Tuesday 23 April 2013

Day 6445

Bet you non existent people weren't expecting a new post so soon!
 Huh? You don't care....
Well I guess the ability to care comes with actually existing and all...

Okay so enough talking to myself, even though that's ... kinda all these posts are O.o..

See my rents are religious, christian to be precise and they have a house group....

Just going to say I have nothing against religion.... Well that's a lie .. .I do o...o I think it's mildly idiotic the things that people can twist so that they can believe what they want.......Like I think everyone should be allowed to believe in what they want.... So long as it's not going to hurt anyone else in turn, you know, whatever makes you happy and all that.... But it's like how can people justify hurting unwilling people, if they have a God on their side.... Or even worse if a God "does it"... Really? I mean the whole idea of God to me at least, seems to be really subjective ( or uh "personal" if you're going by what my rents church teaches")....and the attributes seem pretty human at that.  And just because it's a God shouldn't give it the right to harm humans O.o Its like saying... I shall hurt dogs because I am more powerful muhahahahahaah... Okay it's not.....but that's what I feel like it is V.V.... Minor details...
The main reason I'm irked... and bothering to write about this is based on how they are dissecting a few lines from the bible, and putting so much weight on it.... And I'm just like....  DUDES O.O this will have been translated so many times and mashed together and what about the context and just why do you care O.O..... And I probably shouldn't be like that..... I really should be impartial, like I said earlier whatever makes them happy...  V.V and after writing this I have come to the conclusion this was pointless..... and I should have probably been doing artwork......

Yes time, totally well spent o...o
P.s I now smell of dog V.V

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