Tuesday 30 April 2013

Day 6652

It's like... The more I say I won't post the more I am. Or maybe I'm just finding more and more ways to procrastinate. Well that and I just have lots of things to winge about at the moment.

Awww man I had such cool ideas for my art project. On one side you had the green side that I was going to leave to emily, and then on the other was going to be this tree, that was partially a person, ripping through the page and pulling away the half it was on to reveal the green side. Then some buildings in black, with skull clouds of steam coming out of them against a dreary background. With a black river filled with rubbish that would drip of the canvas onto the wall below.

But as I'm ill, I missed the day when they planned everything.... So now I have no say in what we are doing.... What's the point in working in a team if I'm not actually participating? AT ALL.... I hope I at least do get to paint on the project else I might as well not even be part of the class.... It's just so irksome! -sigh-
Please, please don't let university be like this V.V!
Their actual idea isn't to bad to be honest, biology has hands holding a tree, chemistry is bubbles with little icons in it, and then physics is just wind turbines on some hills. Then joining the three paintings will be a black cityscape that runs and joins along the bottom. I just feel like none of our artwork is really that out standing and if we wanted to make it look good we'd have to do some pieces that were a little bit more out of the box.

Oh, and we have 2 weeks to do it.... Fun Fun!
The other annoying thing is my art teacher is teaching us at a C grade level and, basically saying if we want to do better we have to work it out for ourselves. Which to a point I don't mind, self teaching is a good way to learn to a point. But at this level not that I want to be spoon fed but I still want to be told what I need to do to actually get the marks.

I think my art teacher may have given up with me. Or maybe it's just my personality that's putting her off.

Monday 29 April 2013

Day 6651

My boyfriend found out about my blog yesterday, as I'd left the tab with all that detail on the competition open ready to be finished in the near but distant future.... Was kinda worried he was going to read everything I've posted, including the things that aren't so great about him :/. I did ask him not to look, but knowing someones writing about you would kinda make you want to read.
So we shall see what happens O.O... If you are reading this then well, hello there~

So after a day of feeling crap and sorry for myself I started thinking about awesome things to cheer myself up. And with that I leave you with:

Rosie's Recommendations 
( on stuff - needless to say this is all kinda girly)

Food - 

La di da cupcakes: You may have heard me write about them already, if you've met me I've probably already recommended them to you. These cupcakes come in so many flavours they are £2 each you can get tea or coffee for another £2. The shop is set in the corner of town and the decor inside is the most adorable dollhouse like setting.

Shere delights: (located in Shere) If you are a fan of ice cream then this is probably a place you should visit at some point. There is no where to actually sit in the shop, but a few steps away outside there is a stream under a few trees and benches for you to sit on. So on a sunny day, the kinda day you know you want to be eating ice cream I really suggest you check it out. They have a lot of flavours, and the flavours are... Really good, hence why I'm recommending it and all. My personal favorite is salted caramel :) 

Clothes -

Discoveries: I really don't spend a lot of money on my clothes, or accessories or shoes for that matter, So naturally charity shops would be where I shop to get all the bargains. This place, is insanely cheap.. Like shoes are £1, belts are 30p I think it was, so is a lot of the jewelry. Clothes in general are always less than £4 max. And they sell paperbacks for 30p and hardbacks for 50p..It's just insane O.O. I've been in before and got around 15 pairs of clip on earrings for only 20p each and I'm like o.o... damn aha. They have bags and bedsheets and curtains and bric a brac, the general things that charity shops have... That said there might not be something in your size and it's a little hit and miss if there will be an amazing bargains. Either way the cheapness is insane.... There is also a coffee shop just inside the church it's located by, though that shall be moving next door in the near but distant future.

Everything 5 pounds online: Well first off its not £5 its £7 as there is P+P to be considered. I wouldn't recommend getting shoes from there as I have found that they are more trouble than they are worth what with the sole of the shoe needing repairing rather quickly ... But there top and bag range is really cool, and they have a plus size section also. Though you have to be quick sometimes with the items that look really good so as to get them in your size/ the colour you want. 

