Monday 29 February 2016

Day 7688

(Have moved my computer back into my room so I can focus on work more) 

Long time no post!

It's kinda hard to post when there are a lot of good things happening that out weigh the bad, so that's probably why this year has been obsolete so far. Quick update on what I can remember from the past two months.

Oculus - Or lack there of. 

Early January, boyfriend and I decided to go 50/50 on a second hand oculus from eBay, but when it arrived the scratches were a lot worse than shown in the image, there was also hair stuck in the glue from the foam, and one of the wires were frayed (annoying and misleading, but up to this point cosmetic) and then after my boyfriend actually tried it out, felt something was wrong with it and after removing the headset again found that the foam had been glued back down incorrectly.

Long story short we wanted a refund, the guy said there was nothing wrong with the product and we had buyers remorse, we went to eBay and they ruled in our favor, the guy hadn't had his address up to date or eBay messed up either way when returning the oculus it was sent to the wrong address, it is still at the depot, because the guy had no more money, and no oculus he threatened to take my partner to small claims court, my partners dad (very intelligent man) became involved in dealing with this guy, the man apparently got his money back, Isaac had already had a refund pretty early on and the oculus is still at the depot.

Migraines - Yay I still have them.... Though not as much, I guess...

So in January, and I think one in early February(may have been late Jan) I had a total of 3 migraines.... After previously having celebrated having only 4 the entirety of last year. Isn't that wonderful........ So that happened.

Biranival 2016 - Birthday/Anniversary/Valentines (KOALAS!!!!!) 

Birthday - I'm 21 now :D Had cake at all about tea, drank lots of tea, relaxed, watched anime, and tried to finish my partners anniversary present.... 

Anniversary - Gave him the drawing (still not finished....// though have now replaced it with a Jake scarf, and I have Ladies scarf :3) AND we flew up to EDINBURGH!!!!!! (His super awesome gift to me was to go to the zoo and see the koalas :D) I thanked him with a bath bomb o3o and it was dark blue and had lots of glitter so it looked like stars and was super lovely <3

Valentines - Went to the zoo, saw some awesome koalas, we went in the morning which was when they were most active :D and then when we came back at the end of they day they had not moved >.<, we saw deadpool pretty good film 4/10 for my personal rating and then 6.8/10 for recommending,  I'd have given it a 9 after just watching it but less than a month later it's no longer as impressive, not sure why, perhaps just not my genre of film, and my memories a little bad...... BUT I GOT TO SEE A KOALA!!!! 4 of them in fact o3o!!!!!

Role play - Finales, had to stop playing as I need to work! 

Dragon Dynasty - (this happened yesterday) The game I was GMing, like 12 sessions later everyone finished chapter 1, they finally worked together as a party and the last session was a lot of fun :)

They kinda half destroyed/saved the main city they were in, as they released this poisonous exploding plant that kinda just says fuck you to anything, then explodes and poisons everything (even itself) into the city. So as the water city started crumbling the plant was like EXPLODE!!!! They left the city to see it mostly crumbled, and an almost tree like structure there, with a poisonous gas filling the area. Players don't know this  but the only people to survive are the two gardening factions who were trying to deal with the plants and were suited up, everyone else is slowly dying and being eaten by the plants.

They then went up to the moon gods base, as they tried to save him, as an assassin started killing the moon god (ruler of the city) they've now got the god in a coma like vegetable state. Which is where the session ended with their ship being sucked up into the moon.

Underwater - I was playing as navigator, with a total of 4 koala fish collected over the sessions, no one else died, we essentially went to heaven, killed the god, the god absorbed into the captain and then the verni of this game put the metal god into a glass jar, and now we are setting the people the god controlled free (for potential future games) which is pretty good :) 


On a side note game wise ARK is pretty good with cheats, as you can force tame creatures :D and have all of the pets!!! May try playing online at some point in the future but not sure o.o possibly over summer. Though do not play it with the Oculus..... T_T It is horrible!

Finaly fantasty 14 was also pretty good for the trial period, again may get a subscription and play over summer, not sure... It's a little like Gw2, but I was more involved with the story in GW.... Also you can't swim in 14, which is kinda annoying...

No mans sky comes out in like 3 months!!!!!!! :D Squeee

Future - Current plans (Subject to change) 

Finish University with TtR planned out, Paper people planned out, Jelsa done, WTB done, Dragon dynasty planned out (game and comic), and SSK planned out. So essentially all of the prepro for these projects.

Then over summer focus mostly on TtR/Paper people finding voice actors, getting better at 3D animation and also playing games and learning to drive, and running chapter 2 of my roleplay game whilst in Portsmouth. And making an interactive coloring music video

September - November looking for an animation job/internship/placement etc. Hopefully as a runner, or getting to work at a small company. Also working on the comics and the game.

November-January: if I have not found an animation job by January I will start looking for a part time job, possibly cleaning? As that was kinda fun and I have the most experience in it.  And working on the Game for real, will also open up a patreon for the comics, and release one page a week alternating from week to week as to which comic, not expecting to make anything from that per say but it could help with getting a savings account going/buying things that suddenly go wrong and need fixing. 
September-October: The game should be "finished" - Also have a space at an expo table, selling comic and game posters and raising awareness a little. 
November- January: be out for testing/refining.

Then in around 3 years from now to go back to university and do a masters in VR, looking at misdirection in relation to reality/magicians and the techniques in VR?

So to make that possible I'd probably need around £700 a month?  Rent being <£350, food being <£100, Bills being <£50. Unsure about council tax though..... That could lead to a fair amount. Either way.  £6.70 is minimum wage for someone over 21, which means I'd need a part time Job that's around 105+ hours a month. Now in a month there are 730 hours, making it 700 and half the time I dedicate to sleeping for simplicity sake so  350 awake/working, if I then spent 150 hours working at a part time job (£1140 a month, which would leave a fair amount for savings), that leaves me with 200 hours a month to work on the comics and the game, and depending on how much I sleep also gives me time for housework/games/socializing (probably in that order) - Travel costs, if running a car? or getting coach? or if cycling it should be okay.

So.... That's the plan. Time to start with getting all the work done!  

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