Saturday 3 January 2015

Day 7265

Is like Seeker White and Seeker Black :3

Isaac came back to the house today! And everyone else is coming back Saturday/Sunday and then back to uni on Monday 9am start!

Isaac did this awesomes dye for me :) The blonde came out a little brassier than I would have liked but I think that's just how my hair is with blonde hair dye.

He also deboned a whole chicken which was...Interesting o.o A little disturbing as well.

I caught the mouse last night, rather brutally, I found it between a massive art folder that I had and the wall so I squished it with the art folder and... I didn't want to kill it but I was prepared to, but at the same time I wasn't really, so whilst I was deciding on how I could possibly get it into a box I squished it a bit too much and it's nose bled :/

I think if I was going to kill it, then it would have needed to be quick not half hearted being squished.....EITHER WAY. It survived, I managed to get it into a box, and put it in a biscuit container with the lid replaced by paper with holes in and gave it water, biscuits, toilet roll etc.

Scratch (as named for scratching at the carpet) survived the night and I released him with Isaac onto a green kinda area near Asda in Portsmouth it jumped out super quick and all so... Considering he survived being squished, and survived a stressful night captive he'll probably be okay out in the grass.

I think if I'd stayed calmer it would have been less of an ordeal for both myself and the mouse.

Hey, ho that's the start to this year!

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