Tuesday 4 June 2013

Day continued

So, I rather liked this image so much so that it is currently my desktop background. 
Not so much for the images but for what they say. 


1) Drawing
2) Animation
3) Baking
5) Poi 
6) Cooking 
7) Japanese 
8, 9 , 10, 11 .... I'll get to those at some point. 

Day 6687

Welcome to another pointless post! Here I shall simply be tidying my room.... It's kinda boring O.o so I'ma make a list and try and do it quicker. Whilst listening to the radio o.o.. I mean this is a mundane blog and all, did you really expect anything different?

Anyways on with the listing~

Make up
Hair stuff
Pile up art
School stuff
Put away notebooks
Clear desk
Put clothes into red basket
Random paper
File the needed paper
Clothes o..o   I will do it... another day >.>, but that day.... Is not today.
but the rubbish downstairs
take any plates ect down
Misc stuff
Finnish changing the sheets
smile and think now your room is tidy enough and make some tea :)

P.s get rents to vacuum the floor~

Video paused cause I ran outta space D: TAke 2
one hour fast forwarded to one minute, I wonder how the video shall come out using blogger XD. For some reason YouTube keeps crashing on me, stupid syncing stuff -.-. Another time maybe.

Aha, well that quality is.... Uh interesting....>.>....Oh well who cares~
The music used in the video ~o.o~

Monday 3 June 2013

Day 6686

The day shall be named when I am more awake.
Life is kinda depressing, isn't it?

We strive to gain comfortable lives, or wealth and power to make ourselves feel dignified or signified. And then theres adrenaline and despair to challenge the happiness we feel and validate it in some way. Even if we reach our goals can we become truly content in the now and forget about the past and present... But those are the things that separate you from a beast that give humans identity that ... even in the small drops of time we take up...gives us what...? We create these meanings through religion...which is just another stereotype... us and them.... It's a judgemental society, but then if you are naive and ever trusting the risk of being conned and hurt just increases... It's not that I want to say there is a point or ask if there is one but... I don't even know.

My tired ramblings I am sure lack coherency, as the red lines under my words are growing more common place in each thing I type.

My media exam is on Tuesday, theorists and their theories... It seems in media I have the potential of an A grade in visual work and c/b in writing.

Let me see

Fiske, Mkay, Adorno, Marx, Althusser, Castel

  • Pluralist, he said consumers don't have to buy the things they can say no
  • information is set free, there is lots of choice and we can kneecap media gods - bad side is that although the unregulation gives us faster wider views the quality is lessoned, information blizzard, and we may become desensitized more so... 
  • Dumbed down society who is injected with the dominant ideology we passively soak up ideologies then support them as we do not like change, we do not like to be challenged, we do not like to be abnormal.....
  • they create and keep the capitalist society to increase the cycle of consumptions and commodity fetishism
  • I forget .... oh, he said about  how different areas of society affect our ideology, - moral panic? 
  • Illusion of power, we are in a bubble of choice - google search engine 

Then there is gramsci who I forgot he was the dominant ideology marx was just well... marxism

Then judith butler and queer theory that gender is a performance that society defines, and mulvey with the beauty myth and feminism whole shebang  how we are made to feel inadequate but these products can show us the false ideologies of perfection that we have been exposed to so so much.... Raunch culture and if something is voyeuristic or... another word  which I have now forgotten.

Simulacra = a copy of a copy of a copy . Satire = a comedic mocking style exposing reality
I can think of no other S words.... T.T

That's 9 people and their theories, I can remember that now.....

mise en scene this is wrong.... its media language so...key terms? oh no.... http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Media_Language  I see.
i - ideologies... duh V.V
r - representation
n - narrative... i'm not sure i shall remember this, though i suppose most images have a narrative of some kind


For the first part of the exam I will need to speak sophisticatedly, be rich with supporting external reference, and include theorie showing a good understanding this could be done by contradicting the theorists.  I will also need to be concise as  ill only have 10-15 mins writing...

