Tuesday 24 September 2013

Day 6799

 ( Warning to all non existent people, this will contain a fair bit of teenage angst) Relationship complaints......  Because....No one really reads this, don't really have anyone to tell.... Could tell my best friend or my mum but then if I regret what I say I can't take it back... And on here I can just delete it?

I don't even know...

It's just like he is ALWAYS busy, and right now doesn't have any time for me.  I feel like I'm always the one contacting him and it's like when we skype... He'll be looking at reddit or if someone fb messages him he'll talk to them not say he's busy. Same with texts and steam and other messages and it's just like ... DUDE! I want to talk about stuff.... I miss you...

It's like when he was on holiday, I was starting uni so I was kept busy and didn't mind the lack of chatting and stuff. But now he's back I kinda... expect him? To text me during his work breaks or on his way to work or on his way back or to say when he's home or to ask me for a change if we can have a call?

I'm probably being obsessive and fairly clingy but... This has turned into a long distance relationship, and apparently one where we hardly talk.

It's like .. What's the point? I don't want to break up with him, he's not someone I could easily replace  I genuinely do like him... So much. Thing is I've already told him how I feel about this... Not recently to be fair but this has basically been happening before his exams when he was revising, till now. Nothing has really changed. I didn't like the situation then... And I like it even less now.

I get he's busy. He has a job from 9-6.30 every week day, he has to sort out all the ucas and banking for next year, he's having driving lessons, he's got to read this gigantic book so he's prepped for applying to uni again and doesn't forget all the things he's learnt. 'nd of course he has to eat and socialise with his parents and friends.

Then he's a gamer as well so there are lots of games he wants to play, tv shows he wants to watch and he likes to read each night as well. Plus the every now and again cake baking that he does and all the stuff I've forgotten. Whilst he's busy trying to cram all that stuff into his free time... Here's me asking him to spend more time on me.

BLAREIFAYFu hrgebntmryhtb v o...............o Screw this situation! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Another thing that annoys me. I wanted to play GW2 with him, he said he was bored of the game o...o BUT THEN his friends start playing it, and he's all like o.o I will play this game! It is fun and I'm just like -.-.....Cool.  Just thought I'd add that in as you know... Complaining and stuff, why not.

And he never let me meet up with his friends, save at prom and even then he was all cagey about it. So I didn't meet his friends till we'd been going for a year and a bit.

I feel like I should say some nice things to way out all the harsh things I'm saying.... -insert lots of nice things here-

I'm just gonna... Walk away now... Eat... Probably delete this later... or write a new post being all ~o.o~ it's all good non existent people I just overreacted... and if I don't then... We shall see.

Monday 23 September 2013

Day 6798

Welcome to my most recent animation.

Today I start my first lecture o.o excited much!  It's like christmas... But not.
And everyones getting freshers flu V.V please don't let me get it, please don't let me get it D:

Sunday 22 September 2013

Day 6797

First migraine at uni.... Well it was more a bad headache, but still was in bed till 12 ish.... It's almost like I'm a "normal" student with a hangover, save for the lack of drinking the previous night..... And now I'm dehydrated and headachey and bleh O.O

Later today a duck animation will be aired.
I shall have emailed my mum the massive list of stuff I would like her to bring.
I shall have sent off// applied for my student rail card and sorted out my online banking. Simple.

And shall profusely apologise for missing my call with Australian Tyler V.V Damn it.

Yes o.o

Saturday 21 September 2013

Day 6796

First animation made at uni! Can you guess which part is mine? Well can you? You non existent peoples o.o..... Anyways~

A guy I've met here at uni and lives in the halls near me is turning 20 on Wednesday.
So heres the plan.

He is over his cold by then, he sits at a table nearish the kitchen entrance ( so they can reach him easily) he is facing the window ( so he doesn't see the cake coming ) then the cake is presented.

He will have a badge, saying 20, go out for a drink with peoples o.o and in theory get free drinks o.o SIMPLE

The cake is going to be some Baking boys cupcakes, 20 to be precise, pyramided o.o with a candle I got today that sings happy birthday >.>

and and I got him a poster and ali also got him the poster ( we split the moneys ) o.o and it has all the simpsons people on it o.o

PLANS I has them... and stuff .... Good night o.o

Day 6796

So.... Possibly signing up for halls rep thing? Maybe I don't know.... I'm not really a party person so... Would suck for all those people that would want to do that kinda stuff... But I do want a movie night o.o.... so.....D:

100 words.... I can apply and if it fails... Well that's that o.o

^ have been told by the guy recommending me to do it to write that.... 

