Showing posts with label Drawing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drawing. Show all posts

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Day 7920

Good day? Bad day?

It's been a while and I needed somewhere to collect my thoughts and make plans so I'm writing rather early in the morning. As such I predict today will be a good day, full of efficiency and productivity! (And a lucky one where I shall get the Junkrat Halloween skin.)

Health - 8/10 This past month has been like having repeat doses of freshers flu without the fun of freshers. I am sorry to all the people I will have unwittingly infected, but may your immune systems be the stronger for it, like mine hopefully is.  

Work vs Play

 - Work
- Play 

Thing of today: 

From the frog, princess! But wait there is more: a whole album of 2D animation 

To do list

1) Rubber duck model 2) Fix normal duck model 3) Bread basket model 4) Slice of bread model 5) Send off 360 video 6) Inktober animation 7) Inktober drawing 8) - 9) - 10) -

Quick catch up

Completed BFX. - insert link here soon so you can watch it's wonderful ness- 
360 video for charity Create Acting as the producer, semi director, lighting, compositer, some VFX, and HRness.
Good things - I learned a lot // First time doing lighting and thought it went okay // met some wonderful people // got to make a 360 video // because of the careers fair at BFX festival got to meet both Random 42, and Double Negative! There were also a couple other companies who were lovely and there was a VR advertising agency nearby also which was awesome to see. // I had a lot of fun, mostly at the start // Nice reason to meet up with Porstmouth humans who were wonderful and really helped me out // Found out I can work for 24 hours in one go (energy drinks are not a good idea at this point)    
Bad things - Group work with constant bickering and trying to single one person out was tedious to deal with // I did not produce well, I should have been a lot stricter from the get go and not taken BS from people, following up on deadlines and checking people are actually doing what they said they would not just doing their own thing and not talking with me. // Ran out of time for rendering so was trying to complete at home without VRAY and a bad internet connection (when it connected at all) // When 360 renders go wrong they are not easy to fix and dealing with 4k is incredibly tedious // Found out I can work for 24 hours in one go (energy drinks are not a good idea at this point) 
Made some awesome business cards! - Aren't they pretty o3o

Using munchkin as a design guide and banana print to print, a very good company would recommend. 

Now making a duck game with Isaac - It's a game where you feed ducks

We are using Blender and Unity, one thing Blender definitely has on Maya is the lack of crashing, it's a little unusual to navigate however and I am still getting used to moving around and picking up on the hotkeys and general ways of working but there are lots of tutorials so this is good.  

Applied for part time job at Sainsburys - Wish me luck! 
Interview on Friday, I have heard good things about the company and the times are early, early morning, which gives me the rest of the day (that I'm awake) to work on game projects and can help fund a VR course I have seen and am hoping to do (though is £1500 so I'm unsure I can take part right now) this is assuming I get the job -fingers crossed-  If it does fall through.... I have no plans right now, I don't think animation companies will accept me just yet, but by this time next month I hope to have an incredibly strong reel.
I am doing inktober - Or was and now I'm doing some animations

Kinda O.o, My plan was to do an animated reveal of the drawings  however that was taking a lot longer than expected, new plan! Is just get 10 done by end of October! You can see above the ones I've started, the animation is pretty simple, and inside the blue is where the drawing will be. 
Ring a ring a roses - My roses are dying/dead but I have a new rose so all is good
They aren't 100% dead yet.... But realistically what's left of them won't survive much longer. When I came back from BFX I found two of the pots sitting in a couple inches of water, so being drowned after being left outside and then catching the black spot  which they were only just recovering from. And then for my part I over fed them which created a horrible ammonia smell when they got watered too much and in general isn't good for the plants as they will flurry for a short time but then won't take in the nutrients that they need (found out after googling the smell).... I'm finding this surprisingly more upsetting that I would expect, I think it's because I kept the oldest alive for three years and I wasn't the best with them but they didn't die, but when left with people I trusted with plants and throught my own neglect, they ended up dying, not intentionally, but still... I currently have them sitting in rice to try and dry it up, as of yet it has not worked but we shall see ^^ ah well, at least roses are my biggest concern right now, could be a lot worse.   
- Mini update -  I have a new rose! A second ago one was just gifted to me as they thought it would make me happy and it is a white rose which is the perfect colour o.o and it is in full bloom and I will love it and look after it and all is well in the world of Rosie. 
Overwatch - Good game, I can mostly only play support well but it's fun.

