Thursday 4 September 2014

Day 7144

Keyara, Seeker,Sonar

1.  Underwater home invaded, as a trophy she's tied to mast only to be stormed away.
2. Sonar transforms her, time skip, they meet again by broken carriage
3. They miss the ship so Sonar helps them, she finds out he's a demon
4. She's his personal maid
5. Seeker finds out, the revalidation and duel
6. Duel
7. Starts training Keyara
8. Shows rooftop balcony, helps her overcome her fear, stockholm syndrome
9. Sonar returns from dead explains everything to Keyara, she tries to kill Seeker in return - Fails
10. Chained up, accepts demon offer, becomes ill during transformation
11. Attacks Seeker, almost kills him, makes him free everyone
12. Re shapes the mountain so everyone can go as they please then travels the world.

1) Keyara home underwater party, she's on the outside. Invaded by Seeker, she watches many of her people die and tries to escape, as she sneaks out he catches her dragging her by her hair onto the boat as a trophy.  She manages to grab a knife and cuts her hair then aims the knife at the crew but is surrounded and knocked out.  They tie her to the top of the mast as punishment. A storm comes and the mast breaks, she falls into the water and because of her race doesn't drown o.o

2) She washes up on a beach and Sonar finds her, all of her body is covered in cuts that are bleeding black smoke blood. She is in a daze and doesn't fully recognize what is happening as Sonday licks her wounds healing her she is chewing on her lip. He kisses her transforming her into an ordinary girl then takes her to an orphanage. Years later she is traveling with friends to a new job overseas but the coach wheel breaks.  Sonar rides past and seeing the girls in trouble offers to help Keyera joins him on the horse and they fetch a spare wagon from the port.

3) The delay means they miss the ship and Sonar offers them a trip on his she (Ship within a ship) Keyara is so scared she can't cross the gang plank onto the ship so he carries her. He tells the women not to leave their rooms but not having an opportunity during the day she decides to sneak out at night. She see's the demon tattoos all over his body and he threatens her to keep silent, he doesn't believe she will and so drags her to the mast and say's he'll tie her at the top to which she breaks down sobbing in ears and he has to support her. Turns out he's a pirate and they steal the women and ships contents over to the mountain city.

4) He keeps Keyara as his personal maid so she is always close by and won't tell anyone.

5) Sonar breaks a rule by doing this as she is meant to belong to the city not one person/She cuts him by mistake and his black blood is revealed to on of Seekers searcher spiders.

6) Seeker and Sonar dual, Sonar loses and dies. Because of the rules in the duel Seeker now "owns" Keyara

7) In the Same arena the next day Seeker fights Keyara (Testing scene) He trains her to be a warrior alongside her cleaning. After she was ambushed by people mad about Sonars death.

8) Seeker shows her the rooftop balcony and slowly she gets over her fear. Stockholm syndrome ensues.

9) Just as everything is going okay Sonar returns from the dead/ has enough power to affect the real world and destroys seekers searcher spiders. He knows about the past and has watched as they grew closer. He forces seeker to explain the truth and horrified Keyara runs away, when he catches up to her she full on fights him and tries to kill him, he has to retaliate.

10) He catches her and locks her away. In the darkness Sonar comes and asks her if she wants to be a demon again. She accepts and has a fever, because she is ill they release her. When she awakens she is full of power and meets Seeker once again in the dueling ground.

11)  They fight and she's about to kill him just like he killed Sonar but instead spares him like he spared her.

12) She released all the slaves and creates a great bridge so people can come and go as they please not being trapped, then she leaves.

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