Saturday 22 June 2013

Day 6705

84 days till 6789!

Bucket list time!

  1. Swim with jelly fish
  2. Pet a koala 
  3. Visit Venice in karnaval season - wear an awesome mask
  4. Paris, see the eiffel tower at night
  5. Japan see the cherry blossoms 
  6. Create an animation that is enjoyed by many 
  7. Write a book - doesn't have to be any good I'd just like to finish it :L
  8. Have a lot of money - not really... A thing to do but you know...
  9. Learn conversational, French, Japanese, Korean, Signing, Italian/Spanish 
  10. Get married I guess o.o 
And when I am rich I plan tooooo~

Get my brother a motocross track membership and also make sure he has good equipment to, you know lesson the chance of him dieing.

Get my dad a ticket for the train in America, that goes over some mountains... I think it's called the Orient Express... I'm not entirely sure, but he really likes trains and I know that train ride is something he's wanted to do but hasn't had the chance to.

My mum a gym membership that also has a spa so she can work and also relax :)

I'm not really sure how much I will need for this... But I think it will be a lot o.o So maybe I could do this instead of a wedding ^^

In other news.
My father has had a scan over his lungs, because his breathing is wrong and they don't know why. Personally I think that it's because of the wood he is cutting without a mask, however I am no doctor nor do I know much about causes of breathlessness. Doctors have yet to tell him the results, and they also want to tell him in person... Which makes me think there is something like a lump that may be cancerous. That's kinda my worse case scenario thinking. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that to be honest.... For all my complaining about his bad moods and cleaning obsessions the thought of him dying... Well I don't want him to yet. I mean I haven't got his train ride for him o..o


It's prom on next friday o3o and I am exited aha but yeah :3

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Day 6701 Still...

I need a haircut... And to brush my hair... And yes I did shine the light on my face to make it look prettier... And yes that is the  jumper I'll give to my boyfriend >.> I'm just...Warming it up for him? 

Good day? Bad day?
Meh day, like it was good, then my art teacher called my mum and I was like -.-... Really? Then my mum was like :O YOUR GOING TO FAIL GET INTO COLLEGE THE EXAMINER IS THERE!!! And I'm like -.-... No I just have to print and stick these two evaluations in and that's it. The examiner is coming on thursday. Kindly go back to what you were doing and leave me be D:<.... I got very annoyed o...o Turns out I am not all done though, as I have to show where I have looked at artists throughout ALL of my books... Which I was not told about till today, though I suppose if i was in more I'd have found out about it sooner. Other than that today was...Spiffing~ 

Health 9/10 I blame life! No I'm fine to be fair...

Work vs play 
- Work
1) Art sticking in and walking to and from college 
- Play 
1) Sims 
2) Finished audiobook 
3) Started re watching Code Geass, episode 4/5
4) YouTubed 

I have no amazing thing of today... So here have an otter 

  1. Emails 

Day 6701

End of Clannad, an anime I have started watching... Twice, and yet still haven't finished o.o But this ending is awesomes and I wanted to learn it so.. I am. 

dango dango dango dango dango daikazoku 
dango dango dango dango dango daikazoku
Dai - large 
Kazoku - family

The big dumpling family 
The big dumpling family

yancha na yaki dango yasashii an dango 
Yancha - Naughty
 Yaki - Grilled/Baked 
Yasashii - Nice/friendly 
sukoshi yumemigachi na tsukimi dango 
Sukoshi - a little bit 
Yume - dream 
migachi - tend to so... 
Yumemigachi - someone that tends to dream, a dreamer. 
tsukimi - viewing the moon or the moon 
Tsuki - month/moon 
Mi - to view/see 
Tsukimi dango - moon viewing dango, 
sukoshi yumemachi  - little bit of a dreamer 
osumashi goma dango yotsugo kushi dango 
osumashi - prim and proper girl
Goma - sesame  
Osumashi goma dango - prim sesame dango
Yotsugo - quadruplet 
Yo - 4 
tsugo - one child 
Kushi - Skewered 
Yotsugo kushi dango - quadruplet skewered dango
minna minna awasete hyaku nin kazoku
Minna - everyone 
awasete - together 
hyaku - 100
nin - counter for people 
kazoku - family 

