Saturday 22 June 2013

Day 6705

84 days till 6789!

Bucket list time!

  1. Swim with jelly fish
  2. Pet a koala 
  3. Visit Venice in karnaval season - wear an awesome mask
  4. Paris, see the eiffel tower at night
  5. Japan see the cherry blossoms 
  6. Create an animation that is enjoyed by many 
  7. Write a book - doesn't have to be any good I'd just like to finish it :L
  8. Have a lot of money - not really... A thing to do but you know...
  9. Learn conversational, French, Japanese, Korean, Signing, Italian/Spanish 
  10. Get married I guess o.o 
And when I am rich I plan tooooo~

Get my brother a motocross track membership and also make sure he has good equipment to, you know lesson the chance of him dieing.

Get my dad a ticket for the train in America, that goes over some mountains... I think it's called the Orient Express... I'm not entirely sure, but he really likes trains and I know that train ride is something he's wanted to do but hasn't had the chance to.

My mum a gym membership that also has a spa so she can work and also relax :)

I'm not really sure how much I will need for this... But I think it will be a lot o.o So maybe I could do this instead of a wedding ^^

In other news.
My father has had a scan over his lungs, because his breathing is wrong and they don't know why. Personally I think that it's because of the wood he is cutting without a mask, however I am no doctor nor do I know much about causes of breathlessness. Doctors have yet to tell him the results, and they also want to tell him in person... Which makes me think there is something like a lump that may be cancerous. That's kinda my worse case scenario thinking. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that to be honest.... For all my complaining about his bad moods and cleaning obsessions the thought of him dying... Well I don't want him to yet. I mean I haven't got his train ride for him o..o


It's prom on next friday o3o and I am exited aha but yeah :3

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