Tuesday 5 March 2013


It is dead. So, I'll do a big update when I get it back, for all the missed days~

Sky, have sent out 4 routers in the last year. Each one going wrong shortly after it arriving. Turns out the routers are old faulty ones that had been sent back and then "fixed" and sent out as replacements for ours. The guy we talked to on the phone was very lovely though and, he's sending a replacement old one which will arrive... on monday yay for the long wait, and then they are going to run some tests and stuff. He's also ordered a brand new router, but when that will arrive does not seem to be any time in the near future.

Ah well maybe with no internet to distract me I shall be working hard for a whole week.
(P.s Thank you neighbors for letting me scrounge this 1 bar of temperamental signal , I'll stop using it now. :) Aha.)

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