Thursday 18 September 2014

Day 7158

We made 1000 boxes, they are 2 A5 sheets folded together,  and they went by 1 on Wednesday. 15 hours of box folding and packing.... T_T On Thursday we had around 120 goody bags instead all contained sweets, tea, a 10% discount, bhf bag/leaflet and a little note about human chess o.o 

Made lots of cookie monsters and some extra cupcakes on Wednesday, they all went so Rachel and Phil my awesome flat mates helped make so more today for today. They pretty much all went, we did it if you sign up to out newsletter you got a cake, we got around 150 each day, the trick was free tea then when they come over to get water we say "So are you interested in joining" if not is cool but if so then show them the newsletter o.o

We also did some photos which Aneta was amazing at and took and they are awesomes and everyone helped out a lot o.o Isaac especially.... I would have been much more stressed if he hadn't helped out o.o 

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