Monday 5 January 2015

Day 7267

I have been very productive; Presentation check! 1000 Word essay check! Hand slam animation check! Pancake mixture for the morning check! Room tidy check! Bag and clothes sorted for tomorrow check! Good nights sleep?...Well no ones perfect.

I got a red lipstick from my grandparents over Christmas! It stays on really really well o.o The only problem is telling if I've got it off or not as when I remove it my lips go really red (as you can see above.)

 I've decided to wait till Saturday to get the final book of the trilogy I want to read out as then it won't distract me from my work (Fingers crossed)

Am looking forward to going back to uni, less so for the new 9am Monday starts but finding out the new briefs and seeing everyone again will be cool. New hair, soon to be new boots and phone cover, new dresses and leggings and tights. Not a reinvention of myself but still, a fresh start to the year.

I think my two goals of 2015 are to be more productive work wise and to be more outwardly forgiving. I think over the last year I've gone from being a very passive forgiving human no matter what others have done for the most part to one that's very... Begrudging perhaps? Either way I think somewhere in the middle would be good so I'm not being taken advantage of but am still being kind and caring to other humans.
Oh and to play more games :D It's all very good reading lots and watching loads of things but if I want to work in the gaming industry or make my own game I think this will be essential and with "no mans sky" coming out soon.... I mean I'll just have to research it....And stuff XD

Thing of today: (Though found last year)

It's so pretty and amazing and low poly and beautiful and not low poly all in one and, and you can explore like...Everywhere....Which is what I love about games and this shows animation in such an amazing light and yes. So there you go non existent people this is the game to play in my mind XD Can you imagine it with an Oculus?! Isaac is a little disappointed in the style of music they went for, like, I do agree it could have had more of an "Epic" feel to it but overall, it's just...It's amazing o3o so yaaas~

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