Sunday 27 October 2013

Day 6832

I went to expo!!!!!


Save how I couldn't get them in >.> so asked a guy called Mass to <.< and then was freaking out cause I couldn't get them out until "Look up at the ceiling, put your finger tip on the lense, drag it down gently and pinch once it's off the centre of your eye" The easiest way to remove contacts o.o >.> save I used my nail on the edge of the lense and then dragged and pinched >.> but yeah :3

And I met so many awesome people in the artist corner and asked many of them the 5 questions o.o Which was so much fun :3 And met up with Chris and Matt ^.^

Was just looking through Facebook to find an image to put on here... And ended up just going through all of it... Wow my spelling and grammar have improved a fair amount...Still a fair bit to go mind but ah well. Aha I use so many emotes now and then theres all the old photographs of myself o.o ..... With boyfriends.... Ex's o..o I'd like to say I regret nothing. But I do o.o I enjoyed my time with every single one of them and have many happy memories. But it's more like :/ We broke up. What was the point in going out :/ Obviously there is the whole " I'm experienced in a relationship " now. However I would rather have stayed naive and waited for "the one" o.o... Hah like that's ever going to happen XD. Think I shall stay clear of relationships till the dude I like is 27 and mature enough to want to stay with me through thick and thin.

Back to expo o.o I had so much fun <3
^.^ Maybe next time I'll help out in the artist corner :3

Or have my own stall o.o Think I may do that instead o.o There was a 17 year old who did that o.o so o.o you know o.o If he could, why can't I?

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