Just as a note to self more than anything, I've gone from really liking to playing Symettera and Mercy, to Mei and Lucio, but also Genji, Junkrat and Zenyatta I really enjoy, Ana and D.Va are characters I'm trying to get the hang of also, Ana for her tea emotes and because it would be good to play at least one tank to an okay standard o.o  A good game, I'm not amazing at it but it's 


Saturday 23 August 2014

Day 7133

So this painting model thing.... Is going.... Well? Yeah o...o  There are bits of polystyrene everywhere O.O 

Saturday 19 July 2014

Day 7097

Dads birthday

Designing him a T-shirt

Idea is it will be a white T so the lines will be cut out, then the different layers will be shades of blue slowly getting fainter towards the back o.o

Sketchy sketch

Day 7097

Okay so. 
Thinking of doing this person!manga/component_74511

In this style

 You can see more of his awesomesauce works here 

So I thinking, sculpted character fishing and then the background lots of fish.... 
images below as a kinda o.o idea I guess

Then if it works out well I give my parents the final thing for christmas ^-^ Simple.

Thinking something like this, with just an upper body statue and then the painting with fish, maybe have the wire either painted in or easily detachable o.o

So ... 
Hands quite blocky but thumbs still there
Hair layered but also blocky
Light source big thing, very exaggerated lights in main areas and dull in shadow .....
Left to right in my own image 
Eyes very simple, maybe add more detail?
Choppy carving of the polystyrene

Sunday 15 June 2014

Day 7063


-Update 20/07/2014 Casualakb0048 zodiac horoscope, some fit quite well o.o XD-
  • Lissette - Terrible memory for names but brilliant for faces/visuals. Calls everyone 'love' or 'darling'.
    - Leans forward a lot showing cleavage, also twirls hair a lot
    - Born July 3rd
    - Lust/Patience

    Loving, susceptible, sympathetic, sensual, faithful, instinctive, charitable, over-reactive and moody

  • Jaque
    - 'T
    echnically' his main word often spoken when solving problems
    - Pushes up glasses often, his cloths are always dirty so he blindly searches for a random cloth to wipe it on (He met Lissette this way by wiping them on her dress)
    - Born May 3rd
    - Envy/Charity

    Security-conscious, resolute, sensual, dependable, faithful,secure, proud, obstinate and decisive
  • Rima
    Often says the worst case scenario - these also come true a lot - people soon tell her to shut up or start thinking that whatever she says will come true - no matter how ridiculous
    - Hands on hips, eyes narrowing at something in the distance (she has really good eyesight)
    - Born November 3rd
    - Greed/Diligence

    Secretive, passionate, resolute, insensitive, steadfast, painstaking and stubborn
  • Prince Leonidas
    - Repeats his words a lot, when he was younger he had a lot of siblings and was used to not being heard.
    - Pinches bridge of nose, sighs a lot
    - Born September 3rd
    - Wrath/Chaste

    Loving, susceptible, sympathetic, sensual, faithful, instinctive, charitable, over-reactive and moody
  • Tristan
     'If I were you I'd...' His next words are always cut of because of a random thing that just happens  to cut off the indecent things he's about to say
    - Scratching, either his hands are behind his head or he is scratching himself somewhere on his body
    - Born March 3rd
    - Gluttony/Temperance

    Loving, sensitive, intuitive, spiritual, idealistic, victimised and moody
  • Princess Rui
    - (Now blind?) Often insults people in a sweet voice, whilst smiling and fluttering lashes.
    - Glides/ Half asleep most of the time
    - Born January 3rd
    - Sloth/Humility

    Loving, susceptible, sympathetic, sensual, faithful, instinctive, charitable, over-reactive and moody
  • Amelia/Maya - Apologizes a lot, often too much and for things she has no control over  
    - Rubs the arm that's not there, if she see's a family she will stare at them and loose concentration
    - Born January 3rd
    - Pride/Kind

    Loving, susceptible, sympathetic, sensual, faithful, instinctive, charitable, over-reactive and moody


Maya has her arm chopped off, this is fed to the dragon and the last thing he eats. He dies and renews himself with her blood being inside. He becomes her dragon because of the blood connection. If you want to control a dragon you have to offer it a part of your body, the more you give the stronger your control.



