Tuesday 25 October 2016

Day 7926


I got the job! Induction day is Thursday and then I will be starting soon after I think! Early mornings here I come :D

4am - 8am every day save Monday and Tuesday, which are days Isaac has off so we can do more game things then :)
I can go see my parents Sunday day and come back Monday/Tuesday
And for going round my boyfriends dads on Saturday day (We'd normally go round Friday night - Saturday)

So it works :D And I shall become a bat that sleeps at 8pm

Interview was lovely, I had a very nice cup of tea made for me which made me less nervous and talking to  the interveiwer was a really nice thing, she is a wonderful women and I'm glad I'm going to get to work with her. Now to meet all the other wonderful humans :D

My boyfriends mum also got me a wonderful congrats gift, she was going to give it for christmas but was all excited so she gave it to me now! It is a koala lunch box with my name on it o3o I am being so very very spoilt right now.


For some reason my internet keeps cutting out :< Ethernet cables have not worked since moving here and the wifi was working somewhat but now it just cuts out. I can disconnect and reconnect and it will last around 1 minute(sometimes longer but generaly not that long) , then I get a yellow warning sign that says, nope, no internet for you o..o Luckily most of the work is offline, blender and unity both working just fine. So it's just working out how to use them....And I can steal my boyfriends computer for a quick overwatch game >.>.....I still have not got any of the skins I would like, but oh well~


The game is coming along swimmingly, still trying to work out Blender, uv unwrapping and texturing.... Have yet to move on to rigging and weight painting  let alone animation....Though my refernce folder has grown substancially, all of a sudden I'm noticing a fair amount of ducks everywhere.


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