Thursday 18 September 2014

Day 7158

15th Monday - Baking 
- Times 11 for Lilly, Tom, Angie, Lewis(1.30)
- Ice bucket challenge, Small for Lilly, Medium for Lewis, Large for Tom
- Quidditch will be coming round to bake as they don't have a certificate
- Lewis originally was going to collect camera but now Aneta will be coming round for 2 to photograph us all
- Angie sticker design and print finished
- Finish handing out to coffee shops
- Creating posters for freshers fair
- Starting pawn swords for Human chess
- Tom to have done risk assessment, sent to me in pdf and then once I okay to Jemma

17th/18th Wednesday/Thursday - Freshers fair 
- Box/Jar for theme suggestions
- Freshers fair main points, tea bagging and 50 shades of tea

19th Friday - International freshers fair baking 
- Times 11 for Angie, Lilly, Tom, Lewis(1ish)

20th Saturday - International fun day 
- Box/Jar for theme suggestions
- Email asking Nick about cream
- Combining Macmillan and international, if poster still has space using at human chess also

23rd Tuesday - Collect cake 

24th Wednesday - Big move in 11:00
-  Lilly and Angie setting up

24th Wednesday - Human chess
- Box/Jar for theme suggestions
- Choose 3 event themes from jar and post them on facebook for vote. Ends after 1 week.
- October 2 new positions. Media officer and health and safety/baking officer. Announced.
- Pawns - Mini shield either circle or diamond, and minecraft style short sword.
- King - Black game of thrones style chair/Black sword, White Zeus style chair/Thunderbolt
- Queen - Angie dapper black with tiara and hat, Jack white with dress and flowers
- Knights - White knights white wings and unicorn horses, Lances (plan to find smaller tubes), Black knights horse heads, black wings and lance
-  Bishops - Lightsabers + dressing gown (Need to find two light dressing gowns and 1 dark) #
- Rook - Box with slit for eyes
- When your piece is taken you get a cupcake
- By taking part you are in to win a grand prizes
- Combining Macmillan and international, if poster still has space using at human chess also
- To contact local newspaper about Human chess - Lilly

00th - Unknown  - Training 
- Training in September everyone should attend

1st Wednesday - Competition ends for Membership joining 

1st Wednesday - Activities council 

8th Wednesday - SSAFA 
- SSFA date changed to Wednesday 8th October - Either outside library, or in union
- Ask sports societies who are going away if they want to take part on this day

22nd Wednesday - Competition ends for Tea-shirt design 

29th - To be decided 
- Box/Jar for theme suggestions
- Choose 3 event themes from jar and post them on facebook for vote. Ends after 1 week.
- October 2 new positions. Media officer and health and safety/baking officer. Voted on.

30th - Student council 

00th Unknown - Budget review 
- October Rosie and Lewis do a budget review

26th Wednesday - To be decided 

04th Thursday - Union Annual members meeting
- Bring as many people as possible (free wine and foods)

00th Unknown -  Visit cambridge 

00th Unknown - Christmas quiz 
- Start opening about next year submission for committee, make humans aware
- "The weakest tea" Christmas quiz £5  mince pies and non alcoholic mulled wine

- As a society we will be doing Lost + Jailbreak  (we are going to edinborough to see koalas)

- Potentially spending A account money on storage facilities
- Training for president next level health and safety -A Account
- October Rosie and Lewis do a budget review

Things I didn't know where to put. 
- To add vegetarian and vegan options in events
- Angie to ask about green week and one world week
- Angie to help think of ways to keep the society greener
- Attend societies Executive meeting - Tom when is the next one after 24th?
- Everyone start thinking about hand over tips for next committee now so it's not a massive rush (will push more after christmas)
- Ask Ford to join or another course rep
- Targe donate £400 (£444((£450)))
- Mario organising VIP - clean beach
- Local community - Cake sell, cake stall at a fair
- Alex to join, Stephen pie, Gareth,Mario,Grant .
- May have to change day if it keeps clashing with activities council. First Wednesday of every month?

