Thursday 13 June 2013

Day 6696

Me, billboards and tea! 

Matt from Surreys next big thing came down to where I live and we visited the billboards, together with my mum and awesomesauce friend Steven. Steven videoed random parts of our day and, later asked me some questions in the depths of my room. If you noticed the increase of koalas along my headboard then I congratulate you :)! 

We went for some La di da cupcakes after and had some lovely tea alongside it~
So yes, a massive thank you to Surge and Steven for making me so happy o3o and doing all these amazing things! It was so awkward Matt was asking me what I thought of surge and all I could say was... It's good <.< V.V I really am greatful and things I'm just not amazing at articulating my thoughts.  
Casual dropping of link that you may be inclined to click 
(>.>.... It's awesome there, much more interesting than here also more colourful~)

And with this glorious happiness comes the thoughts that this shall be the most success I ever achieve haha. Ah well what's the worst that can happen o3o!

In other news, as there is always other news and I insist on bombarding you with information. 
Today was the last doctors appointment ever for migraines. Not because I'm cured or anything, but now that I am 18 I am no longer under that Dr anymore. I've been attending for 6 years, and have been informed that I have developed into a very polite and (even though I disagree on this,) an articulate young lady. I have also grown since September by a few inches! Indeed. 

Art is so very, very nearly finished! On friday I shall be recording the script of Timmy the Reaper episode 1 and plan to work on it over the summer as well as my comic which I shall be re-doing! A possible promotional food bank presentation animation may or may not be made also,as well as a possible cafe competition entry, and also a possible song animation entry... If it can be called a song. So many things! There is also meeting and being taught animation with the mentor, creating surge video cut on the intro, Then prom and boyfriends birthday, and father's day and my grandmothers birthday, and holiday away, and results and then to know about university all added into the mix of things to come in the near but distant future. O.O Much happiness and change and things :3  

I am certain that paragraph needs a complete punctuation work over but, well, minor details. 

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