Second is either representation or NMT please be nmt V.V please be a good one.... I was looking at women in video games, and world of warcraft.... I need to use theory... and external facts and supporting things from lots of media platforms  the question will be around who has the power, audience or industry
adapting, social media, things....

just over 24 hours before my exam...... I wonder how much I can retain that will be useful. And I shall be slower and less accurate in writing than typing.

If I do not get into uni I shall go to China. Or work. But my drawing skill shall increase, my Japanese shall also increase, and perhaps I will break some bad habits. Then I can apply again....Or find a tutor/ apprenticeship...

I have come to the conclusion... again, that I do not approve off or enjoy exams they seem arbitrary to true skills found in a person and worth can be diminished as we are all leveled into to closely defined categories. Though, aside from my domination plans of the world I have no other solution that would currently work... So my complaints and judgement is left worthless.

I am just rambling.....

Friday 31 May 2013

Day 6683 - 6713

You're meant to do these over 30 days.... >.>.... BUT, this is my blog and all and... I see no reason why I can't just do it as I like o.o.. Like how I'm also going to just answer with images~ YAY. Most of these answers are likely to change... but that's kinda the fun of this. 
(Why do I keep spelling meant as ment and these as theese.... Thank you google for correcting me...)

Day 1 - Very first anime

Day 2 - Favorite anime 

Day 3 - Favorite female character ever

Day 4 - favorite male character ever 

Day 5 - Anime character you feel you are most like (or wish you were)

(which is why I shall for the first time ever cosplay...as her o.o)

Day 6 - Most annoying anime character

Day 7 - Favorite anime couple

Day 8 - Favorite slice of life

Day 9 - Favorite Tsundere

Day 10 - A Moe character you like

Day 11 - Favorite Harem 

Day 12 - The anime you’ve rewatched the most

Day 13 - Cosplay of a character you would cosplay as(or want to)

(as I already said my first choice this would be my second ^^)

Day 14 - current (or most recent) anime wallpaper

Day 15 - Anime you want to see but haven't yet 

Day 16 - Favorite character who first was bad but became good

Day 17 - Favorite anime without romance

Day 18 - Post a cute neko girl

Day 19 - Favourite shoujou anime

Day 20 - Favorite shonen anime

Day 21 - Anime you’re actually watching because it’s in emission

Day 22 - Favorite animal side kick, pet or summoning from any anime

Wants so much V.V...It's so cute o3o

Day 23 - Anime you think had the best, or most interesting art

Day 24 - Favorite anime hero or heroine

Day 25 - Best anime villain

Day 26 - Favorite anime opening theme song

Day 27 - Favorite anime ending theme song

Day 28 - Favorite anime kiss

fireworks o3o 

Day 29 - Favorite school uniform

Day 30 - An anime you wish never ended and just continued

Only reason it's not the one I've mentioned what...4 times? Is because the manga to it's not that great >.>

Images from various DeviantArt artists.
And an hour and a half later I'm done o...o I wonder how many of these are actually recognisable o.o.....
Oh well, goodnight invisible people of non existence~ Sweet dreams :)

Saturday 25 May 2013

Day 6677

Maybe the next day I shall look for is 6789 which is in....112 days... which is.... Sunday the 15th of September or possibly the day before....  Either way it's a while off ^^

Damn I love working in a shop o3o Maybe I'll give up wanting to be an animator and have a job where I get to work with lots and lots of people ... Adults though not kids..... They irk me too much >.>...

I had an elderly couple come in and ask for 50shades of grey aha, turns out it was for a bingo prize :L And another guy who bought so many CD's O.O and... what's more I knew most of the artists~ Which was good for me. A slightly awkward moment when I handed the change to an American lady, announcing the amount in a rather loud fake american accent... By accident I might add, but yes that gave me a rather scolding look from her.  We were also selling cupcakes to promote the mending broken hearts appeal ( ignore that cake... isn't exactly good for you) But yes I sold quite a few <3 so thank you to everyone who bought one and supported a good cause. To all those who didn't thank you also as it meant there were some left that I could eat >:3 cheah.