The mischievous roasted dumpling, the gentle bean jam dumpling 
The moon viewing dumpling is a bit of a dreamer 
The sesame dumpling always looks prim, the quadruplet spitted dumplings 
Put all of them together to make a family of one hundred

akachan dango ha itsumo shiawase no naka de 
Aka - baby
itsumo - always 
shiawase - happy/ happiness
naka - in the middle of/surrounded  
toshiyori dango ha me wo hosometeru
Toshiyori - old
Toshi - years 
me - eyes
ha - the 
hoso - narrow/thin

The baby dumpling is always in the midst of happiness 
The old dumpling narrows his eyes

*nakayoshi dango te wo tsunagi ookina marui wa ni naru yo 
Nakayoshi - good friend
Naka - Friend ( Nakama) 
nakayoshi dango - friendly dango 
Yoshi - good
tsunagi - connected 
ooki - big/large
maru - circle ( marui - present tense? ) 
na ru - to become
nice dangos all link up in a big circle....
machi wo tsukuri dango boshi no ue minna de waraiau yo 

And now I am bored.... I may come back to this I may not.... 

usagi mo sora de te wo futtemiteru dekkai otsukisama 
ureshii koto kanashii koto mo zenbu marumete

*The friendly dumplings all hold hands and create a big round ring 
They laugh together while making towns on the dumpling star 
The rabbits wave from the big moon in the sky 
It takes all the happy and sad things and rounds them up



dango dango dango dango dango daikazoku 
dango dango dango dango dango daikazoku

The big dumpling family 
The big dumpling family

dango dango dango dango dango daikazoku 
dango dango dango dango dango daikazoku

The big dumpling family 
The big dumpling family

This is all.

Monday 17 June 2013

Day 6700

I was walking up the stairs.. and felt lightheaded... which led me train of thought onto if I died now... I'd be both pissed of and depressed at myself... I think being tired and de energised may have added to the morbid thinking process line, but hey who knows.

I think my life, for the most part has been: Pretty. Damn. Good. (Imagine I said that with enthusiasm and emphasized each word)  But the thought of dying and not doing the things that I wanted to do... Well, it's not the most pleasing of thoughts to put it lightly. I suppose most people feel that way, and consider their mortality and meaningless existence etc. at one point or another, probably more that once to be fair.
So right now I'm just joining that non existent club...

I'm also thinking about thinking, which is just a whole nother barrel of rather confusing fish. The correct idiom may have been kettle of fish, I'm not entirely sure. I'm not even sure if idiom is the correct spelling for the word that I want... Oh well~

I've been making a lot of lists recently. Maybe I shall do a 10 things I want to do before I die list, or just a list of things I want to do, that sounds more fun. When I am awake, I shall revisit the thought.

Goodnight non existent peoples x

p.s If future me is reading this then "Yay you survived~ Now stop rereading and start doing new things!"

Sunday 16 June 2013

Day 6699 - awesomes number o3o

Boyfriend birthday list!
Current plan is to hide the items(wrapped), in the places where they would go :3 - shall probably be more fun for me than him >.> but minor details~ 

  1. Tie - Shelf ( BE,S,T) 
  2. Cufflinks - Shelf ( BE,S,C) 
  3. Jumper - Folded on top of his other jumpers/tops  ( BE, OOT, J) 
  4. Glow in the dark condoms - In the draw next to his bed ( BE,D,DIDC) 
  5. Splatable toy frog - Above his bed ( BE, AB, F) 
  6. Winter is coming lip balm - in transit - Pocket of the jeans he will wear 
  1. World map poster - no frame - From his computer
  2. Book - Book shelf ( S, BS, B ) 
  3. Aperture science pen - In the pen pot thing on his desk ( S, D,P) 
  4. The colour purple DvD - With his games and few other DvD's on the shelf ( S, S, DVD) 
  5. Laser USB  -  Draw with his torch ( S, TD, LUSB) 
  6. Drink mat with the first letter of his name - On his desk ( S. S, M) 
  1. Duck  - Bathroom (BA,B,D)
  2. Bubble bath  - Bathroom  ( BA, B, BB) 
  3. Balloon -  needed nearer the day - In his shower
  1. Alcoholic drink - black cherry cider, no idea if it's nice or not but oh well~ - Fridge ( D,F,D)
  2. Cadburys chocolate - the one he likes lots right now - Fridge ( D, F, C ) 
  3. The cake is a lie cake, in a companion cube box - needed nearer the day - Downstairs table. 

