Thursday 31 October 2013

Day 6836

Insane happiness 101:
Lose your student card, debit card and provisional licence, check pretty much everywhere for it, start preparing to cancel your card and having to pay out for the replacements.....Then! Find it in the last place you look for it!!!(literally)
In short I left my phone sock on the bus yesterday morning; which had all my cards in. ( well ones of relevance ) and I only noticed when I was getting the bus back that evening. At first I thought it was in the depths of my bag but after tipping everything onto my bed ( I now have pencil shavings on my bed >.>) and going through all my pockets I decided I must have left it in one of the classrooms I was in o.o

So then I went and did some pumpkin carving with a friend Tom :) and we made a koala!!! And the event didn't fail :3 we got like 40-50 people coming to carve pumpkins!! 

We didn't win anything >.> but look at it o3o


So then today I checked, the classrooms x 3, the office ( twice) The IT office, the art office, the caretaker office, the police station, the university lost and found, the computer lab, the walk to deli to, deli to itself, AND THEN the bus o.o And that is where I had left it... Save they didn't have it >.> They had given it to the langstone office and now I don't have to cancel my cards or pay just under £75 getting new cards and I'm just >.> so very very happy.

I also did designs for the anime society hoodie contest o.o The koala one I made on flash - hence its amazing ness. The others I drew then scanned in then traced on sumo paint then vectorised on vector magic o.o yup o.o Yay koalas o3o 

Oh and picture of today ( cause today is filled with images )


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