A5 drawing - £1.50
A4 drawing - £2 (3 for £5)
Post card - 50p

Comic book - £5/£7.50

Badges - 50p
Hearts - £2.50

A5 Commissions - £5

Contact card - Free
Sweets - Free
Stickers - Free/10p


Thursday 12 June 2014

Day 7060

To be posted on Facebook when done. Posted as a video with clips from each song. 

Anyone remember this? I mean 68 humans took part so I'm sure it might tickle a few of your memories. 

"5th of June 2014
Let's see how this goes o.o.....
So...If you like this status or comment below or message me or something, I'll draw your profile picture in a pen sketch cartoon character kinda way. 
Yup o.o That's... Pretty much it ~o.o~"

Well over a year later I have done it! Now I thought it'd be a little boring to just copy straight up...So I used a Disney song list! Putting your profile pictures against different songs so your gender(or the characters gender), nationality, or even species may have changed! The list is below and I'll be uploading 
If for some reason you want to buy an A4 print (Because you are so enamoured by it's beauty..) then you can for the grand total of £2.50(+P&P if needed) which will most probably be spent on the tea addiction and general foody things.   
  1. Matthew Hutchinson
  2. Roxy Negru
  3. Stephen James Lemon
  4. Matthew Larwood
  5. Trevor J Caddick
  6. Emma Seal
  7. Tomasz Szelachowski
  8. Qiang qiu
  9. Daniel Thomson
  10. Marshall Green
  11. James Butler
  12. Joes higgins
  13. Deli Too Portsmouth
  14. Sheree Lock
  15. Lily Jean Burton
  16. Andy 'Thor' Spiers
  17. Matt Copeland
  18. Mel Green
  19. Maia Kjaersgaard
  20. Becky Breeden-West
  21. Danny Martin Arney
  22. Robert Whiting-Simpson
  23. Aaron Down
  24. Jade Sweetman
  25. Alex vince
  26. Lo Janus
  27. QuelymKathe Lam
  28. Sam cousins
  29. Daniel Waite
  30. Thomas Jesson
  31. Jessica J.Kristin-Robers
  32. Zsofi Stavri
  33. Sarah Irving
  34. Sebastian Stungo
  35. Huw Barry 
  36. Beki Knight
  37. Samuel Brooks
  38. Jack Thompson
  39. Arekkusu Maka Aruban
  40. Georgie Emily Rawlings
  41. Jack Latoy
  42. Sabina Milhaela Barleaza
  43. Nick Tayler
  44. Abi Imrei
  45. Caslin Micol Barnes
  46. Gareth Lawson
  47. Jeannette Warr
  48. Holly Ellis
  49. Stephen James Pye
  50. Emily Houben
  51. Tom Butt
  52. Harry Dorenberg
  53. Kuroi Ryu
  54. Stefan 'steve' Gadd
  55. Ben Adamson
  56. Oliver Thurston
  57. Kerrie Oak
  58. Dale Butcher
  59. Jackory Gibbons
  60. Jonanthan Murphy
  61. Luke Wilton
  62. James Ewok Seabourne
  63. Kit Campbell
  64. Rosemary Warr
  65. Ryan Williams
  66. Andrew Wilton
  67. Laura Adinolfi