Saturday 15 June 2013

Day 6698

Good day? Bad day?
If we are going by " you decide how your day shall be" Then yes, it shall be a good day today. Though I may update this with some dreadful, horrific, and somehow logical news in the next 15 hours... Though I doubt it. 

YES today was good and interesting and I applied for volunteering at Cancer Research on sundays, they have a job opening but I doubt I would get it so, seeing as I have no life~ I shall do things there XD aha. 

Also a french man and his girlfriend and son came into the shop today which was awesome, but kinda depressing as I do not know how to say have a nice day or take care or anything in french and well o.o... I'd like to have been able to have said that. In a way he could understand. 

I think I would like to learn the conversational basics of most languages o.o.... I dislike not being understood, or not having the ability to explain. 

Also go lots of things for boyfriend's birthday and also sorted grandma's birthday :3 

Health - 10/10 Today I AM NORMAL and thing so yeah :3 

Work vs Play
 - Work
 1) BHF 
 - Play
 1) I will be shopping :3 

Thing of today:

So... this is more from yesterday than today, however this is the final bored that will be going up on the science blocks! I wish I could say I did a lot but... I was ill for a fair bit of it's creation... However the wind turbines and the sun and the random circles in the sky and the black lines around the turbines and partly the stencil city along the bottom were done by me! The rest... was not o.o But yeah~

NOW just to write a conclusion and then next tuesday o.o That's it o.o I'm done with art.

I also figured that for portsmouth I needed 160 ucas points in art, which is a CC which o.o I have got. 
Though to make up the rest of the points needed I needed to get I think it was an A in media... Which I can not get. A slim chance I could get a B, most likely a C over all but yeah..... So Portsmouth might not be that out of my reach... At least that Is what I am hoping aha.  

Also from yesterday I did recordings and it was awesomes and things. 

That is all. 

LIST of things. 
Kiss Kiss fall in love 

Thursday 13 June 2013

Day 6696

Me, billboards and tea! 

Matt from Surreys next big thing came down to where I live and we visited the billboards, together with my mum and awesomesauce friend Steven. Steven videoed random parts of our day and, later asked me some questions in the depths of my room. If you noticed the increase of koalas along my headboard then I congratulate you :)! 

We went for some La di da cupcakes after and had some lovely tea alongside it~
So yes, a massive thank you to Surge and Steven for making me so happy o3o and doing all these amazing things! It was so awkward Matt was asking me what I thought of surge and all I could say was... It's good <.< V.V I really am greatful and things I'm just not amazing at articulating my thoughts.  
Casual dropping of link that you may be inclined to click 
(>.>.... It's awesome there, much more interesting than here also more colourful~)

And with this glorious happiness comes the thoughts that this shall be the most success I ever achieve haha. Ah well what's the worst that can happen o3o!

In other news, as there is always other news and I insist on bombarding you with information. 
Today was the last doctors appointment ever for migraines. Not because I'm cured or anything, but now that I am 18 I am no longer under that Dr anymore. I've been attending for 6 years, and have been informed that I have developed into a very polite and (even though I disagree on this,) an articulate young lady. I have also grown since September by a few inches! Indeed. 

Art is so very, very nearly finished! On friday I shall be recording the script of Timmy the Reaper episode 1 and plan to work on it over the summer as well as my comic which I shall be re-doing! A possible promotional food bank presentation animation may or may not be made also,as well as a possible cafe competition entry, and also a possible song animation entry... If it can be called a song. So many things! There is also meeting and being taught animation with the mentor, creating surge video cut on the intro, Then prom and boyfriends birthday, and father's day and my grandmothers birthday, and holiday away, and results and then to know about university all added into the mix of things to come in the near but distant future. O.O Much happiness and change and things :3  

I am certain that paragraph needs a complete punctuation work over but, well, minor details.