Sunday 2 March 2014

Day 6958

Another group wants to collaborate :D!!!!!! 

So lego and gaming
and now slow food :D

Hi Roseanna, 
I'm Leanne, president of Slow Food on Campus. I was at the Activities Council when you got ratified, and love the idea. I know how difficult it is to start a group (I was one of the founding members of SFOC and it's not as easy as it seems haha!). Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to do a joint tea party event with Slow Food on Campus, it works well for us and we can probably raise interest in your society too which I know helps when you're just starting up :)
Let me know,

To which I replieeeeeeeeeeeed

Hi Leanne nice to meet you :D
I've just been stalking your facebook pages to find out a bit more about what you guys do - it looks awesome o3o Though the cake part of the tea party stuff may clash a little with what you're trying to promote. Health wise.... >.>''
But yes, in short I would love to. Are there any sort of themes that you feel would work in your interest?

Perhaps a cake making thing followed by a variety of tea tastings....
Or a challenge on a market day and groups have to find different foods and buy them and then come back and have a fruit fondue o3o
Or we go somewhere and pick fruit and make jam and eat it with scones o3o
Or perhaps a farmers market style tea party, with different cheese and meats and fruits and you can try them and it says where they came from, how much they are, where to get them from etc.....
Or a comparison between shop bought cakes and homemade ones....Shop scones.. Home made ones....
Or a cupcake icing event
o.o...............I'm just rambling now with half made ideas....

What sort of thing do you have in mind? Like, what could you offer us and what do you think we could offer you?
I look forward to hearing back from you and I apologise if this is email was a little confusing, but I've found this idea very exciting :)
Thank you

So much excitement o3o  .... Gosh I hope I haven't scared her away...

Hi Rosie,
Love the fact that you're sp excited by the idea. We are about healthy food but also the plain fact of making something from scratch. Pick your favourite of your ideas and we'll work something nice out. 
Itll probably be in April as ti.e is running short. U think we can get you members and its gives our current members something different to do so they get the most out of the society. Its also nice timing with the new committee we should have by then:) 
Let me know,

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