Friday 1 November 2013

Day 6837

Pinch punch first day of the month....

I got asked out by another guy..........I don't even.... Should I be happy? Like I like these people so much they are so fun then they say they like me then I say I don't want another relationship ever then they say ah don't feel bad we can still do stuff as friends etc. Then... Then its okayish but awkward all at once... Then they grow to resent me slightly and distance themselves then I lose friends.

Relationship story of my life..... Admittedly ones that have stayed friends went on to become best friends at one point or another o...o

I'm not even that great :/ Maybe its because of my imperfections that they can feel comfortable around me and feel more  normal... Or I have a weird immune system or.... I  ....

This wouldn't be happening if Tom  had put the effort in.... other people want me... Why didn't he TT_TT.... fudge V.V  I keep thinking how in like 4days it would be an anniversary of when I met him. Fuck sake.

Every time I get tired I seem to lose control of my emotions, haha. Who needs drink when all it takes is lack of sleep >.<

A lovely guy bought me a drink today though, as I thought I looked sad. Shall buy him one next Thursday :) but was sweet of him >.>

Yup o.o

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