Wednesday 4 February 2015

Day 7297

Show reel... Website... Placement... Next year plans.

Show reel

Animations I could use because they have parts that are okay?

Koala blobs
3D Timmy

Lost my name, textures, models, animation.
Man who mistook his wife for a hat - Animation, after effects,
Owl and pussy cat - some of the tests...Maybe
Glark waking up/walking
3D Narrator lip sync
Afx - after effects/ possibly animation
Eva indent
Vince - Walk/ Perspective, hand slap...

Woodland game scene - model, animation, texture
Intra Venus - Some of the edits
Game - background + concept work
Tedx - Fish,
Rains of Castamere
Jelsa - Models, animation, effects,
TtR - Character turn around
Cold case - Bits with the lines that went okay.
Tea party - Intro video (after effects)
Comic - character  +background

So... Animation, design and modelling.


Animations - Show reel
Gallery - Concept work for above and pre production
About - Gif of explosive dancing


To find.... T_T Show reel first then will go from there. reel tips... Find someone's work I like and aim to be as good or better than them o.o... Yes...

Studios to email and hopefully get feedback...// A few days to check them out// could make tea.. or clean >.>...

  • Climax studio - Portsmouth - assassins creed china, working with oculus , ghost rider o3o , motion capture/hand animation/ 3d
    No email have to contact online.
  • Firefly - London - Strategy games >.>...with castles o3o ... they want to stay a very small company some really pretty environments mudbox/3D/seems kind of realistic on cloths and textures and that though also twitter 
  • Frontier - Cambridge - Zoo tycoon o3o, next gen stuffs, lost winds (iphone very pretty bg) (cover sheet with questions to answer on it)
  • Jagex - Cambridge - Runescape - Flash animations/advertisement (Adam) Tea drinker (Sadie/Ryan :3) Photoshop, 3D modelling (mark) ... but they don't like people emailing out of no where :< shall keep an eye on there website
  • Ninja theory - Cambridge - Devil may cry/Heavenly sword - 3D, motion capture really really good show reel they do offer internships but none are available at the moment 

Monday 26 January 2015

Day 7288

Demoralization by lack of participation update followed by a bitch about another group project. (Warning it's long and tedious and literally just me venting) 

So, 30 seconds (as the initial group is now called) is actually going super, super well! I was honest about my lack of interest and worries about the project and so we changed it. It's still portsmouth in a day but now it's got a super awesome storyline behind it! :D We are on target AND the characters we will be animating are awesomes :3 I feel like I won't be able to put over much of it into my showreel as I'll be in charge of cleanup but that I'll be happier working in this group all around. Am also getting better in effects and techniques in after effects and premier so that's cool. But yeah, so that's all amazing. 

Sound and vis on the other hand. I have two very rude, very immature group members or rather, one is the ring leader and the other just goes along with it. Considering he has both children and an extra year at university I expect more from him quite frankly and what's worse is they've talked to the teacher of that project first so she hasn't heard anything save what they've said. 

Monday the 19th The beginning.
So it starts with the guy saying he's going to start on the editing, I had about 15 of the scenes done and Jess had less animation done there was still a lot of animation to do. So I said no, you're going to be picking up on the animation that needs to be done. It has been listed on my blog as unassigned from the start and he didn't have the initiative to look and think, oh that needs doing. He also hadn't finished his one single piece of animation that he needed to do. He had done the 6/7 low poly models and he had textured (and by textured I mean assigned a colour)  2/3 of them. But after using Maya I realise how easy that is and it shouldn't have taken more than an evenings work potentially a day if you take searching for references into account possibly 2 if Maya keeps crashing. But that's it. He also has a years extra experience and is possibly the most skilled in Maya in my animation class. So...Keeping that in mind for a little bit. 
We were looking through the amount of time we had left and I said that we could potentially animate up until Wednesday the 28th.To which the dude says, "No it needs to be done for Monday(26th((Today)), Eva said it needs to be done for Monday" To which I replied something along the lines of, "Yes we shall aim for Monday but if worst comes to worst we can work until the Wednesday" And I explained how much time the rotoscoping was taking to which he replied "No it has to be done for Monday and to simply work faster". The audacity!!! So at this point I had done arguably double the amount of work they had and triple the effort and time and of course I was working as fast as I could. And if I didn't have any other subjects then sure it would have been finished last year but I do and so it's a balancing act and I think I've done pretty damn well.  I had been working on this project in bulk attacks starting at 9/10am and then working on till 8pm or 5pm on Fridays as the University shuts earlier then. 