Welp that's that sorted o.o

I've emailed him >.>..... Just saying I would like to become a halls rep <.<....... O.O BUT DO I REALLY WANT TO O.O...... Tea... cake....movies....pjs >.>

http://www.psiu.org/ug/handbooks/Alcohol%20Free%20Social%20Events.pdf I found this.... It  has some fun ideas o.o

and so does this http://www.fundeo.com/fundraising-ideas

  • Card Tournaments 
  • Crazy Bowling
  • Capture the Flag
  • Ice Cream Gutter Party 
  • Coffee House
  • Carnival Night 
  • Haunted House
  • Murder Mystery Party 
  • Barbecue
  • Study Treats

  • Sunday movie nights 3 times a month the 1 on thursday with cake and hot chocolate and pjs
  • On people's birthdays have a cake day where they get a cake o.o 
  • cookie decoration o.o 
  • massage/spa trip o.o 
  • Swimming trip 
  • food eating race thing
  • balloon race o.o everyone buys a balloon for... 50p? £1? Ads a little message to the balloon and then they are all released, whoever's goes the furthest wins something 
  • pumpkin decorating contest 
  • who wants to be a millionaire 
  • silent auction 
  • wall of fame 
  • singstar night :3 // karaoke 
  • cheese and wine! <3 
  • Sunflower growing contest o3o 
  • Zombie party?
  • Cops + robbers party o.o.....
  • Howain... 
  • Rubix cube...
  • First letter of your name super hero party..... thingo.o.... 
  • Clothes swap
  • Thursday 19 September 2013

    Day 6789

    Freshers fair yesterday.

    Found out that circus is £9 anime is £3 but Kayaking is £55 o..o £55!? So... I'm not to sure if I'll join or not, maybe next year or maybe never. That is a lot of money. Already joined anime but circus have a taster thing so I'll go to that find out what the people are like.

    Kinda worried, it seems like all the  clubs are very social in a party/drinking/house party kinda way o...o I want to be all like, yes I'll try it out what's the worst that can happen :) but... I don't want to >.> To a degree this kind of social experience is one that scares me but mostly a) I don't like a lot of drinks  b) I don't want to lose control of myself and c) I cannot dance o..o
    We shall see?

    But day before yesterday after some shopping with a friend we bought 24 Cushelle toilet roll - the one with a koala on ;) For £10 so o.o £5 each. So I have  12 + 9 + 3 + 1.5 = 25.5...... Think I'm sorted for the rest of the year XD And that was the first thing I bought with student finance aha. Second thing was some shoes for a cosplay. So we shall see how it all goes :)

    Shopping/today list

    - Library books
    - Thank you cards
    - Poundland see if they have over the door stuff
    - give friend £5
    - sign up for language

    Going to go into town and make a flipbook aha XD  should be fun :L
    Then in theory there is an anime thing at 6pm.... Wonder how that will work O.o

    Monday 16 September 2013

    Day 6791

    Things I wish I'd known/thought of/done/useful things that I did right.

    • Tailor and print off CV... Or at least find the nearest printing plan
    • Whilst freshers packs often say " an open door is a more friendly one" They do not say that the doors are damn heavy. Wilkinsons trip for a door opener o.o... yeah
    • Brining earplugs  - when people close doors you hear it...
    • Facebook group getting everyone mobile numbers of people you think will be living near you - you can keep in contact and find out when people are arriving.
    • The bed... Is not very comfy V.V I wish I had the memory foam, but it shall do :) 
    • Now everything is tidied away I feel a lot happier
    • Bring birthday cards/ ask when peoples birthdays are to find out if you have any coming up in the next couple of weeks
    • I've seen an advice duck post which I think is pretty good and so shall share here - " treat University like your job" Basically you are paying £9,000 + £3,000 + Everything else, so make the most of it. She says whilst sitting on her computer o...o 

    So yes, plus side of room being hot in mornings, when curtains are open the sun come through around 7 am waking me up :) Rosie approves o3o And there was a really pretty view also ^^

    I have a total of 7 koala heads on view in my room - that sounds a bit morbid o.o... It's not meant to be o.o When  I talked to Australian Tyler the other day, he had a conversation with another guy I used to talk to called reece, and reece said "I bet she's mentioned koalas at least once" >.> so yeah <.< I'm kinda predictable it seems XD