Manga - 

Sora wa Akai Kawa no Hotori - Yuri, a modern day teenager who had just received her first kiss, is suddenly whisked away to ancient Anatolia where an evil queen wants her for a blood sacrifice. Luckily, the timely intervention of Prince Kail saves Yuri from the queen's grasp. For now. Kail promises to send Yuri back to her home, but the queen's persistent schemes to kill them both, plus their growing interest in each other, keep those plans delayed.

Read  a very long time ago, I've enjoyed it so much I have read it several times since. Completed. 

1/2 Prince - It is the year 2100 A.D., and humans have developed a virtual reality game with a realism level of 99%. Feng Lan, due to a bet with her twin brother, vows to succeed in playing the game without using her "female benefits." Due to this, she becomes the first and only female to play as a male character in "Second Life." As her infamy rises as a bloodthirsty warrior, can she keep her identity a secret from her real life acquaintances whom she has beaten up?

I can never remember the name of this one aha, but this is still ongoing and so much better than the description lets on. Can't wait till this one is finished!

There are a ton more but these are my main faves of all time, but black bird, shinobi life, and numerous other stories are awesomes also. Though these are all pretty girly and I wouldn't imagine any guys reading them. 

Anime -
 http://myanimelist.net/animelist/third-rate I'ma just put my anime list here. Basically any I've rated, I really really enjoyed. That's all there is to it really 

Books - 

The wind on fire trilogy: This is a series that was read to me when I was little and has lived with me ever since, it's meant for younger children/family reading but it would make just such an amazing movie... It's pretty cheap to buy considering how old they are, and this was a series where I was content with the ending. Which doesn't happen very often. Slaves of the mastery, the second book is probably my favorite. 

The magicians guild trilogy: Again these are children/early teens books and in all honesty the first two books are a little meh, the ending on these books is insanely awesome in my opinion and that's why I love this series so much. The main character is a girl that I really enjoyed reading about and while it takes a very long time for anything significant to happen. It's a series that I can read again and again and still be entertained. 

Also The audio version "The way of Kings: The Stormlight archive" was a brilliant listen and kept me entertained whilst I animated. It's not yet completed and that kinda saddens me as throughout the whole book there was this massive lead up to something massive, which ended on to be continue pretty much.... Either way you can listen to it free on audible if you sign up for there 30 day free trial, but remember to cancel your subscription if you don't want to keep listening.

Tv shows - 

Game of thrones: Seven noble families fight for control of the mythical land of Westeros. I would say go read the books, but I haven't so I'm not going to be a hypocrite like that haha but I have heard the written series is very very good. As for the tv show... TT-TT I loves it every time this comes out on TV I'm like YAY then the episode ends and I have to wait a whole week... And in this age of instant gratification that's just not good enough D:.... >.>... Currently watching series 3. <3

American horror story: Series 1A family of three move from Boston to Los Angeles as a means of reconciling their past anguish. They move to a restored mansion, unaware that the home is haunted. Series 2: An anthology series that centers on different characters and locations, including a haunted house and an insane asylum. Both series are pretty awesomes, I watched it on the recommendation of a friend, very glad I did. It's not scary, I mean I've watched it and jumped at a few moments but that's about it, not to say it's not interesting but like... Don't let the title put you off is all. 

And with that my work is complete! I've left out movies and a few other things as well, because well, for one this is long enough and two my opinion changes quite a lot. Anyways this long ass post is finished! I really...really should get on with my art work :| Byese bye~  

Sunday 28 April 2013

Day 6648// 6650

Oh the 6666 is getting closer >.>.... Wonder if I'll post on that day... We shall see ( Tuesday the 14th of May)

Soooo competition stuff! All of mind numbing details put down so I can look back and think, well... I'll tell you what I think some time way off in the future.

