Thursday 18 September 2014

Day 7158

15th Monday - Baking 
- Times 11 for Lilly, Tom, Angie, Lewis(1.30)
- Ice bucket challenge, Small for Lilly, Medium for Lewis, Large for Tom
- Quidditch will be coming round to bake as they don't have a certificate
- Lewis originally was going to collect camera but now Aneta will be coming round for 2 to photograph us all
- Angie sticker design and print finished
- Finish handing out to coffee shops
- Creating posters for freshers fair
- Starting pawn swords for Human chess
- Tom to have done risk assessment, sent to me in pdf and then once I okay to Jemma

17th/18th Wednesday/Thursday - Freshers fair 
- Box/Jar for theme suggestions
- Freshers fair main points, tea bagging and 50 shades of tea

19th Friday - International freshers fair baking 
- Times 11 for Angie, Lilly, Tom, Lewis(1ish)

20th Saturday - International fun day 
- Box/Jar for theme suggestions
- Email asking Nick about cream
- Combining Macmillan and international, if poster still has space using at human chess also

23rd Tuesday - Collect cake 

24th Wednesday - Big move in 11:00
-  Lilly and Angie setting up

24th Wednesday - Human chess
- Box/Jar for theme suggestions
- Choose 3 event themes from jar and post them on facebook for vote. Ends after 1 week.
- October 2 new positions. Media officer and health and safety/baking officer. Announced.
- Pawns - Mini shield either circle or diamond, and minecraft style short sword.
- King - Black game of thrones style chair/Black sword, White Zeus style chair/Thunderbolt
- Queen - Angie dapper black with tiara and hat, Jack white with dress and flowers
- Knights - White knights white wings and unicorn horses, Lances (plan to find smaller tubes), Black knights horse heads, black wings and lance
-  Bishops - Lightsabers + dressing gown (Need to find two light dressing gowns and 1 dark) #
- Rook - Box with slit for eyes
- When your piece is taken you get a cupcake
- By taking part you are in to win a grand prizes
- Combining Macmillan and international, if poster still has space using at human chess also
- To contact local newspaper about Human chess - Lilly

00th - Unknown  - Training 
- Training in September everyone should attend

1st Wednesday - Competition ends for Membership joining 

1st Wednesday - Activities council 

8th Wednesday - SSAFA 
- SSFA date changed to Wednesday 8th October - Either outside library, or in union
- Ask sports societies who are going away if they want to take part on this day

22nd Wednesday - Competition ends for Tea-shirt design 

29th - To be decided 
- Box/Jar for theme suggestions
- Choose 3 event themes from jar and post them on facebook for vote. Ends after 1 week.
- October 2 new positions. Media officer and health and safety/baking officer. Voted on.

30th - Student council 

00th Unknown - Budget review 
- October Rosie and Lewis do a budget review

26th Wednesday - To be decided 

04th Thursday - Union Annual members meeting
- Bring as many people as possible (free wine and foods)

00th Unknown -  Visit cambridge 

00th Unknown - Christmas quiz 
- Start opening about next year submission for committee, make humans aware
- "The weakest tea" Christmas quiz £5  mince pies and non alcoholic mulled wine

- As a society we will be doing Lost + Jailbreak  (we are going to edinborough to see koalas)

- Potentially spending A account money on storage facilities
- Training for president next level health and safety -A Account
- October Rosie and Lewis do a budget review

Things I didn't know where to put. 
- To add vegetarian and vegan options in events
- Angie to ask about green week and one world week
- Angie to help think of ways to keep the society greener
- Attend societies Executive meeting - Tom when is the next one after 24th?
- Everyone start thinking about hand over tips for next committee now so it's not a massive rush (will push more after christmas)
- Ask Ford to join or another course rep
- Targe donate £400 (£444((£450)))
- Mario organising VIP - clean beach
- Local community - Cake sell, cake stall at a fair
- Alex to join, Stephen pie, Gareth,Mario,Grant .
- May have to change day if it keeps clashing with activities council. First Wednesday of every month?

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