  1. Painting the roses red - Alice in Wonderland
  2. Great Spirits - Brother bear
  3. A star is born - Hercules
  4. son of man - tarzan
  5. i'm still here - treasure planet 
  6.  The world's greatest criminal mind - great mouse detective 
  7.  ive got no strings - pinocchio
  8. im wishing - snow white and the seven dwarfs
  9. honour to us all- mulan
  10.  the unbirthday song - alice in wonderland
  11.  zero to hero - hercules
  12. ev'rybody wants to be a cat - aristocats
  13. Mother knows best - Tangled
  14. be prepared - the lion king
  15. poor unfortunate souls- the little mermaid
  16. whistle while you work - snow white and the seven dwarfs
  17.  so this is love- cinderella
  18. i wonder- sleeping beauty
  19.  what's this? - nightmare before christmas
  20. the second star to the right - peter pan
  21. out there- the hunchback of notre dame
  22.  just around the riverbend- pocahontas
  23.  Friends on the other side - Princess and the frog
  24.  one jump ahead- aladdin
  25.  something there- beauty and the beast
  26.  friend like me- aladdin
  27.  you can fly! you can fly! you can fly! - peterpan
  28. go the distance - hercules
  29.  I wan'na be like you - the jungle book
  30.  I wont say (im in love) - hercules
  31.  a whole new world- aladdin
  32. under the sea - the little mermaid
  33. colors of the wind - pocahontas
  34.  I just cant wait to be king- the lion king
  35. once upon a dream- sleeping beauty
  36. someday my prince will come- snow white and the seven dwarfs
  37. the bare necessities - the jungle book
  38.  true love's kiss - enchanted
  39. hakuna matata- the lion king
  40.  beauty and the beast - beauty and the beast
  41. almost there - princess and the frog
  42.  long ago - hercules
  43. A dream is a wish your heart makes- cinderella
  44. one last hope- hercules
  45.  circle of life - the lion king
  46. god help the outcasts - hunch back of notredame
  47.  hellfire - hunch back of notre dame
  48.  little april shower- bambi
  49.  when you wish upon a star - pinocchio
  50. Reflection - mulan
  51.  A guy like you - hunch back of notre dame
  52. two worlds one family - tarzan
  53. bibbidi-bobbidi-boo- cinderella
  54.  part of your world- the little mermaid
  55. youll be in my heart - tarzan
  56. can you feel the love tonight? - the lion king.
  57. cruella de vil - 101 dalmations
  58. be our guest - beauty and the beast
  59. kiss the girl- the little mermaid
  60. I'll make a man out of you - Mulan
  61. When will my life begin - Tangled
  62. I've got a dream - Tangled
  63. Oogie boogie song - Nightmare before christmas
  64. Do you want to build a snowman - Frozen
  65. Let it burn - Frozen
  66. For the first time in forever - Frozen

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Day 7052

Copied from Day 6839

Expo planning 

- test water, find local places to try out

- Guest book :3
- cash box
- business cards
- sweets
- table cloths o.o
-price labels
- stock list

- pens
- pillows
- bags
- a5 random one off drawings
- a4
- post card
- stickers/badges
- drawing portraits
- comic
- posters o.o 
- Desk calendar ( any left I can give them as presents :3 )

 - Timmy, DD, OCs, 

So Imgur showed me this guys business card

He works at lego........

So I started thinking about my own.
After a lot of research most artists just have some illustrations and that's that

Faves, would work really well at an expo I think....

Tea and coke.... Not a good combo :s

Saturday 1 March 2014

Day 6957

Now to label and post..... This took... More effort than I was expecting... .

I don't even know what happened with this one....

Kinda cute I guess

It's a lilly... So.... In the water.... meh o.o

^ second fave I guess

I don't like the face n this.... but the dress is awesome o3o

This didn't really work....

Okay I guess

^ I think this is my fave......

This i kinda like but not entirely 

Friday 17 January 2014

Day 6914

That face though.... 

  • To draw:
"Ok split the human into two. Right is demon, left is angel. angel = a templar larger armor, white, a cross in the middle of his chest so half a cross? demon = a pentagram on the chest, so half a pentagram? A female half angel half demon, half angel. Sword in one hand, a bow in the other, coal black bow (demon), a longsword (angel). half face hooded (demon) half face not hooded (angel). A female half angel half demon, half angel. Sword in one hand, a bow in the other, coal black bow (demon), a longsword (angel). half face hooded (demon) half face not hooded (angel).
Long blond hair, long to half her back? hope that makes sense I want her to be happy.
Standing with hands out, bow in one hand , sword in other."