Deviant Art had a journal post that went out to all users saying about the blackberry backed project " a calendar of tales," Which was created by a guy named.... Neil... >.>... Someone (who I now know to be the creator of the movie stardust.) Sent out a tweet each month, for a year. Asking people for ideas on what to write. And then he wrote using those ideas, 12 short stories. One for each month.

The deviant art post was about a second part in the project were the stories had been read by him and the audio uploaded on their website. The idea was filmmakers would create a video to go along side a story of their choice, or stories if they wanted to do more than one. I found out about this.... One week before the deadline o..o ONE FRICKEN WEEK D: .... ahem >.>... Oh also the first part of the project was to create an image to fit the a story that would then be ( if you won) used on the calendar month// Be featured on the website.

So... I had a week to make the video and the first thing I did was listen to each of the tracks and found which ones I liked... And which ones were shortest. January tale in all honesty is my favourite of the 12 stories, however in the end I was left choosing between August and September as they were the shortest.

As you may or may not know from previous posts I created September Tale in the end as I could play around with it more and had more ideas for interesting transitions... Kinda the only reason it was any good in the end in my opinion was because of those transitions >.<

So theres me, the beginning of the week, playing darksiders listening to the audio on repeat, jotting down little ideas as they came to me, being killed by the weak monsters that I really shouldn't be being killed by >.>..... Still pretty much thinking, "I don't have time theres no point, I'll just see what I could have done if I was going to..." That's me tricking myself into working >.> With false illusions.

That week, I didn't get much sleep. But I made it.. Stressed over getting it in on time with around 5 mins for it to actually upload to YouTube and me to submit it to the site. But I did it, YAY. And yeah o.o That was that. Didn't really win anything, well, It'll be shown on there website so lots of people will be exposed to my work haha but yeah :P

A couple days later my art teacher said about " Surreys next big thing" And I thought... >.> I could just submit the animation I've just made >:3.  Though I wasn't sure if I was allowed to or not what with the story not being mine and I didn't exactly have permission... I did ask, but in the end they didn't respond and I figured I wasn't making money of off it, and could always take it down if they asked. And that was that, with a slightly edited video so the timing wasn't so off I submitted it to Surge.

Yay it was accepted...And for a couple days that's all I thought I had to do... meanwhile those who had realised that  you needed views to win were streaming on ahead and one girl was at nearly 1000 views O.O I'll admit I did like her marker style picture though.

To get a vote you needed unique views on your entry... That was it, so as long as you got tons of people to view the page via a link then you were done. Ironically a few days before the competition I went through my friends list on Facebook and remove the 500people who I kinda new but not really, and I never spoke to V.V..Why didn't I wait D: >.>... Minor details...

Several other people entered from my school in the art department and I will admit that for a while they were my main goal, just be the best in my school and that's all that mattered~ Yeah I know, I'm competitive sometimes and it's not the best of trait, but >.>... yeah. So on with my boring story~
I managed to get ahead of everyone in my school, then there was the girl with the awesome painting and she'd kinda stayed around 900 views for a couple days and I was like >.>... I could beat her <.<....

And so I did, and whilst I was busy trying to do that Anabel Alum appeared. I mean this girl was in the 1000's already and I was like O.O the fu.... D: NU I've put this much effort in o.o and then my friend Icey and zuul came in and helped me :L As well as my real life family and friends, aha I think I asked everyone so much that when it was all over they were glad I wouldn't keep bugging them. Ah but I'm almost forgetting....

 About a week, well less than that before the competition ended two people suddenly shot up practically over night. One to 7000, and one to 5000... I was pretty gutted at that I had no idea how they got that many views and was like... What have they done that I haven't? Eventually the idea that they had cheated came up in conversation when I was moaning  to different people which kinda made sense. Still I didn't want to take the chance and figured I'd try at least...I mean there entry's were just pictures of an animation .... The songs and videos that were just below me, were damn good and, although I wouldn't have wanted to loose I wouldn't have minded loosing to them either.. but these pictures kinda irked me at the lack of effort :/.  In the end I made it to 5000, and I kinda gave up on the whole idea of winning. Like at the back of my mind I thought there could still be a chance, but I didn't want to give that to much thought just in case I was wrong.

