Friday 31 May 2013

Day 6683 - 6713

You're meant to do these over 30 days.... >.>.... BUT, this is my blog and all and... I see no reason why I can't just do it as I like o.o.. Like how I'm also going to just answer with images~ YAY. Most of these answers are likely to change... but that's kinda the fun of this. 
(Why do I keep spelling meant as ment and these as theese.... Thank you google for correcting me...)

Day 1 - Very first anime

Day 2 - Favorite anime 

Day 3 - Favorite female character ever

Day 4 - favorite male character ever 

Day 5 - Anime character you feel you are most like (or wish you were)

(which is why I shall for the first time ever her o.o)

Day 6 - Most annoying anime character

Day 7 - Favorite anime couple

Day 8 - Favorite slice of life

Day 9 - Favorite Tsundere

Day 10 - A Moe character you like

Day 11 - Favorite Harem 

Day 12 - The anime you’ve rewatched the most

Day 13 - Cosplay of a character you would cosplay as(or want to)

(as I already said my first choice this would be my second ^^)

Day 14 - current (or most recent) anime wallpaper

Day 15 - Anime you want to see but haven't yet 

Day 16 - Favorite character who first was bad but became good

Day 17 - Favorite anime without romance

Day 18 - Post a cute neko girl

Day 19 - Favourite shoujou anime

Day 20 - Favorite shonen anime

Day 21 - Anime you’re actually watching because it’s in emission

Day 22 - Favorite animal side kick, pet or summoning from any anime

Wants so much V.V...It's so cute o3o

Day 23 - Anime you think had the best, or most interesting art

Day 24 - Favorite anime hero or heroine

Day 25 - Best anime villain

Day 26 - Favorite anime opening theme song

Day 27 - Favorite anime ending theme song

Day 28 - Favorite anime kiss

fireworks o3o 

Day 29 - Favorite school uniform

Day 30 - An anime you wish never ended and just continued

Only reason it's not the one I've mentioned what...4 times? Is because the manga to it's not that great >.>

Images from various DeviantArt artists.
And an hour and a half later I'm done o...o I wonder how many of these are actually recognisable o.o.....
Oh well, goodnight invisible people of non existence~ Sweet dreams :)

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