Wednesday 10 April 2013

Day 6632

Long time no post aha, a quick rendition of what's happened to me over the past few weeks as it enters my brain.

Well the internet is working again, and rather well if I do say so :P
Game of thrones started and that's fun to watch, though also a little confusing
Also started watching breaking bad on bf's recommendation not sure if i love it but it's pretty good overall
My lips are no longer cracked and bitten but are in fact rather soft - a rarity for me
Got sims 2 a while back finally played it again <3 Love that game so much aha, such a girl I know...
Stuck on darksiders V.V stupid game keeps killing me....cause ... you know... I suck.
My room, is tidy
Still behind on my art work but media is all done
Bought some skirts from a charity shop and going to alter them so they are awesomes
My Rosemary plant has actually started growing O.O Pictures in the near but distant futre :D here's hoping it dosn't die aha
University choices I think I'm going to put Portsmouth as my first choice and Farnham as my second... But I really liked luton as well and Bournemouth do exchanges in Japan... and stuff ... anyways
Um my mums getting a dog, he smells. His owners are divorcing so Doogle who is a cockapoo will be coming to stay, okay i know I said he smells but he is rather adorable I'm sure pictures will follow
We had the windows in the house redone so they are like.. triple glazed or something O.o ... I think it was a waste of money.. I mean in my rents room and the kitchen its fair enough they condensated really easily and stuff but mine didn't need to be done.... It was so cold when they were doing it O.O
I got my first paycheck ever! That was pretty cool aha £74, £6 for an hour sunday-thursday, which is pretty good.
Also my sleeping pattern is .... Normal... It's very weird.....
Toms back from holiday though I have yet to see him, though I saw sarah <3 and we watched an hour of cat videos haha, well I kinda fell asleep but yeah :L
Started playing gaia online and also the facebook game of thrones V.V I know I have no life....

Oh and uh >.>.... I may <.<... have sorta won a competition O3O!!!!

Surreys next big thing was a competition for young artists of all kinds in surrey to get the most unique pageviews with the winner being given a mentorship with someone in their industry.... And I entered an animation I'd made which was voiced and written by a guy called neil gaiman, it's basically about a ring that gets lost and returned in really random ways. I think I spammed EVERYONE I knew haha asking for votes and if they could share, and on you vote for me I'll vote for you websites and Magic duel <3. Deviant art also, all my watchers and some of the big groups and all of the people I watch and tweets that probably didn't do anything, and reddit was going to put it on 4chan but my friends advised me not to o.o..... You get the idea.

What makes it even better is I thought for sure I hadn't won as two people had more view counts than me on the website, but it turns out that they weren't unique views and were computer created. So yeas XD.... The girl in second, is a very talented singer o.o Kinda like ed sheeran... but female... and with nicer hair imo... and yeah... It's not so much that I feel bad for her, but like.... V.V I want her to do well lots and yeah... I'd love to animate one of her songs o3o but I wonder if it would be weird if I asked o.o..... Hmmm we shall see~

And since then I still don't know who the mentor is, but Surge ( the dudes and dudets running the competition) have asked if I wanted to be a film editor which would be cool and I'd get to post once a week about the cool videos/films that are out. And also they are bringing out a series of videos, and have asked me to do the intro :D Which will be awesomes I think aha....

Well yes essay over, I'm sure I've missed things out but oh well~ Here are mine and miss allums contest entry videos :)

(September Tale, by moi o.o) 

(Wanderer, by Annabel Allum

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