I was pissed. I was upset. I left the room and went to work in the Library. This was before the teacher came in, she was late, how late I don't know but she was there at 20 past I know for sure as a friend texted me then asking if I was okay and saying about how he was bitching about me to the teacher. He said that I was absent and had run off after he said for me to do work. Which is not what happened. At least not from my point of view or my friends. I left because there is nothing forcing me to stay in an environment where I feel uncomfortable or around a person that has just insulted me.The thing that pissed me off the most, you see, is that by emphasising that it has to be done for Monday he is saying that I am not going to put the effort in. And as I said earlier I had at this point put far, far more work and effort into the project. 

So then it comes to today 
Monday the 26th Murder on the horizon. 
I worked, got all the animations done by Friday, and finished the rotoscoping Sunday in the library, drawing with a mouse. All save 30 frames which I was going to finish in todays lesson. I didn't work on it during the day as I have a lecture 9-11 and then work on my 30sec group project till the 4-6 lesson which is when I planned on working on it. 

So the start of this morning the girl was saying about skipping this lesson and going to tomorrows one instead. And doing Vincents work during this lesson and then the final animations tomorrow. I disagreed then the guy came in on it and agreed with her. I sent a facebook message shortly after saying (I'm shouting at the mirror T_T I looked away to get the exact facebook message and started looking through the work parts... So annoying....)  Anyway. So are you two planning on doing vincents work tonight and finishing sound and vis animation tomorrow? They both saw it in the hour and neither replied before the lesson so from 12-4 ,nothing, rude right?
When I went down to sound and vis (at roughly 3 minutes past the start of the lesson as I was saving work) they were already there and had talked to the teacher.  I don't remember word for word how this went, but the teacher commented on my not being there for the last two lessons, last weeks is explained above and I sent her an apology for the absence and also said I could come to the lesson the next day or send her the files. She never replied to that email. The week before that I quite simply, no bullshit, could not be bothered. I felt that going to the lesson would achieve nothing, as on the first week back we had discussed what needed to be done and I had no final products to show her or anything that she could teach me at this stage, so there was no point.

The mistake I made when talking to her was that I said the after effects work would only take a day. To which she replied that A) That's what we were being marked on and B) if it only took a day it wasn't going to look very good. My logic is as follows, 3 people, 30 seconds each, that's roughly 9 scenes each. So max of perhaps 12 effects per person. Working from 10 - 8 with a 2 hour break where that be taken in one go or spread out through fag breaks that means you'll be working 8 hours. Or 9-7 same thing. So thats 8 hours work. for 10 scenes, learning potentially 12 effects. Youtube tutorials take roughly 6-7 minutes but I'll make it 10, that plus and 20 to go through the tutorial and apply it to what you're doing. So 30 minutes per effect. 2 Effects an hour... in 8 hours you'd have 16 effects ready to go. That's not including something going wrong, the programme crashing but these I feel get evened out by the fact that most of the effects would be repeated more than once and in actual fact it would be 2/3 that are being used. So really the main amount of time will be getting footage to go in the background. So if things did go wrong, and taking into account the lack of experience both of my group members have then taking 3/4 days would still be acceptable. 

