Monday 16 September 2013

Day 6791

Things I wish I'd known/thought of/done/useful things that I did right.

  • Tailor and print off CV... Or at least find the nearest printing plan
  • Whilst freshers packs often say " an open door is a more friendly one" They do not say that the doors are damn heavy. Wilkinsons trip for a door opener o.o... yeah
  • Brining earplugs  - when people close doors you hear it...
  • Facebook group getting everyone mobile numbers of people you think will be living near you - you can keep in contact and find out when people are arriving.
  • The bed... Is not very comfy V.V I wish I had the memory foam, but it shall do :) 
  • Now everything is tidied away I feel a lot happier
  • Bring birthday cards/ ask when peoples birthdays are to find out if you have any coming up in the next couple of weeks
  • I've seen an advice duck post which I think is pretty good and so shall share here - " treat University like your job" Basically you are paying £9,000 + £3,000 + Everything else, so make the most of it. She says whilst sitting on her computer o...o 

So yes, plus side of room being hot in mornings, when curtains are open the sun come through around 7 am waking me up :) Rosie approves o3o And there was a really pretty view also ^^

I have a total of 7 koala heads on view in my room - that sounds a bit morbid o.o... It's not meant to be o.o When  I talked to Australian Tyler the other day, he had a conversation with another guy I used to talk to called reece, and reece said "I bet she's mentioned koalas at least once" >.> so yeah <.< I'm kinda predictable it seems XD 

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