Then the email arrived, saying congrats you have won! .... I squealed and, giggled and, laughed so hard at that... Then immediately called my mum, dad and close relatives XD And texted my boyfriend as at the time he was in the Caribbean. Turns out the dudes had cheated and used a robot to get the page views, so they weren't unique and all that stuff. So yeas o.o.... As for all the methods I shall list them below more for my sake than  anyone elses aha so it may not make all that much sense.

In no particular order// whatever comes to mind first....
1) Facebook - friends asking certain people who I new to post on there blogs/twitter/facebook ect
2) Facebook - Spamming everyone who came online that I hadn't already asked
3) Twitter - Tweat spammed famous animators... Don't think this actually did anything in hind site and I had my account blocked so... yeah don't do it people D: - Though Swoozy liked the one I sent him >.>... Maybe it's because he was the first person I actually tweeted, under Iceys suggestion... Heavy suggestion that is aha.
4) Chatango - Started with just spamming the link, the actually wrote a little message to go along side it. - probably most of my votes came from here ....
5) Magic Duel
6) Tumblr
7) Deviant art - All my watchers on all my accounts, a message in the two groups I run, and on the forums. I also messaged people that I was watching that's I particularly liked. And some of the more popular groups on DA also, including #Getwatchers.
8) Get watchers - A site were essentially every time you look at someone elses work, some one looks at your work. So I used my wing drawing and wrote in the description asking for help
9) Put in my signature on Every forum I was using ( including DA)
10) Gaia forum / Gaia signature also
11) Signed up for some "get votes" pages were you look at other peoples pages and they look at yours... this... wasn't very good to be honest...
12) On all of my youtube videos I put in the description the link and also an annotation at the beginning of each video.
13) Went through my parents address book
14) Emailed my old church ( parents current one ) and asked if they could put it in there newsletter - they did <3 thank  you guys so much! Though on the day the email went out surge died.... <.< Bad timing much. Also emailed all the churches and school I've been to asking for them to do the same.... none did or got back to me... not even my current school...
15) Posted in Reddit with the help of Tom aha, I put it into 3 forums and one of them was a "Don't you just hate it when" so I put people scrounge for votes >.>'' with the link of course haha.
16) Posted on a couple of really good animators YouTube videos asking for votes >.>.. Rather a lot on swoozie;s aha.... Thank you Icey :)

Hmmm I guess that's it o.o I was going to post on 4chan, but was strongly advised not to by my friends :L

I think spamming chatango, and asking people to ask other people were how I won pretty much. So thank you to everyone you have be unbeknown to you gratitude <3
Prizes O.O
--Interview - Imagine that some one wanted to know about me haha, seems weird really but was kinda cool aha.
--12 La di da cupcakes o3o zomg so yummy <3 - They arrived just before I got back from London on an awesomes day out so that was pretty good timing haha. And they wrote a little card saying  congrats and that's now on my wall!
--They are making a video series and have asked if I'll make the intro 
--I have now become one of 10 young people to be a surge editor.. I say that I haven't posted yet XD
--And *drum roll please* In summer half term I'ma go up to London and this dude is gonna mentor me and teach me stuff or well yeah O.O insaneness muchly!  I have been told his name (which now escapes me) and I've looked at his work from what I could online, he seems to be a kinda 3D game artist but I'm not entirely sure... But yes that will be awesomes~

Now with my new audio book I'll be cracking on with some work, so by the time you mange to drag yourself and read through all this I may or may not be done. We shall see :)

P.s - my plants are still alive! Photos... at some point aha XD
P.s.s Sorry for the long post V.V If you read it... well... I hope you recover soon.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Day 6445

Bet you non existent people weren't expecting a new post so soon!
 Huh? You don't care....
Well I guess the ability to care comes with actually existing and all...

Okay so enough talking to myself, even though that's ... kinda all these posts are O.o..

See my rents are religious, christian to be precise and they have a house group....

