Monday 12 January 2015

Day 7274

Demoralization by lack of participation.

Last Thursday we had to give presentations on our ideas for a 30 second film festival indent. 4 of our ideas where chosen and mine was among them. Yay....:/

In my honest opinion mine, Should. Not. Have. Been. Chosen. - So much emphasis...-

The only reason I pitched it was because I didn't have any other ideas. It wasn't the weakest in the class and my pitch/presentation were relatively good considering how rushed I was.  But the actual concept, the idea, it's pretty weak there were definitely stronger ones. I mean it's passable, but it's nothing exceptional nothing you haven't seen before nothing that will stand out in the waves of other people.

And I wouldn't mind that if it had a good message or left an impression but it doesn't. The concept - as it currently stands- is simply something nice to look at for 30 seconds.... And even that is only relatively okay. Yes, it draws your attention and fits the brief in that sense. But show reel quality work? Stretching abilities? Learning to be a better animator?... It's a stifling idea. And I feel like...Whilst I'm at uni and there aren't real clients and I don't have to worry too much about money and I have access to all this AMAZING software, tutors and resources  that its such a waist. I only have so much time to spend on my own projects and I would be much happier if I could incorporate what/how I'm learning with them into my course....

But I think the main thing that has me down, aside from lack of sleep and lack of food... Is that out of the 15 people who have seen my post in the Facebook group...Asking who wants to be in my team... Only one has said they want to work on this with me. So whoever I end up working with in the group aside from her are people who didn't want to work on this idea and ultimately didn't want to work with me. And I understand. The other ideas are narratively stronger and because of the leaders they will be visually as well. I get that...Doesn't make it suck any less...

Enough of the complaining will work with whoever on Thursday and deal with it all then. Got my CV done...Well, another draft done but I have high hopes for this one.  Main thing I'm working on for sound and vis is just tracing atm o.o It's soooo boring. But I have a very good audio book called the Name of the wind :3! Really enjoying it, I was worried that after finishing the Mistborn series I wasn't going to be able to enjoy another audio book for a while but I've been proven wrong which is good~
I'm also on the last book of the painted man series which again is a very good story. And then anime wise studio Ghibli have created one which is beautifully done. So narrative and visually I am currently surrounded by all these awesome ideas <3

And last night I took part in a super fun DnD game where we all dressed up and ate lots of yummy food ^3^ and fought and drank and watched the holy grail.

I think I have spent to much this past week so for the next two I'll be spending a lot less.
And wall of text over~

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