Wednesday 7 January 2015

Day 7269

So, not last night but the night before... I had a headache before going to sleep, and I thought it was because of lack of sleep, or not drinking enough, or leaving it too long to eat dinner or a combination of the lot and that I would be able to sleep it off.

So from 9-12 I was asleep and it was all good but then when Isaac came to bed I woke up and then my head just got worse and worse it was after 20 or so minutes of realizing I wasn't going to be getting back to sleep with this pain that I took ibuprofen, it was then another hour or so of having gone up and downstairs searching for somewhere comfy and having spasmodic crying fits that I took paracetamol in an attempt to stop my head from hurting so much. And then I felt sick , then I was sick (Partially through my nose as well o.o...Which has never happened before :/), then I curled up with Isaac and stroked my head and soothed me. And eventually I fell asleep.

I woke up yesterday with the same pain I'd had around midnight and ended up skipping all the lessons. Luckily Jess also missed yesterday so I have someone to be in a group with, which is nice. My boots also arrived very late in the day so I have my new boots on now! Which is also nice. But whilst ibuprofen is now working I still have a headache...So whatever is causing the pain is still a problem, but at least I can deal with it now.

I wonder whether it was a migraine or not, it defiantly wasn't the same as the ones I used to get. In those the more I moved the more it hurt, I was also much more sensitive to smells and of course was waking up with them going at full force.

But yes so, first headache/migraine thing of 2015 and also one for almost a year if not over a year.
First week has been relatively eventful I'd say.

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