Wednesday 13 November 2013

Day 6849

I am slowly coming to the conclusion that I am very arrogant.....I view myself quite highly, which I guess is good that I am confident in myself... But it means I am viewing people... as less than me almost.... Not a trait I'm proud of. I keep putting people down, mostly guys who like me.... and I'm not sure that's really okay....

Perhaps if I lack opinions on men who have fallen for me I shall be happier with myself, at the risk of sounding tedious and borning over constantly complaining I am yet again posting about guys. who like me. I didn't have this when I was ill. Or you know... with a guy. O.O

On another note
I have big brothers :D They be awesomes >.> <.< >.> :3 o.o they are my flat mates o3o and and and and they are also agony aunts >.> <.< >.> <.< >.<  Ah so many of these faces XD o.o they are all super nice as well o.o and and they don't fancy me o.o and they like me for me o.o and o.o this is good o.o

They also destroyed a foot ball and turned it into a mask >.>

o.o I kinda like a guy...
Well .. Two guys >.>... And by like o.o I mean they are cute <3 o.o is it okay to like people..... I don't want a boyfriend o.o I won't allow myself to like them enough to go out O.o and I wouldn't kiss them or anything... just they are so cute o3o

o.o  so, James Franco and Cillian Murphy are my like.... o.o famous people who I will never meet but awesomes actors with awesomes hair and stuff crushes o.o and then.... some guys from uni o.o....

Yeah o.o I may give them wrong signals by likein them though o.o

Sunday 10 November 2013

Day 6846

no make up

make up

So, white eye liner, concealer, mascara, white eye shadow. I conclude only the mascara really makes a difference o.o 

Good day? Bad day?

Well the plans for today are good o.o I'm going to watch anime.... With people o.o Clannad season 2, bring on the tears!

Made fudge last night/this morning... It tastes okay, but the texture is so grainy D:

Health  - 10/10 >.>.... Yay~

Work vs Play
- Work
1).....None. I'm so productive.
- Play
1) Made fudge
2) almost finished book
3) finishing watching clannad season 1 - only... 4 episodes to go :O

Thing of today

I'll so do this >.>....... Yeah...... 
before and after pictures totally going to be put up in the near but distant future!

To do list.
1) Jumping sack
2) Bouncing ball
3) Maya song
4) Narrative idea
5) Timmy the reaper snap shots
6) Childhood memories story bored
7) Dragon dynasty plot
8) Dragon dynasty chapter 1
9) Complete tales of Vesperia
10) Complete the trilogy I am reading
11) Learn howls moving castle and bleeding out on piano.
12) enter competition

While you non existent people wait for my next post....

LETS PLAY A GAME. I post a picture, you find the three awesomes things. Then highlight beneath the picture to reveal the answers and see you got it right!.
3 Glasses
2 Top - says "I was going to take over the world but got distracted by something sparkly"
1 My hair is so long!
GO yup o.o
I'm so vain >.

I lied the answers are somewhere hidden on this page.
Highlight everything!

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Day 6841

Remember, remember the 5th of November, gunpowder, treason and plot.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Day 6839

Expo planning 

- test water, find local places to try out

- Guest book :3
- cash box
- business cards
- sweets
- table cloths o.o
-price labels
- stock list

- pens
- pillows
- bags
- a5 random one off drawings
- a4
- post card
- stickers/badges
- drawing portraits
- comic
- posters o.o
- Desk calendar ( any left I can give them as presents :3 )

 - Timmy, DD, OCs,

Human chess planning 

36 tiles

- Crown
- Cape
- gloves
- costume jewelry
- big sword
- white rose/red rose

( pawns that make it to the other side - queen mask )

-  Chair/throne
- Crown
- darth vader mask
- fake mustache
- chalice necklace
- ball + scepter

- box/lego painted
- flag

- Lightsaber
- pointy hat
- scarf of colour

- horse heads
- swords
- shield?
- metal shoes

- white bandana
- small sword
- rose
- shield

hmmm o.o

Friday 1 November 2013

Day 6837

Pinch punch first day of the month....