Day 7158

Cartoon animation 

Tony has left T_T 


1. Basic Construction Techniques

2. Reproduce a Character - that is given

3. De-Construct & Re-Construct a Character - choose from list

4. Character Creation & Design - create own design - short animated sequences from a given brief.


Item 1: Portfolio – 80%  
Portfolio containing all personal sketches, designs, construction sheets,
character sheets and animation relating to the project.

Item 2: Production Diary – 20% 
A production diary documenting the on-going production stages and showing
critical evaluation, reflection and research relating to the production process.

Your work demonstrates a clear understanding of the design and construction 
methods used in the creation of cartoon characters. 
You have demonstrated the skills required to analyze, recreate and animate existing 
cartoon characters. 
You have shown evidence of critical reflection and research into production methods. 
Your work demonstrates exceptional skills and creativity

Advanced Visual Research For Animation 

1. Produce a storyboard portfolio containing a minimum of 2 storyboards.
2. Select a nursery rhyme from the list provided and provide a short description of a scene (furnish all details yourself). 
3. Produce an initial storyboard to bring to next workshop. 
4. Direct the scene in more than one cinematic style; 1. Ominous dramatic scene 2. Humorous scene (exaggerated moves and reactions) 3. Horror 4. Fantasy
5. <inimum of 4hrs per week needs to be dedicated to this project.
  • Wildlife studies paying attention to; structure, proportion and form; variety of pencils, graphite, charcoal, pen and ink
  •  collages using a variety of materials that explore characteristics of the selected creature/s.
  • Wildlife studies using a variety of media produce a series of drawings paying attention to characteristics of the animal/bird
  • further studies paying attention to character and expression;
  • Select one animal/bird as a starting point and produce 3x 3D models re-producing your chosen creature, using some or all  of the following materials; paper, wood, metal, plastic, soft fabric.
  • continue working in 3D using materials as described in previous workshop
  • Wildlife studies focusing on structure, proportion, essence and appeal
  • Chosen Nursery Rhyme - work on a storyboard exploring essence, appeal and characteristics 4hrs
  • Colour theory and practical application
  • exploring true to life colour mixing and the use of colour for mood and appeal
  •  Colour theory and practical application continued
  • continue working on project
  • Colour and texture for appeal and characteristics
  •  Critique and feedback of work 
  • Submission of work for formative assessment and feedback
  • continue working on project and produce a final storyboard with character and environment design sheets in preparation for animatic and production


Sound And Visualisation

  • Each group will appoint a director and a production manager. You will design  your own production schedule and keep a detailed production diary containing records of the work produced and who produced it. 
  • DEVISE A SCHEDULE to include:
  • • Concept
    • Script
    • Design
    • Storyboard
    • Voice Recording & Sound
    • Animatic

    • Timing
    • Layouts
    • Backgrounds
    • Key Animation
    • Inbetweening
    • Animation Production
    • Post Production
  • A 30 second Animated Episode for a Web Series (2D or 3D) 
  • Over the Christmas break, you will each be asked to come up with an idea and some initial sketches for a web based animated series. The series should be aimed at either 8-12 year-olds or 18-30 year-olds


For Part 1: 
Portfolio containing: 
• 30 second animated commercial (group) 
• Project portfolio (group) 
• Production diary (group) 
• 500 word individual project report 
For Part 2: 
Portfolio containing: 
• Individual project proposal 
• 30 second animated commercial (group) 
• Project portfolio (group) 
• Production diary (group) 
• 500 word individual project report 


Your work demonstrates good technical and/or organizational skills in the group 
production of an animated project. 
You have shown strong evidence of professionalism and the ability to work well 
within a group environment. 
You have shown evidence of critical reflection and research into production methods. 
Your work demonstrates exceptional skills and creativity. 