  • Almost finished Soul Eater. Almost sketched up first 15 Pages of the comic. Almost planned out the Jelsa animation... 

  • Things I'm nowhere near finishing.... 

- 3D Timmy the Reaper
- High noon 
- Snail
- Shy blob
- King Koala storyboard 
Hedgehog storyboard 
- Jelsa animatic thing... 
- Paint
- Object paint in 4 differnt moods
- Landscape paint

So many plans so little production.


Animation people came in today, and by that I mean twins and by twins I mean HENRY AND THOMAS PURRINGTON..... o.o.... Yes....The caps were totally needed....
 They work for a sister company of something.... or.... I don't know, but they have worked on some really cool things.  Casual linkages

  1. Showreels most important - 30 seconds 8 shots, make them count
  2. Apply for everything the good, bad, out of league... Everything O.O
  3. The rest of Europe is way ahead of us animation student wise and applying early is a good idea o...o
  4. Network - Yeah... That's.... "Network" Seems to mean chatting at the pub TT_TT I mean... With friends it's fine I can order tea we play chess, is all good... With random people.... o.o.... Well they'd remember me right? I have no clue. 
  5. Online presence 

O.O I just did that thing where you bite your nail.... and then it goes back to far O.O WHY DID I DO THAT O.O and now it stings.... yay.

Found this art blog. Loving the backgrounds very much the kinda shading and things <3  Think I'll try and do that in Jelsa

Thing of today

I've also come to the conclusion that making things look like a gentleman just makes them instantly look awesome o.o 

Jelsa - Where the hot guy is freezing and the leading lady couldn't get any cooler >3>.... Oh my I'm sorry XD

Sunday 12 January 2014

Day 6909

So.... Basically thinking turning the song into a duet, save instead of Elsa being a strong independant woman!... I'ma make it so Jack is the one telling her to let it go and be herself....  

Lyrics from here


Jack wouldn't really be affected by her ice...I think at first she wouldn't be able to see him either..... 

Haha maybe I can link this into it XD

:bulletgreen:01 - Holding hands
:bulletgreen:02 - Cuddling somewhere
:bulletgreen:03 - Gaming/watching a movie
:bulletgreen:04 - On a date
:bulletgreen:05 - Kissing
:bulletgreen:06 - Wearing eachothers’ clothes
:bulletgreen:07 - Cosplaying
:bulletgreen:08 - Shopping
:bulletgreen:09 - Hanging out with friends
:bulletgreen:10 - With animal ears
:bulletgreen:11 - Wearing kigurumis
:bulletgreen:12 - Making out
:bulletgreen:13 - Eating icecream
:bulletgreen:14 - Genderswapped
:bulletgreen:15 - In a different clothing style (Visual Kei, gyaru, lolita, ect. )
:bulletgreen:16 - During their morning ritual(s)
:bulletgreen:17 - Spooning
:bulletgreen:18 - Doing something together (this can be anything from watching tv to having sex.  Just remember to tag appropriately.)
:bulletgreen:19 - In formal wear
:bulletgreen:20 - Dancing
:bulletgreen:21 - Cooking/baking
:bulletgreen:22 - In battle, side-by-side
:bulletgreen:23 - Arguing
:bulletgreen:24 - Making up afterwards
:bulletgreen:25 - Gazing into eachothers’ eyes
:bulletgreen:26 - Getting married
:bulletgreen:27 - On one of their birthdays
:bulletgreen:28 - Doing something ridiculous
:bulletgreen:29 - Doing something sweet
:bulletgreen:30 - Doing something hot (once again, be sure to tag if you make it extremely NSFW!)


Jack design
(Man this picture is so awesome o3o)

Elsa design
I'm thinking a bit more winx like but pretty much this.... 

Helpful things . 

Maya chibi face

Tutorials ( has heart, cup, coin)

Thinking something like these. So, Elsa in one side and then Jack in the other and they break into each others worlds - removed the actual image/videos as was taking too much space.

Amos the Transparent Lemons videos