It was sunny today also, so my walk down ( that was rather hurried because of being late) was really enjoyable!

One weird thing that happened was I was poking someone on facebook, and commenting how sad it was that this was the only form of communication I have with some people. Seconds later the guy I just poked messaged me o3o so that was a fun conversation aha.

In other news I'ma be cosplaying :3 As Tsukumo from an anime that's currently airing called Karneval I shall be making the cosplay from found items for the most part the wig is meant to arrive in a few days :3 So I am excited haha.  Hmmm maybe I shall make a Tsukumo post with all the images <.<.... We shall see.
She is the girl in the video below which has images from the manga >.>...

Yeas well that's my little happy update. On sad news I didn't have the moneys to go to expo today V.V  or tomorrow.... So instead I'ma use what few coppers I do have to go watch the great gatsby which will be ... Interesting.

So long my invisible mon amis~

Monday 20 May 2013

Just a general observation.... But why are all the active blogs I've come across using the "next blog" feature, either christian or selling something. Any non christian ones seem to have been inactive for 6 months+ .... Weird o.o

Day 6672

Man my life sucks... Okay it could be a lot worse,a lot worse... and in truth it's only certain aspects of it that suck, which I'm sure is the same for a lot of people really. Anyway the feature off this moaning blog post... Thing. Is none other than my head and how much I detest the pain that it gives me so often. It's like I just want to  rip my brain out and then put it back in when it's stopped messing up, carrying on with my life pain free there after.

Obviously that would be rather debilitating even if it were possible to remove and reinsert the brain without causing any damage, way, way into the future your body would still be in a shell like state whilst there was a lack of brain. Which sleeping drugs/chloroform could provide for a fraction of the price. Aha, I'm waffling now.

So when I'm in this amount of pain, aside from trying to distract myself by thinking of all the messed up ways I could die/stop it hurting - These are just passing fancies and I don't give them that much thought, so no, I'm not into self harm. The other thing I do is concentrate on my breathing/heart beat/ the clock that ticks, all at the same time. Now for all the stereotyping that women can multi task I find that concentrating on these three things incredibly hard aha, though it calms me, stops me from thinking or focusing on the pain to much and ultimately sends me to sleep. Ah the beauty of sleep <3 painless and yet still entertaining with dreams.

One of these dreams I can partially remember and shall now write down, more for personal reference and planning than actual entertainment for any of you non existent readers~

So the setting is like a cross between a tribal jungle with huts and vines and a post apocalyptic world where the cars are abandoned and there are charred and crumbling skyscrapers in the background.
Then theres this kid who is a boy with black hair, and he wants to go out with a girl who is in like a group with two other girls. So he goes over asks the one he likes out then a cake appears O.o  and they all offer him some and as he's about to take a slice the three girls each take a slice completely eating the cake before saying "no cake for you " (the fact I remembered any speech is a wonder...) Then they walk off leaving him there.
Scene change the girl that the guy liked is hanging from a vine that drops into a ravine below, it looks like she's caught on the vine and can't escape and just to add that element of urgency the vine is starting to break. So just to power phrase she falls, she dies. So two things that I know and you won't because it ...Wasn't your dream O.o.... 1) She was only pretending as her and the three friends decided to see how brave the boy was and if he'd come save her. 2) there are teese centipede things and the more transparent they are the more deadly the poison.

So basically from the top of the vine these creatures appear the most transparent ones that only show up when they glint in the sunlight appear. And in a frenzied struggle she manages to untangle herself from the vine, though this rips the vine more and a few of the creatures fall off. Then she falls from the vine as one of the creatures gets like inches from her hand ( she'd rather die a sudden death than through the poison) but the boy that fancied her jumps from one side of the ravine, pushes her across to the other side, and then he manages to half land half fall onto the other side with her but the rocks slide out from beneath him. And then I woke up o.o.....

On another note how awesome is this O.O