Production Contexts 


Group Project 


  • 50% Making a tiger animation, 12 weeks - 5 seconds, rig provided, reference on 50% time = 80% animation. 50% time = 20% Final touches. "Animation never finishes only run out of time"
  • We will be learning to look and Deconstruction Motion.
  • 1.2 min animation for lost my name

HAND IN/Marking
  • 60% 
  • Tiger animation 
  • Final animatic (camera not move) 
  • Previous versions
  • Final concept art - evidence of previous 
  • Time table breakdown
  • Character sheets for secondary character
  • Modeling of secondary character finished 
  •  task breakdown for individual contribution for each shot (supported by evidence of project portfolio)
  • Project portfolio 
  • 10% 
  • Self evaluation report = 500 words
  • 30%
  • Final animation 

Day 7158

We made 1000 boxes, they are 2 A5 sheets folded together,  and they went by 1 on Wednesday. 15 hours of box folding and packing.... T_T On Thursday we had around 120 goody bags instead all contained sweets, tea, a 10% discount, bhf bag/leaflet and a little note about human chess o.o 

Made lots of cookie monsters and some extra cupcakes on Wednesday, they all went so Rachel and Phil my awesome flat mates helped make so more today for today. They pretty much all went, we did it if you sign up to out newsletter you got a cake, we got around 150 each day, the trick was free tea then when they come over to get water we say "So are you interested in joining" if not is cool but if so then show them the newsletter o.o

We also did some photos which Aneta was amazing at and took and they are awesomes and everyone helped out a lot o.o Isaac especially.... I would have been much more stressed if he hadn't helped out o.o 

Saturday 13 September 2014

Day 7153

^ went to see animator

^ after shopping with Angie earlier in the week 

^ today

^ also today my Illuminati spots....Stupid things D: 

Day 7153

Alot has happened since I last posted.

So, around a year ago I won surreys next big thing one of the prizes was to meet an animator and it's finally happened :D
So Saturday 6th went up to London to meet an amazing animator called Phoebe 
And I had so much fun. At first I couldn't actually get to the place I got to the correct train station okay and then when it came to the walking part... Well that's where I went wrong and ended up walking in completely the wrong direction, so frantically called round everyone and Ben the man at surge organising it said get a taxi.... Seems that I am incapable of doing such a thing XD I managed to get a hold of Sarah and she directed me in the right way but had to go as she was moving to uni. And literally as she hung up the phone a taxi stopped right next to me (because of traffic lights) and I was all like !!!1HEY, hey , do you take people places????? And he kinda looked at me like O.o...Well yeah.... And thus I got there. Late, but I got there.

At first I felt a little awkward, I remember thinking before I went it won't be as cool meeting an animator, now that I've met some at university. I was so wrong, I think I'll probably be just as hyped whoever I meet as everyones work is so different, they all have different inputs the people themselves are lovely (who I've met at least) So that's one thing I'm rather glad about it got rid of that silly idea.

But yeah, cup of tea ice breaker I looked at some of her work, I think my favorite part was in a snail video and she's animated over a live action video, his hand goes to pick up a shell and theres white ripple lines so it looks like he's going underwater. Very cool. And she looked at the Tedx storyboard so far I was decided where to go live action at the end but I don't think we will and maybe cut it at the fish being opened to reveal university of Tedx for the promotional video and then play the whole thing at the event itself.

We Looked at some interesting videos, stop motion style some were just...Weird... and others really cool. Will try and find them later :)
And then we made an animation which I didn't really stick to the story idea and yeah o.o It was just blue vs yellow in the end o.o It looked okay o.o And was super super fun :3 and we had lots of sweets left over o3o

Creative cow
Cartoon brew
Without a box & reel port
FLU - Export from after effects, low res flash file

Right click - mask - texture underneath (lock)
Right click - Guide - Won't export
Erazer = Sharper edges
25 - more freedom

My plan is to send both Surge and Phoebe thank you cards :) Soon....

The reason I didn't write this up sooner was firstly because I was so tired by the end of the day but also I was a little sad, plan was to meet Isaac in Westfield shopping center as I had a rail card from zones 1-6 anyway so it wouldn't cost anything.... But it all fell  through when they turned up to a different area :/ I was very sad that evening. But I am happy now as everyone is moving in today!!!!

