Wednesday 1 May 2013

Day 6653

Almost day 6654, man, imagine if I'd kept this since I could write... let's say I could do it well enough since I was... 5? That makes it the year 2000. 4827 days , I'd now be 13.... Damn.... The difference between a 13 year old and an 18 year old sure is a lot... 23 an 28... Hmmm we shall see. 
And that rather boring dribble is in place of a picture! Muhahaha... Though I have no spots right now so I may continue my vanity pics in future posts. 


Good day? Bad day?
I'm motivated to do work! Cause I have only a few days left to do it... Yes I'm such a worthwhile aspect of human society and not lacking in worth at all.... >.>.... Not such a great day but oh well. Took the dog for a walk though, his third one. As my mother put it " he must think today is his birthday".. I realise now quotes are normally meant to be insightful or amusing, but well this is a mundane blog, what else would you expect?

Health - 7/10  I'm alive o...o 

Work vs Play 
 - Work
1) Dog walk 
2) Cleaning 
3) artstuff...
 - Play 
1) Anime Innocent Venus ep1 
2) Watched "awkward" and "new girl" updates.....

Thing of today

So I wanted to post this But its not on YouTube so without clicking the link it can not be seen..... 

So here have these paper bags instead.

To do list
1) Art just art, that's all, just get all art done. 


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