Monday 17 June 2013

Day 6700

I was walking up the stairs.. and felt lightheaded... which led me train of thought onto if I died now... I'd be both pissed of and depressed at myself... I think being tired and de energised may have added to the morbid thinking process line, but hey who knows.

I think my life, for the most part has been: Pretty. Damn. Good. (Imagine I said that with enthusiasm and emphasized each word)  But the thought of dying and not doing the things that I wanted to do... Well, it's not the most pleasing of thoughts to put it lightly. I suppose most people feel that way, and consider their mortality and meaningless existence etc. at one point or another, probably more that once to be fair.
So right now I'm just joining that non existent club...

I'm also thinking about thinking, which is just a whole nother barrel of rather confusing fish. The correct idiom may have been kettle of fish, I'm not entirely sure. I'm not even sure if idiom is the correct spelling for the word that I want... Oh well~

I've been making a lot of lists recently. Maybe I shall do a 10 things I want to do before I die list, or just a list of things I want to do, that sounds more fun. When I am awake, I shall revisit the thought.

Goodnight non existent peoples x

p.s If future me is reading this then "Yay you survived~ Now stop rereading and start doing new things!"

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