ogs- 3OGS. Erik Desiderio@Erik_Desiderio - Erik Desiderio music.

- All of the areas, don't be prudish and stick only to games, explore! Defence industry (synthetic) medicine, housing,  larger markets that can pay
- Many big cooperate brands don't understand narrative design
- They don't understand the return they get, helps if you can show them and compare audience reach mobile app Vs VR experience. A lot of the people who are in charge of paying and deciding where the money goes haven't tried VR - educate all of the humans
- Still very much a VR bubble - people in shock over having to have a pc/laptop shock and horror ensues
- Current gen VR is very much a family set up ( like how it used to be one shared TV, then one shared pc etc.)  Keep the spectatorship in mind
- When it comes to marketing -  explaining the tech. Then explain the game.
- Game arcades talk to them about the game VR arcade Facebook group - far East arcade culture still there
- Shareable as well as playable - key to getting people to know your game/experience 
- Circus, theatre, magic - reference for VR staging

VR esports  -

- 3million high-end VR
- Oculus go, give pro, Santa Cruz coming soon~
- VR arcades lots of money
- Echo area, the unspoken tournaments already in place
- Interactive spectating twitch and YouTube, voting for harder easier play, food drops, take part as otherwise ai like a zombie
- 350k peak watching a match
- Seeing Dota 2 final from inside VR
- VR very exciting to watch. Throwing, moving, sneaking, jumping, finding, cover, etc
- SOS interesting game and a new idea

Creating content that matters - Ben Maltz Jones - rewind

- People 100% focus and engaged, making people feeling in VR makes them act
- People feel more in VR 15% more donations
-  Immersive, memorable, impactful
- 100% attention, more emotion and a physical connection memory, will last longer

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Day 7591

New label VR!

I'm going to try and condense all the key points of do's and don'ts into here so I have a point of reference later on. Perhaps not in this post but in anther one pretty soon.

Right now I'm working on:

You are what you eat - Stop motion! A mouse that eats all the food and grows until it's ill. I have all of the things to do it :D and it's kinda blocked out on flash so I know roughly how many frames and the general movement of the mouse. >.> Have wanted to do stop motion for a while and so I figured why not <.<... Even though it's final year and I should probably be working on, you know refining my skills and such~ But this will be more fun :D And if it all goes horribly wrong I can use the flash data and work from that o.o

Paper people - Which I'm going to make into a 360 video, I shall probably only get 20 seconds or so finished but have everything set up to finish over the summer.

Jelsa - Thinking about adding a little AR in here, SO the plan is to use the motion capture data, add it to the model, use M cloth, to create skirts and such and add random ribbons as well, then take that into houdini and change the cloth into snow particles. Pop this all into Nuke and make a snow matt painting, with the two windows and a TV screen. Then using the markers that you get in AR have it so that when they come out of the screen they truly do come out of the screen :D Which would be super cool I think.... But I'll need to do more research into how it picks up on the surrounding areas of the real world and such o.o If not then I'll keep it to the video idea and go from there.

WTB - All of the after effects and triangles :D

Dissertation! - all of the theory I need to add! I'm looking at narrative in VR and the codes and new ways of telling storys and such.

Dragon dynasty - Still building up the general world with my DnD game, but the game side of things is coming together :) Think we will try and make it VR compatible but ultimately i'll be just a nice little game you can play for a few hours and then forget about :P Should be fun either way, with lots of fun little easter eggs and plenty of breaking the fourth wall.

Colouring book music video :D Is now on the to do list! perhaps not in uni, I mean it depends how much time and such but I've got the ball rolling and hopefully I can start learning what I need to know now (Guessing it's going to need coding) so that next year over summer I can make it! Thinking about doing it for one of El's other music videos? Not really sure but it will be exiting if it works :)