Sunday 24 August 2014

Day 7134

My hair is long enough to do the braid in my fringe without lots of flicky bits o3o 

Look at this snazzy box for tea o3o and only £3. Volunteering is such a good idea :3 

TADAAAA o.o I did brick today o.o Kate was super impressed so she asked Tyler to take photos, so now I have photos :3... XD was doing it from 10 - 4ish aha.  

Also today some things happened, firsly I was walking to work and there was this man who was a bit grumpy and I smiled at him and he smiled back :3 so that made me happy. He had a very nice smile ^.^

A bit weirder was some guy asked me if I knew any dating sites O.o or had any friends that needed a boyfriend o.o ... Yeah.

And thanks to Imgur just found this dude. So gonna see if I can shade like them and see how it goes :3 but yeah o.o Is all good ^-^

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