Saturday 21 September 2013

Day 6796

So.... Possibly signing up for halls rep thing? Maybe I don't know.... I'm not really a party person so... Would suck for all those people that would want to do that kinda stuff... But I do want a movie night o.o.... so.....D:

100 words.... I can apply and if it fails... Well that's that o.o

^ have been told by the guy recommending me to do it to write that.... 

Welp that's that sorted o.o

I've emailed him >.>..... Just saying I would like to become a halls rep <.<....... O.O BUT DO I REALLY WANT TO O.O...... Tea... cake....movies....pjs >.> I found this.... It  has some fun ideas o.o

and so does this

  • Card Tournaments 
  • Crazy Bowling
  • Capture the Flag
  • Ice Cream Gutter Party 
  • Coffee House
  • Carnival Night 
  • Haunted House
  • Murder Mystery Party 
  • Barbecue
  • Study Treats

  • Sunday movie nights 3 times a month the 1 on thursday with cake and hot chocolate and pjs
  • On people's birthdays have a cake day where they get a cake o.o 
  • cookie decoration o.o 
  • massage/spa trip o.o 
  • Swimming trip 
  • food eating race thing
  • balloon race o.o everyone buys a balloon for... 50p? £1? Ads a little message to the balloon and then they are all released, whoever's goes the furthest wins something 
  • pumpkin decorating contest 
  • who wants to be a millionaire 
  • silent auction 
  • wall of fame 
  • singstar night :3 // karaoke 
  • cheese and wine! <3 
  • Sunflower growing contest o3o 
  • Zombie party?
  • Cops + robbers party o.o.....
  • Howain... 
  • Rubix cube...
  • First letter of your name super hero party..... thingo.o.... 
  • Clothes swap
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