Either way I didn't get my points across very well as I didn't make them and then she moved on. Instead of explaining the irritating facebook convo that happened I'm simply going to copy and paste 

Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
So are you two planning on doing vincents work tonight and finishing sound and vis animation tomorrow?
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
Please link me to the folder when you have made it
Mike Baxter
Mike Baxter
You make your self
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
I can't make a folder, or upload for that matter
you need to make a folder and then allow other people to access and upload to it, alternatively if any of you have a usb you can come get the files
Mike Baxter
Mike Baxter
There made you a folder with the videos called final parts
Make sure u export them in png sequence
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
Mike Baxter
Mike Baxter
Cos we need a transparent background if you do it in JPEG they will be filled
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
No you just key it out
Jess Knights
Jess Knights
Have you been saving it as a jpeg?
Mike Baxter
Mike Baxter
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
Jess Knights
Jess Knights
what file format have you been saving it?
Mike Baxter
Mike Baxter
have u do it yet
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
have u got them yet
Mike Baxter
Mike Baxter
Yes why are they movs
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
They just are that's how flash exports and you can play them with quicktime, if it's for whatever reason not working in premier then take it into media encoder and change them to mp4
Mike Baxter
Mike Baxter
Don't worry they work fine
Sorry just double checked it and it's not working they need to be png sequence
Which is a series of images not a video
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
How is it not working?
Mike Baxter
Mike Baxter
Don't worry again Eva has fixed it just finish the rest
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
And Mike   "If you start at some point today give me a message about the colors you're using and the general background image, other wise if you're doing it tomorrow then I'll just show you what I've done and you can blend them"  That's what I said, I didn't tell you to work tomorrow you decided too, and that was before something came up. What I've done is animated it in a certain zig zag explosion way and then I'll be adding a music sheet textured background. Color wise its pretty open as we can just add a colour mask/texture.
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
When you've put the premier/after effects footage together please upload it into that folder.
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
And before you both leave I want to go through who is doing what editing wise.  So either wait until 6 or come up here before then.
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
Want me to come down?
Mike Baxter
Mike Baxter
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
All are the videos are uploaded. 
Quick link to the animated animatic:   
Quick link to the green screen animatic: 
And the blog that has all the details: 
Get the animation finished by Wednesday. As soon as you finish start your 30seconds. If you're stuck there are lots of YouTube tutorials, the lessons that eva taught us and digital tutors has some things as well though it will take a little longer learning from there in my experience. 
Aim to get your 30seconds done and exported by the end of Friday, meaning we can put it all together Saturday/Sunday 
Worst comes to worst one of you can simply put it altogether on Monday morning. As all it should be is dragging them all together. 
Don't forget to upload the sections that you've done onto the blogs. Good luck with your 30sec.
Play Video
animatic 1
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
Whole animatic with my parts on top correctly timed:
Sound and Vis> Final parts> Background/Green (Download all that you need)> Altogether green screen animatic and files> I have uploaded the Premier file with the background video and my animations on top as for some reason 3frames seems to have been taken off of.   So this has the correct timings for the whole animatic. 
You can also view it here.
Roseanna Warr
Roseanna Warr
Rosie file

Seen by everyone
o.o yup it's more than a little confusing but there it is.

Oh and there names are out.... Well whatever not that it makes any difference to you non existent humans.

I sent this to Jess seen at 20:19 
Can you please upload link me to
38-40: Music sheet lines dripping (actual lines and notes)
54-56: Music surrounding, flowing around the room almost hugging it.
And this to Mike seen at 18:28 
Can you please upload and link me to:

45-48: Chaos walls starting to merge, 3D bathroom just about to touch go to top view (1 sec) Solid bathroom floor just bathroom walls moving, bath, toilet, sink, in 3D he's on back wall.
54-56: bathroom isolated in black space
56-57: Splashes water on his face and stands up straight - Water masks as another layer
Neither have replied. Neither have uploaded the files I need. Neither have finished their work today. And (I'm going out on a limb, but I'm pretty sure) Neither have looked at after effects/Premier in there own time for the entirety of this project and perhaps not even much at all since lessons in year 1. 
Where as I have been working on Tedx, Jelsa, Watch this bitch, and Cold case. 4 projects, all including premier and after effects.

It is also important to note that between this week and last week I had forgiven Mike, not to the point of letting it go but to a degree where I simply didn't care so long as the work was being done.