I got asked out by another guy..........I don't even.... Should I be happy? Like I like these people so much they are so fun then they say they like me then I say I don't want another relationship ever then they say ah don't feel bad we can still do stuff as friends etc. Then... Then its okayish but awkward all at once... Then they grow to resent me slightly and distance themselves then I lose friends.

Relationship story of my life..... Admittedly ones that have stayed friends went on to become best friends at one point or another o...o

I'm not even that great :/ Maybe its because of my imperfections that they can feel comfortable around me and feel more  normal... Or I have a weird immune system or.... I  ....

This wouldn't be happening if Tom  had put the effort in.... other people want me... Why didn't he TT_TT.... fudge V.V  I keep thinking how in like 4days it would be an anniversary of when I met him. Fuck sake.

Every time I get tired I seem to lose control of my emotions, haha. Who needs drink when all it takes is lack of sleep >.<

A lovely guy bought me a drink today though, as I thought I looked sad. Shall buy him one next Thursday :) but was sweet of him >.>

Yup o.o

Thursday 31 October 2013

Day 6836

Insane happiness 101:
Lose your student card, debit card and provisional licence, check pretty much everywhere for it, start preparing to cancel your card and having to pay out for the replacements.....Then! Find it in the last place you look for it!!!(literally)
In short I left my phone sock on the bus yesterday morning; which had all my cards in. ( well ones of relevance ) and I only noticed when I was getting the bus back that evening. At first I thought it was in the depths of my bag but after tipping everything onto my bed ( I now have pencil shavings on my bed >.>) and going through all my pockets I decided I must have left it in one of the classrooms I was in o.o

So then I went and did some pumpkin carving with a friend Tom :) and we made a koala!!! And the event didn't fail :3 we got like 40-50 people coming to carve pumpkins!! 

We didn't win anything >.> but look at it o3o


So then today I checked, the classrooms x 3, the office ( twice) The IT office, the art office, the caretaker office, the police station, the university lost and found, the computer lab, the walk to deli to, deli to itself, AND THEN the bus o.o And that is where I had left it... Save they didn't have it >.> They had given it to the langstone office and now I don't have to cancel my cards or pay just under £75 getting new cards and I'm just >.> so very very happy.

I also did designs for the anime society hoodie contest o.o The koala one I made on flash - hence its amazing ness. The others I drew then scanned in then traced on sumo paint then vectorised on vector magic o.o yup o.o Yay koalas o3o 

Oh and picture of today ( cause today is filled with images )


Sunday 27 October 2013

Day 6832

I went to expo!!!!!


Save how I couldn't get them in >.> so asked a guy called Mass to <.< and then was freaking out cause I couldn't get them out until "Look up at the ceiling, put your finger tip on the lense, drag it down gently and pinch once it's off the centre of your eye" The easiest way to remove contacts o.o >.> save I used my nail on the edge of the lense and then dragged and pinched >.> but yeah :3

And I met so many awesome people in the artist corner and asked many of them the 5 questions o.o Which was so much fun :3 And met up with Chris and Matt ^.^

Was just looking through Facebook to find an image to put on here... And ended up just going through all of it... Wow my spelling and grammar have improved a fair amount...Still a fair bit to go mind but ah well. Aha I use so many emotes now and then theres all the old photographs of myself o.o ..... With boyfriends.... Ex's o..o I'd like to say I regret nothing. But I do o.o I enjoyed my time with every single one of them and have many happy memories. But it's more like :/ We broke up. What was the point in going out :/ Obviously there is the whole " I'm experienced in a relationship " now. However I would rather have stayed naive and waited for "the one" o.o... Hah like that's ever going to happen XD. Think I shall stay clear of relationships till the dude I like is 27 and mature enough to want to stay with me through thick and thin.

Back to expo o.o I had so much fun <3
^.^ Maybe next time I'll help out in the artist corner :3

Or have my own stall o.o Think I may do that instead o.o There was a 17 year old who did that o.o so o.o you know o.o If he could, why can't I?