Wednesday 19 October 2016

Day 7920

Good day? Bad day?

It's been a while and I needed somewhere to collect my thoughts and make plans so I'm writing rather early in the morning. As such I predict today will be a good day, full of efficiency and productivity! (And a lucky one where I shall get the Junkrat Halloween skin.)

Health - 8/10 This past month has been like having repeat doses of freshers flu without the fun of freshers. I am sorry to all the people I will have unwittingly infected, but may your immune systems be the stronger for it, like mine hopefully is.  

Work vs Play

 - Work
- Play 

Thing of today: 

From the frog, princess! But wait there is more: a whole album of 2D animation 

To do list

1) Rubber duck model 2) Fix normal duck model 3) Bread basket model 4) Slice of bread model 5) Send off 360 video 6) Inktober animation 7) Inktober drawing 8) - 9) - 10) -

Quick catch up

Completed BFX. - insert link here soon so you can watch it's wonderful ness- 
360 video for charity Create Acting as the producer, semi director, lighting, compositer, some VFX, and HRness.
Good things - I learned a lot // First time doing lighting and thought it went okay // met some wonderful people // got to make a 360 video // because of the careers fair at BFX festival got to meet both Random 42, and Double Negative! There were also a couple other companies who were lovely and there was a VR advertising agency nearby also which was awesome to see. // I had a lot of fun, mostly at the start // Nice reason to meet up with Porstmouth humans who were wonderful and really helped me out // Found out I can work for 24 hours in one go (energy drinks are not a good idea at this point)    
Bad things - Group work with constant bickering and trying to single one person out was tedious to deal with // I did not produce well, I should have been a lot stricter from the get go and not taken BS from people, following up on deadlines and checking people are actually doing what they said they would not just doing their own thing and not talking with me. // Ran out of time for rendering so was trying to complete at home without VRAY and a bad internet connection (when it connected at all) // When 360 renders go wrong they are not easy to fix and dealing with 4k is incredibly tedious // Found out I can work for 24 hours in one go (energy drinks are not a good idea at this point) 
Made some awesome business cards! - Aren't they pretty o3o

Using munchkin as a design guide and banana print to print, a very good company would recommend. 

Now making a duck game with Isaac - It's a game where you feed ducks

We are using Blender and Unity, one thing Blender definitely has on Maya is the lack of crashing, it's a little unusual to navigate however and I am still getting used to moving around and picking up on the hotkeys and general ways of working but there are lots of tutorials so this is good.  

Applied for part time job at Sainsburys - Wish me luck! 
Interview on Friday, I have heard good things about the company and the times are early, early morning, which gives me the rest of the day (that I'm awake) to work on game projects and can help fund a VR course I have seen and am hoping to do (though is £1500 so I'm unsure I can take part right now) this is assuming I get the job -fingers crossed-  If it does fall through.... I have no plans right now, I don't think animation companies will accept me just yet, but by this time next month I hope to have an incredibly strong reel.
I am doing inktober - Or was and now I'm doing some animations

Kinda O.o, My plan was to do an animated reveal of the drawings  however that was taking a lot longer than expected, new plan! Is just get 10 done by end of October! You can see above the ones I've started, the animation is pretty simple, and inside the blue is where the drawing will be. 
Ring a ring a roses - My roses are dying/dead but I have a new rose so all is good
They aren't 100% dead yet.... But realistically what's left of them won't survive much longer. When I came back from BFX I found two of the pots sitting in a couple inches of water, so being drowned after being left outside and then catching the black spot  which they were only just recovering from. And then for my part I over fed them which created a horrible ammonia smell when they got watered too much and in general isn't good for the plants as they will flurry for a short time but then won't take in the nutrients that they need (found out after googling the smell).... I'm finding this surprisingly more upsetting that I would expect, I think it's because I kept the oldest alive for three years and I wasn't the best with them but they didn't die, but when left with people I trusted with plants and throught my own neglect, they ended up dying, not intentionally, but still... I currently have them sitting in rice to try and dry it up, as of yet it has not worked but we shall see ^^ ah well, at least roses are my biggest concern right now, could be a lot worse.   
- Mini update -  I have a new rose! A second ago one was just gifted to me as they thought it would make me happy and it is a white rose which is the perfect colour o.o and it is in full bloom and I will love it and look after it and all is well in the world of Rosie. 
Overwatch - Good game, I can mostly only play support well but it's fun.

Just as a note to self more than anything, I've gone from really liking to playing Symettera and Mercy, to Mei and Lucio, but also Genji, Junkrat and Zenyatta I really enjoy, Ana and D.Va are characters I'm trying to get the hang of also, Ana for her tea emotes and because it would be good to play at least one tank to an okay standard o.o  A good game, I'm not amazing at it but it's 


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