It is also probably more important to note that my wonderful said about explaining what was happening to the teacher last week so as they couldn't blame it all on me. He also brought me cookies today <3  and my lovely friend who had been in a similar situation with these two said about making sure to explain to the teacher before them. And much to my regret, I didn't listen to either of them I felt like I wasn't in the wrong and shouldn't have to explain myself and that they had no case against me. Wrong course of action, duly noted.

On the flip side its amazing motivation to show how well you can do and how crap someone else has been doing all along. I've also had the pleasure of several very good audio books so theres that as well. 

Monday 12 January 2015

Day 7274

Demoralization by lack of participation.

Last Thursday we had to give presentations on our ideas for a 30 second film festival indent. 4 of our ideas where chosen and mine was among them. Yay....:/

In my honest opinion mine, Should. Not. Have. Been. Chosen. - So much emphasis...-

The only reason I pitched it was because I didn't have any other ideas. It wasn't the weakest in the class and my pitch/presentation were relatively good considering how rushed I was.  But the actual concept, the idea, it's pretty weak there were definitely stronger ones. I mean it's passable, but it's nothing exceptional nothing you haven't seen before nothing that will stand out in the waves of other people.

And I wouldn't mind that if it had a good message or left an impression but it doesn't. The concept - as it currently stands- is simply something nice to look at for 30 seconds.... And even that is only relatively okay. Yes, it draws your attention and fits the brief in that sense. But show reel quality work? Stretching abilities? Learning to be a better animator?... It's a stifling idea. And I feel like...Whilst I'm at uni and there aren't real clients and I don't have to worry too much about money and I have access to all this AMAZING software, tutors and resources  that its such a waist. I only have so much time to spend on my own projects and I would be much happier if I could incorporate what/how I'm learning with them into my course....

But I think the main thing that has me down, aside from lack of sleep and lack of food... Is that out of the 15 people who have seen my post in the Facebook group...Asking who wants to be in my team... Only one has said they want to work on this with me. So whoever I end up working with in the group aside from her are people who didn't want to work on this idea and ultimately didn't want to work with me. And I understand. The other ideas are narratively stronger and because of the leaders they will be visually as well. I get that...Doesn't make it suck any less...

Enough of the complaining will work with whoever on Thursday and deal with it all then. Got my CV done...Well, another draft done but I have high hopes for this one.  Main thing I'm working on for sound and vis is just tracing atm o.o It's soooo boring. But I have a very good audio book called the Name of the wind :3! Really enjoying it, I was worried that after finishing the Mistborn series I wasn't going to be able to enjoy another audio book for a while but I've been proven wrong which is good~
I'm also on the last book of the painted man series which again is a very good story. And then anime wise studio Ghibli have created one which is beautifully done. So narrative and visually I am currently surrounded by all these awesome ideas <3

And last night I took part in a super fun DnD game where we all dressed up and ate lots of yummy food ^3^ and fought and drank and watched the holy grail.

I think I have spent to much this past week so for the next two I'll be spending a lot less.
And wall of text over~

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Day 7269

So, not last night but the night before... I had a headache before going to sleep, and I thought it was because of lack of sleep, or not drinking enough, or leaving it too long to eat dinner or a combination of the lot and that I would be able to sleep it off.

So from 9-12 I was asleep and it was all good but then when Isaac came to bed I woke up and then my head just got worse and worse it was after 20 or so minutes of realizing I wasn't going to be getting back to sleep with this pain that I took ibuprofen, it was then another hour or so of having gone up and downstairs searching for somewhere comfy and having spasmodic crying fits that I took paracetamol in an attempt to stop my head from hurting so much. And then I felt sick , then I was sick (Partially through my nose as well o.o...Which has never happened before :/), then I curled up with Isaac and stroked my head and soothed me. And eventually I fell asleep.

I woke up yesterday with the same pain I'd had around midnight and ended up skipping all the lessons. Luckily Jess also missed yesterday so I have someone to be in a group with, which is nice. My boots also arrived very late in the day so I have my new boots on now! Which is also nice. But whilst ibuprofen is now working I still have a headache...So whatever is causing the pain is still a problem, but at least I can deal with it now.