Just going to say I have nothing against religion.... Well that's a lie .. .I do o...o I think it's mildly idiotic the things that people can twist so that they can believe what they want.......Like I think everyone should be allowed to believe in what they want.... So long as it's not going to hurt anyone else in turn, you know, whatever makes you happy and all that.... But it's like how can people justify hurting unwilling people, if they have a God on their side.... Or even worse if a God "does it"... Really? I mean the whole idea of God to me at least, seems to be really subjective ( or uh "personal" if you're going by what my rents church teaches")....and the attributes seem pretty human at that.  And just because it's a God shouldn't give it the right to harm humans O.o Its like saying... I shall hurt dogs because I am more powerful muhahahahahaah... Okay it's not.....but that's what I feel like it is V.V.... Minor details...
The main reason I'm irked... and bothering to write about this is based on how they are dissecting a few lines from the bible, and putting so much weight on it.... And I'm just like....  DUDES O.O this will have been translated so many times and mashed together and what about the context and just why do you care O.O..... And I probably shouldn't be like that..... I really should be impartial, like I said earlier whatever makes them happy...  V.V and after writing this I have come to the conclusion this was pointless..... and I should have probably been doing artwork......

Yes time, totally well spent o...o
P.s I now smell of dog V.V

Monday 22 April 2013

Day 6644

Think I shall just be making casual updates for the foreseeable future. As well you know o.o I suck at being continuous and all....

Made an anime list, apparently I've watched around 44 days worth of anime to count, and over 100 anime series still finding quite a few I haven't added to the list yet. In all honesty I think it was time well spent :)

Portsmouth and Bournemouth where the two main universities I've been debating about for my first place, but I got a leaflet in the post saying how Portsmouth does Language courses alongside your main choice, and whilst both do international exchanges thats pretty much swayed me :3 Think I can learn French, Japanese and Korean... And be able to hold a basic conversation in German, Danish and Italian/Spanish.... haha.... This might be a little too much to handle XD Who knows, maybe when I'm like.... 70?

So now Portsmouth is my first choice and Farnham is my second.

P = This offer is subject to you obtaining
A minimum of 280 UCAS Tariff points 
from three GCE A levels
160 points
from the following

GCE A Level Double Award

F = A minimum of 220 UCAS tariff points from A Levels.

Art                                        Media
AA = 240                             A = 120
AB = 220                             B = 100
BB = 200                             C = 80
BC = 180
CC = 160

Hopefully I'm what I think I am, an average B grade student... she says when she still has to complete a ton of artwork in three weeks V.V, but if I get three C's instead of B's then I shall still get into university so it's not all bad. To be honest both universities are awesomes, just farnham is closer so I'm less likely to get into halls and, they aren't by the sea.... As for the teaching and staff, well I guess I'll see what they are honestly like if and when I actually attend!

Onto other news THEY LIVE :O Photos will be up soon... >.>..... ish.
My lovely rosemary bush has started to grow and is currently looking like little weeds.

Also I bought, (well my brother bought) a white wicker wash basket <3... Though when he got it... he called me, and explained that it was a dolls house size one... and fit in the middle of his hand....  He had me believing him for a good five minutes before he started laughing! >.>.... So yes, it is normal size and is currently downstairs.... With Doogle.

As of today Doogle the dog now lives with us and I'm fairly sure I now smell of dog V.V Oh the pains of owning animals... He is rather adorable though :3

My media exam is coming up also
Tue 04/06/2013 13:00.... Its just over a month away, and we know it won't be a video but a print piece, so it could be a magazine or a website or a poster.... It's good in a way as it means I'll have it with me for the entirety of the exam. But it also means all my AS work isn't all that helpful. 
And in around 3 weeks time all of my artwork needs to be completed... Yay for procrastination.

So yes more irregular posts to come and, hopefully some images as well :)

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Day 6632

Long time no post aha, a quick rendition of what's happened to me over the past few weeks as it enters my brain.

