Saturday 25 May 2013

Day 6677

Maybe the next day I shall look for is 6789 which is in....112 days... which is.... Sunday the 15th of September or possibly the day before....  Either way it's a while off ^^

Damn I love working in a shop o3o Maybe I'll give up wanting to be an animator and have a job where I get to work with lots and lots of people ... Adults though not kids..... They irk me too much >.>...

I had an elderly couple come in and ask for 50shades of grey aha, turns out it was for a bingo prize :L And another guy who bought so many CD's O.O and... what's more I knew most of the artists~ Which was good for me. A slightly awkward moment when I handed the change to an American lady, announcing the amount in a rather loud fake american accent... By accident I might add, but yes that gave me a rather scolding look from her.  We were also selling cupcakes to promote the mending broken hearts appeal ( ignore that cake... isn't exactly good for you) But yes I sold quite a few <3 so thank you to everyone who bought one and supported a good cause. To all those who didn't thank you also as it meant there were some left that I could eat >:3 cheah.

It was sunny today also, so my walk down ( that was rather hurried because of being late) was really enjoyable!

One weird thing that happened was I was poking someone on facebook, and commenting how sad it was that this was the only form of communication I have with some people. Seconds later the guy I just poked messaged me o3o so that was a fun conversation aha.

In other news I'ma be cosplaying :3 As Tsukumo from an anime that's currently airing called Karneval I shall be making the cosplay from found items for the most part the wig is meant to arrive in a few days :3 So I am excited haha.  Hmmm maybe I shall make a Tsukumo post with all the images <.<.... We shall see.
She is the girl in the video below which has images from the manga >.>...

Yeas well that's my little happy update. On sad news I didn't have the moneys to go to expo today V.V  or tomorrow.... So instead I'ma use what few coppers I do have to go watch the great gatsby which will be ... Interesting.

So long my invisible mon amis~

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