I wonder whether it was a migraine or not, it defiantly wasn't the same as the ones I used to get. In those the more I moved the more it hurt, I was also much more sensitive to smells and of course was waking up with them going at full force.

But yes so, first headache/migraine thing of 2015 and also one for almost a year if not over a year.
First week has been relatively eventful I'd say.

Monday 5 January 2015

Day 7267

I have been very productive; Presentation check! 1000 Word essay check! Hand slam animation check! Pancake mixture for the morning check! Room tidy check! Bag and clothes sorted for tomorrow check! Good nights sleep?...Well no ones perfect.

I got a red lipstick from my grandparents over Christmas! It stays on really really well o.o The only problem is telling if I've got it off or not as when I remove it my lips go really red (as you can see above.)

 I've decided to wait till Saturday to get the final book of the trilogy I want to read out as then it won't distract me from my work (Fingers crossed)

Am looking forward to going back to uni, less so for the new 9am Monday starts but finding out the new briefs and seeing everyone again will be cool. New hair, soon to be new boots and phone cover, new dresses and leggings and tights. Not a reinvention of myself but still, a fresh start to the year.

I think my two goals of 2015 are to be more productive work wise and to be more outwardly forgiving. I think over the last year I've gone from being a very passive forgiving human no matter what others have done for the most part to one that's very... Begrudging perhaps? Either way I think somewhere in the middle would be good so I'm not being taken advantage of but am still being kind and caring to other humans.
Oh and to play more games :D It's all very good reading lots and watching loads of things but if I want to work in the gaming industry or make my own game I think this will be essential and with "no mans sky" coming out soon.... I mean I'll just have to research it....And stuff XD

Thing of today: (Though found last year)

It's so pretty and amazing and low poly and beautiful and not low poly all in one and, and you can explore like...Everywhere....Which is what I love about games and this shows animation in such an amazing light and yes. So there you go non existent people this is the game to play in my mind XD Can you imagine it with an Oculus?! Isaac is a little disappointed in the style of music they went for, like, I do agree it could have had more of an "Epic" feel to it but overall, it's just...It's amazing o3o so yaaas~

Saturday 3 January 2015

Day 7265

Is like Seeker White and Seeker Black :3

Isaac came back to the house today! And everyone else is coming back Saturday/Sunday and then back to uni on Monday 9am start!

Isaac did this awesomes dye for me :) The blonde came out a little brassier than I would have liked but I think that's just how my hair is with blonde hair dye.

He also deboned a whole chicken which was...Interesting o.o A little disturbing as well.

I caught the mouse last night, rather brutally, I found it between a massive art folder that I had and the wall so I squished it with the art folder and... I didn't want to kill it but I was prepared to, but at the same time I wasn't really, so whilst I was deciding on how I could possibly get it into a box I squished it a bit too much and it's nose bled :/

I think if I was going to kill it, then it would have needed to be quick not half hearted being squished.....EITHER WAY. It survived, I managed to get it into a box, and put it in a biscuit container with the lid replaced by paper with holes in and gave it water, biscuits, toilet roll etc.

Scratch (as named for scratching at the carpet) survived the night and I released him with Isaac onto a green kinda area near Asda in Portsmouth it jumped out super quick and all so... Considering he survived being squished, and survived a stressful night captive he'll probably be okay out in the grass.

I think if I'd stayed calmer it would have been less of an ordeal for both myself and the mouse.

Hey, ho that's the start to this year!

Friday 2 January 2015

Day 7263

Happy new year!
There's a mouse in my room!
It was on my desk chewing!
But not to worry, wasn't my paperwork...Mostly...
But a packet of previously unopened biscuits!
Everything is in boxes now :D !!!!

Meal plans o.o I think my plan is to just go for it and then price/change as I go.... o.o We shall see :D Hmmm £2 a day basically o.o

Also planning on dying my hair o3o
And planning my life.... Food...Clothes... Basically turning everything into routine so I don't have to think about it and can spend the small brain bits that I have on stories o.o