Wednesday 25 November 2015

Day 7591

New label VR!

I'm going to try and condense all the key points of do's and don'ts into here so I have a point of reference later on. Perhaps not in this post but in anther one pretty soon.

Right now I'm working on:

You are what you eat - Stop motion! A mouse that eats all the food and grows until it's ill. I have all of the things to do it :D and it's kinda blocked out on flash so I know roughly how many frames and the general movement of the mouse. >.> Have wanted to do stop motion for a while and so I figured why not <.<... Even though it's final year and I should probably be working on, you know refining my skills and such~ But this will be more fun :D And if it all goes horribly wrong I can use the flash data and work from that o.o

Paper people - Which I'm going to make into a 360 video, I shall probably only get 20 seconds or so finished but have everything set up to finish over the summer.

Jelsa - Thinking about adding a little AR in here, SO the plan is to use the motion capture data, add it to the model, use M cloth, to create skirts and such and add random ribbons as well, then take that into houdini and change the cloth into snow particles. Pop this all into Nuke and make a snow matt painting, with the two windows and a TV screen. Then using the markers that you get in AR have it so that when they come out of the screen they truly do come out of the screen :D Which would be super cool I think.... But I'll need to do more research into how it picks up on the surrounding areas of the real world and such o.o If not then I'll keep it to the video idea and go from there.

WTB - All of the after effects and triangles :D

Dissertation! - all of the theory I need to add! I'm looking at narrative in VR and the codes and new ways of telling storys and such.

Dragon dynasty - Still building up the general world with my DnD game, but the game side of things is coming together :) Think we will try and make it VR compatible but ultimately i'll be just a nice little game you can play for a few hours and then forget about :P Should be fun either way, with lots of fun little easter eggs and plenty of breaking the fourth wall.

Colouring book music video :D Is now on the to do list! perhaps not in uni, I mean it depends how much time and such but I've got the ball rolling and hopefully I can start learning what I need to know now (Guessing it's going to need coding) so that next year over summer I can make it! Thinking about doing it for one of El's other music videos? Not really sure but it will be exiting if it works :)

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