Tuesday 18 June 2013

Day 6701 Still...

I need a haircut... And to brush my hair... And yes I did shine the light on my face to make it look prettier... And yes that is the  jumper I'll give to my boyfriend >.> I'm just...Warming it up for him? 

Good day? Bad day?
Meh day, like it was good, then my art teacher called my mum and I was like -.-... Really? Then my mum was like :O YOUR GOING TO FAIL GET INTO COLLEGE THE EXAMINER IS THERE!!! And I'm like -.-... No I just have to print and stick these two evaluations in and that's it. The examiner is coming on thursday. Kindly go back to what you were doing and leave me be D:<.... I got very annoyed o...o Turns out I am not all done though, as I have to show where I have looked at artists throughout ALL of my books... Which I was not told about till today, though I suppose if i was in more I'd have found out about it sooner. Other than that today was...Spiffing~ 

Health 9/10 I blame life! No I'm fine to be fair...

Work vs play 
- Work
1) Art sticking in and walking to and from college 
- Play 
1) Sims 
2) Finished audiobook 
3) Started re watching Code Geass, episode 4/5
4) YouTubed 

I have no amazing thing of today... So here have an otter 

  1. Emails 

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