Tuesday 30 April 2013

Day 6652

It's like... The more I say I won't post the more I am. Or maybe I'm just finding more and more ways to procrastinate. Well that and I just have lots of things to winge about at the moment.

Awww man I had such cool ideas for my art project. On one side you had the green side that I was going to leave to emily, and then on the other was going to be this tree, that was partially a person, ripping through the page and pulling away the half it was on to reveal the green side. Then some buildings in black, with skull clouds of steam coming out of them against a dreary background. With a black river filled with rubbish that would drip of the canvas onto the wall below.

But as I'm ill, I missed the day when they planned everything.... So now I have no say in what we are doing.... What's the point in working in a team if I'm not actually participating? AT ALL.... I hope I at least do get to paint on the project else I might as well not even be part of the class.... It's just so irksome! -sigh-
Please, please don't let university be like this V.V!
Their actual idea isn't to bad to be honest, biology has hands holding a tree, chemistry is bubbles with little icons in it, and then physics is just wind turbines on some hills. Then joining the three paintings will be a black cityscape that runs and joins along the bottom. I just feel like none of our artwork is really that out standing and if we wanted to make it look good we'd have to do some pieces that were a little bit more out of the box.

Oh, and we have 2 weeks to do it.... Fun Fun!
The other annoying thing is my art teacher is teaching us at a C grade level and, basically saying if we want to do better we have to work it out for ourselves. Which to a point I don't mind, self teaching is a good way to learn to a point. But at this level not that I want to be spoon fed but I still want to be told what I need to do to actually get the marks.

I think my art teacher may have given up with me. Or maybe it's just my personality that's putting her off.

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