Saturday 15 June 2013

Day 6698

Good day? Bad day?
If we are going by " you decide how your day shall be" Then yes, it shall be a good day today. Though I may update this with some dreadful, horrific, and somehow logical news in the next 15 hours... Though I doubt it. 

YES today was good and interesting and I applied for volunteering at Cancer Research on sundays, they have a job opening but I doubt I would get it so, seeing as I have no life~ I shall do things there XD aha. 

Also a french man and his girlfriend and son came into the shop today which was awesome, but kinda depressing as I do not know how to say have a nice day or take care or anything in french and well o.o... I'd like to have been able to have said that. In a way he could understand. 

I think I would like to learn the conversational basics of most languages o.o.... I dislike not being understood, or not having the ability to explain. 

Also go lots of things for boyfriend's birthday and also sorted grandma's birthday :3 

Health - 10/10 Today I AM NORMAL and thing so yeah :3 

Work vs Play
 - Work
 1) BHF 
 - Play
 1) I will be shopping :3 

Thing of today:

So... this is more from yesterday than today, however this is the final bored that will be going up on the science blocks! I wish I could say I did a lot but... I was ill for a fair bit of it's creation... However the wind turbines and the sun and the random circles in the sky and the black lines around the turbines and partly the stencil city along the bottom were done by me! The rest... was not o.o But yeah~

NOW just to write a conclusion and then next tuesday o.o That's it o.o I'm done with art.

I also figured that for portsmouth I needed 160 ucas points in art, which is a CC which o.o I have got. 
Though to make up the rest of the points needed I needed to get I think it was an A in media... Which I can not get. A slim chance I could get a B, most likely a C over all but yeah..... So Portsmouth might not be that out of my reach... At least that Is what I am hoping aha.  

Also from yesterday I did recordings and it was awesomes and things. 

That is all. 

LIST of things. 
Kiss Kiss fall in love 

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