Made an anime list, apparently I've watched around 44 days worth of anime to count, and over 100 anime series still finding quite a few I haven't added to the list yet. In all honesty I think it was time well spent :)
Portsmouth and Bournemouth where the two main universities I've been debating about for my first place, but I got a leaflet in the post saying how Portsmouth does Language courses alongside your main choice, and whilst both do international exchanges thats pretty much swayed me :3 Think I can learn French, Japanese and Korean... And be able to hold a basic conversation in German, Danish and Italian/Spanish.... haha.... This might be a little too much to handle XD Who knows, maybe when I'm like.... 70?
So now Portsmouth is my first choice and Farnham is my second.
P = This offer is subject to you obtaining
A minimum of 280 UCAS Tariff points
from three GCE A levels
160 points
from the following
GCE A Level Double Award
F = A minimum of 220 UCAS tariff points from A Levels.
Art Media
AA = 240 A = 120
AB = 220 B = 100
BB = 200 C = 80
BC = 180
CC = 160
Hopefully I'm what I think I am, an average B grade student... she says when she still has to complete a ton of artwork in three weeks V.V, but if I get three C's instead of B's then I shall still get into university so it's not all bad. To be honest both universities are awesomes, just farnham is closer so I'm less likely to get into halls and, they aren't by the sea.... As for the teaching and staff, well I guess I'll see what they are honestly like if and when I actually attend!
Onto other news THEY LIVE :O Photos will be up soon... >.>..... ish.
My lovely rosemary bush has started to grow and is currently looking like little weeds.
Also I bought, (well my brother bought) a white wicker wash basket <3... Though when he got it... he called me, and explained that it was a dolls house size one... and fit in the middle of his hand.... He had me believing him for a good five minutes before he started laughing! >.>.... So yes, it is normal size and is currently downstairs.... With Doogle.
As of today Doogle the dog now lives with us and I'm fairly sure I now smell of dog V.V Oh the pains of owning animals... He is rather adorable though :3
My media exam is coming up also
Tue 04/06/2013 | 13:00.... Its just over a month away, and we know it won't be a video but a print piece, so it could be a magazine or a website or a poster.... It's good in a way as it means I'll have it with me for the entirety of the exam. But it also means all my AS work isn't all that helpful. |
So yes more irregular posts to come and, hopefully some images as well :)
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