Sunday 12 January 2014

Day 6909

So.... Basically thinking turning the song into a duet, save instead of Elsa being a strong independant woman!... I'ma make it so Jack is the one telling her to let it go and be herself....  

Lyrics from here


Jack wouldn't really be affected by her ice...I think at first she wouldn't be able to see him either..... 

Haha maybe I can link this into it XD

:bulletgreen:01 - Holding hands
:bulletgreen:02 - Cuddling somewhere
:bulletgreen:03 - Gaming/watching a movie
:bulletgreen:04 - On a date
:bulletgreen:05 - Kissing
:bulletgreen:06 - Wearing eachothers’ clothes
:bulletgreen:07 - Cosplaying
:bulletgreen:08 - Shopping
:bulletgreen:09 - Hanging out with friends
:bulletgreen:10 - With animal ears
:bulletgreen:11 - Wearing kigurumis
:bulletgreen:12 - Making out
:bulletgreen:13 - Eating icecream
:bulletgreen:14 - Genderswapped
:bulletgreen:15 - In a different clothing style (Visual Kei, gyaru, lolita, ect. )
:bulletgreen:16 - During their morning ritual(s)
:bulletgreen:17 - Spooning
:bulletgreen:18 - Doing something together (this can be anything from watching tv to having sex.  Just remember to tag appropriately.)
:bulletgreen:19 - In formal wear
:bulletgreen:20 - Dancing
:bulletgreen:21 - Cooking/baking
:bulletgreen:22 - In battle, side-by-side
:bulletgreen:23 - Arguing
:bulletgreen:24 - Making up afterwards
:bulletgreen:25 - Gazing into eachothers’ eyes
:bulletgreen:26 - Getting married
:bulletgreen:27 - On one of their birthdays
:bulletgreen:28 - Doing something ridiculous
:bulletgreen:29 - Doing something sweet
:bulletgreen:30 - Doing something hot (once again, be sure to tag if you make it extremely NSFW!)


Jack design
(Man this picture is so awesome o3o)

Elsa design
I'm thinking a bit more winx like but pretty much this.... 

Helpful things . 

Maya chibi face

Tutorials ( has heart, cup, coin)

Thinking something like these. So, Elsa in one side and then Jack in the other and they break into each others worlds - removed the actual image/videos as was taking too much space.

Amos the Transparent Lemons videos

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