Well the internet is working again, and rather well if I do say so :P
Game of thrones started and that's fun to watch, though also a little confusing
Also started watching breaking bad on bf's recommendation not sure if i love it but it's pretty good overall
My lips are no longer cracked and bitten but are in fact rather soft - a rarity for me
Got sims 2 a while back finally played it again <3 Love that game so much aha, such a girl I know...
Stuck on darksiders V.V stupid game keeps killing me....cause ... you know... I suck.
My room, is tidy
Still behind on my art work but media is all done
Bought some skirts from a charity shop and going to alter them so they are awesomes
My Rosemary plant has actually started growing O.O Pictures in the near but distant futre :D here's hoping it dosn't die aha
University choices I think I'm going to put Portsmouth as my first choice and Farnham as my second... But I really liked luton as well and Bournemouth do exchanges in Japan... and stuff ... anyways
Um my mums getting a dog, he smells. His owners are divorcing so Doogle who is a cockapoo will be coming to stay, okay i know I said he smells but he is rather adorable I'm sure pictures will follow
We had the windows in the house redone so they are like.. triple glazed or something O.o ... I think it was a waste of money.. I mean in my rents room and the kitchen its fair enough they condensated really easily and stuff but mine didn't need to be done.... It was so cold when they were doing it O.O
I got my first paycheck ever! That was pretty cool aha £74, £6 for an hour sunday-thursday, which is pretty good.
Also my sleeping pattern is .... Normal... It's very weird.....
Toms back from holiday though I have yet to see him, though I saw sarah <3 and we watched an hour of cat videos haha, well I kinda fell asleep but yeah :L
Started playing gaia online and also the facebook game of thrones V.V I know I have no life....

Oh and uh >.>.... I may <.<... have sorta won a competition O3O!!!!

Surreys next big thing was a competition for young artists of all kinds in surrey to get the most unique pageviews with the winner being given a mentorship with someone in their industry.... And I entered an animation I'd made which was voiced and written by a guy called neil gaiman, it's basically about a ring that gets lost and returned in really random ways. I think I spammed EVERYONE I knew haha asking for votes and if they could share, and on you vote for me I'll vote for you websites and Magic duel <3. Deviant art also, all my watchers and some of the big groups and all of the people I watch and tweets that probably didn't do anything, and reddit was going to put it on 4chan but my friends advised me not to o.o..... You get the idea.

What makes it even better is I thought for sure I hadn't won as two people had more view counts than me on the website, but it turns out that they weren't unique views and were computer created. So yeas XD.... The girl in second, is a very talented singer o.o Kinda like ed sheeran... but female... and with nicer hair imo... and yeah... It's not so much that I feel bad for her, but like.... V.V I want her to do well lots and yeah... I'd love to animate one of her songs o3o but I wonder if it would be weird if I asked o.o..... Hmmm we shall see~

And since then I still don't know who the mentor is, but Surge ( the dudes and dudets running the competition) have asked if I wanted to be a film editor which would be cool and I'd get to post once a week about the cool videos/films that are out. And also they are bringing out a series of videos, and have asked me to do the intro :D Which will be awesomes I think aha....

Well yes essay over, I'm sure I've missed things out but oh well~ Here are mine and miss allums contest entry videos :)

(September Tale, by moi o.o) 

(Wanderer, by Annabel Allum

Tuesday 5 March 2013


It is dead. So, I'll do a big update when I get it back, for all the missed days~

Sky, have sent out 4 routers in the last year. Each one going wrong shortly after it arriving. Turns out the routers are old faulty ones that had been sent back and then "fixed" and sent out as replacements for ours. The guy we talked to on the phone was very lovely though and, he's sending a replacement old one which will arrive... on monday yay for the long wait, and then they are going to run some tests and stuff. He's also ordered a brand new router, but when that will arrive does not seem to be any time in the near future.

Ah well maybe with no internet to distract me I shall be working hard for a whole week.
(P.s Thank you neighbors for letting me scrounge this 1 bar of temperamental signal , I'll stop using it now. :) Aha.)