I don't remember much of what else has happened. But The urn has been pact tested, had a meeting with the committee (still need to write up the minutes) which lasted around 4 hours....Went over everything O.O Save with Jack.... He was not here.... And today everyone is moving in o.o Yup~

Thursday 4 September 2014

Day 7144

Keyara, Seeker,Sonar

1.  Underwater home invaded, as a trophy she's tied to mast only to be stormed away.
2. Sonar transforms her, time skip, they meet again by broken carriage
3. They miss the ship so Sonar helps them, she finds out he's a demon
4. She's his personal maid
5. Seeker finds out, the revalidation and duel
6. Duel
7. Starts training Keyara
8. Shows rooftop balcony, helps her overcome her fear, stockholm syndrome
9. Sonar returns from dead explains everything to Keyara, she tries to kill Seeker in return - Fails
10. Chained up, accepts demon offer, becomes ill during transformation
11. Attacks Seeker, almost kills him, makes him free everyone
12. Re shapes the mountain so everyone can go as they please then travels the world.

1) Keyara home underwater party, she's on the outside. Invaded by Seeker, she watches many of her people die and tries to escape, as she sneaks out he catches her dragging her by her hair onto the boat as a trophy.  She manages to grab a knife and cuts her hair then aims the knife at the crew but is surrounded and knocked out.  They tie her to the top of the mast as punishment. A storm comes and the mast breaks, she falls into the water and because of her race doesn't drown o.o

2) She washes up on a beach and Sonar finds her, all of her body is covered in cuts that are bleeding black smoke blood. She is in a daze and doesn't fully recognize what is happening as Sonday licks her wounds healing her she is chewing on her lip. He kisses her transforming her into an ordinary girl then takes her to an orphanage. Years later she is traveling with friends to a new job overseas but the coach wheel breaks.  Sonar rides past and seeing the girls in trouble offers to help Keyera joins him on the horse and they fetch a spare wagon from the port.

3) The delay means they miss the ship and Sonar offers them a trip on his she (Ship within a ship) Keyara is so scared she can't cross the gang plank onto the ship so he carries her. He tells the women not to leave their rooms but not having an opportunity during the day she decides to sneak out at night. She see's the demon tattoos all over his body and he threatens her to keep silent, he doesn't believe she will and so drags her to the mast and say's he'll tie her at the top to which she breaks down sobbing in ears and he has to support her. Turns out he's a pirate and they steal the women and ships contents over to the mountain city.

4) He keeps Keyara as his personal maid so she is always close by and won't tell anyone.

5) Sonar breaks a rule by doing this as she is meant to belong to the city not one person/She cuts him by mistake and his black blood is revealed to on of Seekers searcher spiders.

6) Seeker and Sonar dual, Sonar loses and dies. Because of the rules in the duel Seeker now "owns" Keyara

7) In the Same arena the next day Seeker fights Keyara (Testing scene) He trains her to be a warrior alongside her cleaning. After she was ambushed by people mad about Sonars death.

8) Seeker shows her the rooftop balcony and slowly she gets over her fear. Stockholm syndrome ensues.

9) Just as everything is going okay Sonar returns from the dead/ has enough power to affect the real world and destroys seekers searcher spiders. He knows about the past and has watched as they grew closer. He forces seeker to explain the truth and horrified Keyara runs away, when he catches up to her she full on fights him and tries to kill him, he has to retaliate.

10) He catches her and locks her away. In the darkness Sonar comes and asks her if she wants to be a demon again. She accepts and has a fever, because she is ill they release her. When she awakens she is full of power and meets Seeker once again in the dueling ground.

11)  They fight and she's about to kill him just like he killed Sonar but instead spares him like he spared her.

12) She released all the slaves and creates a great bridge so people can come and go as they please not being trapped, then she leaves.

Wednesday 3 September 2014