Sunday 10 November 2013

Day 6846

no make up

make up

So, white eye liner, concealer, mascara, white eye shadow. I conclude only the mascara really makes a difference o.o 

Good day? Bad day?

Well the plans for today are good o.o I'm going to watch anime.... With people o.o Clannad season 2, bring on the tears!

Made fudge last night/this morning... It tastes okay, but the texture is so grainy D:

Health  - 10/10 >.>.... Yay~

Work vs Play
- Work
1).....None. I'm so productive.
- Play
1) Made fudge
2) almost finished book
3) finishing watching clannad season 1 - only... 4 episodes to go :O

Thing of today

I'll so do this >.>....... Yeah...... 
before and after pictures totally going to be put up in the near but distant future!

To do list.
1) Jumping sack
2) Bouncing ball
3) Maya song
4) Narrative idea
5) Timmy the reaper snap shots
6) Childhood memories story bored
7) Dragon dynasty plot
8) Dragon dynasty chapter 1
9) Complete tales of Vesperia
10) Complete the trilogy I am reading
11) Learn howls moving castle and bleeding out on piano.
12) enter competition

While you non existent people wait for my next post....

LETS PLAY A GAME. I post a picture, you find the three awesomes things. Then highlight beneath the picture to reveal the answers and see you got it right!.
3 Glasses
2 Top - says "I was going to take over the world but got distracted by something sparkly"
1 My hair is so long!
GO yup o.o
I'm so vain >.

I lied the answers are somewhere hidden on this page.
Highlight everything!

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